
Yoo Rin, a high school senior, believes its true love when you feel it, “that spark,” she would say. And her friends think that’s a problem. They think she’ll never get a boyfriend, well unless they make a scheme to electrically shock her (just mildly) while she’s face-to-face with a guy. Not that they would really do that… would they?


“There’s no what?”

“I’m sorry.” Yoo Rin bows, “There’s―I just can’t feel it.” She takes one step backward, then another, turns around and leaves the guy friends had set her up with. The guy stood there, shocked and pissed, and to whatever Yoo Rin had said to him, it pretty much irked his nerves and veins. Because surely, with that ‘I’m-just-soooo-irresistible’ look, how can someone ignore him?

“What? You believe in that kind of fantasy ?” He yelled.

Yoo Rin stopped dead on her tracks; completely taken aback that he just called it fantasy and then all in one sentence. She looked back, butthurt, like she was stabbed so deep into her insides. She walked back to him, took a deep breath and…


* * *


“Are you freakin’ serious?!”

“Sheesh, Gwiboon, at least lower the volume, will you?” Said Eunsook who had been sipping on her box strawberry milk.

“Y-You can’t blame me, there’s just no―”

“Spaaark.” Both girls said dryly.

“Look, I-I don’t need a boyfriend, a lover, or whatever  that is.” Yoo Rin crossed her arms, puffing air out to blow her bangs away.

“Agree. Being single means you can look at guys as many as you want.” Eunsook nodded happily, sipping back to her fruit juice.

“Look who’s talking,” Gwiboon quips. “You have this mutual understanding with Jinki!” She throws her hand in the air and then points at Eunook, “Don’t lie to me!” Gwiboon smirked.

“Yah! No I don’t!” Eunsook flushed. “We’re… we’re just friends.”

“Right, and I’m the queen of England.” Gwiboon deadpans.

“Y-You are?” Eunsook stares and blinks, Gwiboon facepalms, and Yoo Rin just roll her eyes.

Yup, those three, they’re definitely best friends.


a/n: sorry, i'm never good at forewords. D:


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never good at foreword? for me it's ok :)