slightly annoying

Step Up: Real Life

Your POV:

Okay, so, basically, after Friday's night with EXO, they all gave me their numbers and I gave them mine, so they practically spammed my message inbox  with heaps of questions like "HOW DO WE DO THIS?" or "HOW DO WE DO THAT?" or "CAN YOU HELP ME WITH *insert some random request here*" to the point that UKISS were so annoyed with it that they threatened to throw the phone downstairs.

I honestly didn't know how they found the time (and money) to text me like that, but seriously, it felt nice to be wanted by some idols.

When I finally got to see Chi Hoon again, I told him about the EXO situation and how UKISS was jealous about it, and after an hour long lecture about hanging around so many guys he decided that he would let me keep EXO's numbers.

"I'm really sorry, oppa," I apologised for the hundredth time.

"Look, _________, I've been worried sick for the past two days, okay? You could have been dead or something."

"How could I? I just needed to go to a round to World Jam and show EXO around my place on Friday night, and plus, HyunRi was there with me anyway, so I can't have gotten hurt."

He ruffled his hair in slight frustration. "Aish, __________, you shouldn't worry me like that next time, okay? I don't want to lose you."

I huffed a sigh. "Yes, oppa..." I mumbled.

Chi Hoon looked around in frustration and finally went up to me and gave me an unexpected hug.

I hugged him back and we let go after a while.

I then looked up at his ulzzang-ish face and he leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

"Don't do that again, okay?" he said gently. I nodded. "Come on, let's get back to studying."

We went back to my room and began studying, catching up, cuddling, and everything that best friends do. UKISS weren't here, luckily, because they had some schedules for the day and HyunRi had some things she had to do at her work, so Chi Hoon and I had the Saturday afternoon to ourselves.

While Chi Hoon and I were studying on my bed, my phone suddenly vibrated next to my open folder of notes and notified me that I had one new message.

I rolled my eyes. "Ugh, probably someone from EXO again..." I grumbled.

Chi Hoon chuckled slightly. "You better check who it's from, then."

I opened the message and saw it was from Kai...again...

"Ugh, he keeps annoying me with all these questions about dancing..." I scoffed and put the phone back where it was.

"Maybe he really values your advice?" Chi Hoon suggested.



Hadn't he danced since he was in primary school? I mean, he's been going to lessons for a long time, from what I've heard.

"Meh, I'll answer it later." I shrugged.

Chi Hoon shook his head. "No, I think you should see, I mean, what if it's important?"

"Oppa, everything that EXO was texting me about was just spam, nothing important."

"Just check it. Please."

I blew on my fringe in defeat. "Okay..."

I opened the message and read it.

Hey, I just found out what World Jam was. Just so you know...even though you're not really replying to us that much, I, well, we, will always be cheering for you _________-ah.

There was nothing after that.

The message kind of made me feel guilty for rejecting him.

Oh Kai...what are you doing to me?

I quickly replied this time.

"I told you it was important." Chi Hoon snickered. I only rolled my eyes at him and continued to reply to Kai.

Kai-oppa, thanks so much. O2 and I really appreciate that. Just tell the rest of your guys to stop spamming me with random , okay? Thanks! ^^

I pressed the "send" button and put the phone back.

"Hopefully that's going to make them stop spamming you for a while." Chi Hoon commented.

"Hopefully is an understatement, and a while is an exaggeration for this matter."

Chi Hoon chuckled and rubbed the top of my head. "Let's go back to study."


The next two weeks was spent learning, choreographing, and practicing the new dance for the FINAL. ROUND. OF. WORLD. JAM.


The learning part was pretty slow for me and HyunRi since we had exams for the first week, but the perfecting became much faster as soon as exams were over.

But anyway, Chi Hoon sometimes came over to watch, and Jaehyun came over more often since we've become friends.

UKISS have been learning the dance just as quick as HyunRi and I have, I guess it was their idol training that made them learn it really quickly.

I wonder who we will be battling next....?

I just hope that they won't be Vortex...


okay, short and stupid chapter, but there are some clues in this one ^^ hehehe, I'm such an evil author OTL

it's about 11pm in Sydney and I have to go to sleep because school starts again tomorrow T__________T


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Chapter 55: It was cute, adorable yet cringing at the same time. xD Also, so many fangirling with the caps lock. Hahaha, I don't mind. It just hilarious. Although the story was kind of rushing and random as well but it was nice tho. I might add that some of the scenarios didn't make any sense at all in my perspective of course. xD I know it is hard to elaborate the choreography in this story so you just insert it in with the video. I mean how you would describe in detail and that I don't know, haha. I gotta feeling that you wrote this story based on your fangirling moments that you wished it would happen to you. Who wouldn't be happy right? :D Well, I would. Haha. Anyway, love your story! ♥
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 54: OMG this story is so cute xD I love it so much!!!!!!!
liyanaTik #4
Chapter 48: Wait did jaehyun died?
aliceconya #5
Chapter 54: You fic was damn awesome love ittttt
Celinko #6
Awesome story! I love it please make another story about dancing like this one but infinite version please!!
cutieepootootiee #7
Chapter 55: i know I'm late ,,,, but still !!!
I really love this fic !!
I am also a young street dancer , and the way you portrayed the feelings, goals , and dreams of a street dancer is just epic !!! :DD
Chapter 55: /sobs
it ended already!? TT.TT
/creys even more and then stops
it was one of the best i read! ♥
/adds to favourites
i'll be reading this over and over ^^
thank you so much for writing this story author-nim!!
i'm grateful c:
Chapter 54: This story is very good *-*
I'ts now one of my favourite storys ^o^