why now...

Step Up: Real Life

Your POV:

That night, I was just casually listening to my iPod to some UKISS songs, carefully listening to the music and the texture, or layers of sound, in each of the songs.

At some times, I would carefully pull out my earphones so the it would only be halfway plugged in, so I could try and hear the backup vocals. Most of the time, I would pull it out completely, or only hear the full audio, rather than half of it, and I'd try and try again.

UKISS noticed my frustrated expressions and Kiseop went up to me. "Yah, _________, why are you pulling the cord out all the time? It's bad for your iPod."

I pulled my earphones out. "Well, I'm only pulling it halfway so I can listen to the backup vocals and the basslines, but I can't seem to filter the songs yet, so I've got to keep finding the right position of the cord."

"So what you're saying is..." Kevin began, "You can hear everything in the song?"

I nodded confidently.

"E-everything?" Kiseop stuttered.

"Yup! Everything." I stated, "Kiseop, I can even hear you spitting on the microphone whenever I listen to Obsession and that really bugs me sometimes.

Kiseop's jaw hung open.

"So...what exactly can you hear?" Soohyun asked.

"Well, I can hear the backup vocals, use of autotune, all the instruments being used, and whenever someone's spitting on the microphone." I explained.

"How do you do it?" Hoon said. "Even we can't hear some things."

I shrugged. "Life of someone who is dedicated to music, I guess."

My phone suddenly vibrated on my table and I grabbed it. "It better not be EXO..." I muttered.

It was a message from SeoMin.

_______, can you get some food for tonight for me? I know it's a bit late, but be sure to bring some of your guys with you. You might need some help with the food, and a girl like you shouldn't go alone at night. Sorry for asking you so late. Crap from work.

I gulped.

"________? What's wrong?" Eli asked.

"Umm...SeoMin asked me to get some food now, and she said for you to bring some of you guys."

"I'll come!" AJ and Kiseop said in unison.

I stood up from my seat and went over to them. "Anyone else want to come?"

The rest shook their heads.

"We'll look after the place." Kevin insisted.

"Are you sure?"


I exhaled and got my wallet and phone off my desk, and grabbed Kiseop and AJ's wrists. "See you guys later then!" I said and went out.


AJ, Kiseop, and I then made our way out of the warehouse and began to wander around Seoul to find some good food.

We went to a street that was filled with stalls and marketplaces for street food. There were some proper shops too, but streetfood dominated the area.

It was pretty crowded, so I don't think anyone would really recognise Kiseop and AJ without their makeup on.

"Hmm, I wonder what they'll want to eat tonight..." I pondered as I had my arms hooked with AJ's and Kiseop's.

"OOH! CHICKEN SKEWERS!!!" Kiseop exclaimed, pointing to a stall that sold skewers and barbeques.

I rolled my eyes at his childishness and went over to buy some.

We then went to a sushi shop a few metres away and bought lots of kimbap, salad, dumplings, and sushi meals.

I was just glad that AJ and Kiseop were here so I wouldn't die holding all the food.

I gave them almost all the bags while I only carried two MUWAHHAHAHAHAAHA but hey, they're guys and they're strong.

Again, I hooked my arms around theirs and leaned my head against AJ's arm as we left the plaza.

"I love you guys, you know that?" I said tiredly as we entered the deserted street that lead to the warehouse, which was about a 10-minute walk away.

"Of course, ________," Kiseop said, "You're our biggest fan."

"We love you too, ________," AJ added.

I felt heat rush up to my face and ears, almost making me sweat, until I swear I was blushing so much. "You guys are so cheesy-"

I felt my phone suddenly vibrate from my pocket. I thought it was a message, but it continuously rang.


Hardly anyone calls me, even EXO.

It was from Jaehyun. I wonder what it's for?

AJ and Kiseop were also giving me a look to tell me to answer it.

I reluctantly picked up. "H-hello?"

"Hello, ________."

I stopped walking, making AJ and Kiseop stop as well.

That wasn't Jaehyun's voice.

It had a dark, menacing tone to it, and that only meant one person.


I gulped. "What do you want?!" I asked firmly, making AJ and Kiseop give me funny looks. "Where's Jaehyun? Why do you have his phone?!"

Kwanghyuk only chuckled, making a shiver run down my body.

"What's happening?" Kiseop asked quietly, but I ignored him because Kwanghyuk spoke.

"Let's find out, shall we?" he said.

Seconds later, I heard another voice over the phone, and this time, that voice was too familiar.

"_-_______? Is that you?"

"Jae! Oh my god, what did they-"

"No time! _______, you have to come here now- AHHHHHH!!!"

"JAEHYUN!!" I yelped in horror at his reaction, even though I didn't see him, I definately heard it in his voice.

"_______! Are you okay? What's happening?" AJ demanded. Again, I ignored him and continued to listen to the phone.

"Do you hear that, ________? It's your friend getting demolished by us." Kwanghyuk smirked over the phone.

I clenched my free fist. "STOP! WHAT DO YOU WANT?!"

Kiseop flinched at my sudden reaction.

"If it's that Kwanghyuk guy, I swear I'll-" AJ snarled, but I held my hand up, cutting him off.

"Just come over at our place where we cut your neck and I'll explain everything." he said bluntly.

I gulped, the pain of those memories rushing through my mind again.

I pushed past the hesitation and answered firmly. "Fine," and hung up, angrily shoving the phone back into my pocket.

"Darling, what happened?" AJ asked, his tone full of worry.

I flushed when he called me that.

Even though I'm somewhat special to them, they really shouldn't be calling me 'darling'.

I'm just another ordinary fan. Heck, I'm not even his girlfriend...yet... even if they referred to their fans as their girlfriends, but whatever.

I hesitated before answering. "We have to get to...Vortex's hideout. Now."

Kiseop gawked. "Wh-why?"

"Jaehyun is in trouble, and Vortex wants something from me in return..."

"And what would that be?"

I inhaled sharply. "The competition...or my life."


ugh, stupid AFF my chapter got deleted =.=" but at least I saved it on microsoft word LOOOOOL


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Chapter 55: It was cute, adorable yet cringing at the same time. xD Also, so many fangirling with the caps lock. Hahaha, I don't mind. It just hilarious. Although the story was kind of rushing and random as well but it was nice tho. I might add that some of the scenarios didn't make any sense at all in my perspective of course. xD I know it is hard to elaborate the choreography in this story so you just insert it in with the video. I mean how you would describe in detail and that I don't know, haha. I gotta feeling that you wrote this story based on your fangirling moments that you wished it would happen to you. Who wouldn't be happy right? :D Well, I would. Haha. Anyway, love your story! ♥
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 54: OMG this story is so cute xD I love it so much!!!!!!!
liyanaTik #4
Chapter 48: Wait did jaehyun died?
aliceconya #5
Chapter 54: You fic was damn awesome love ittttt
Celinko #6
Awesome story! I love it please make another story about dancing like this one but infinite version please!!
cutieepootootiee #7
Chapter 55: i know I'm late ,,,, but still !!!
I really love this fic !!
I am also a young street dancer , and the way you portrayed the feelings, goals , and dreams of a street dancer is just epic !!! :DD
Chapter 55: /sobs
it ended already!? TT.TT
/creys even more and then stops
it was one of the best i read! ♥
/adds to favourites
i'll be reading this over and over ^^
thank you so much for writing this story author-nim!!
i'm grateful c:
Chapter 54: This story is very good *-*
I'ts now one of my favourite storys ^o^