No Walls


This is a fairly older piece. It predates all my other fanfics. I discovered Jhameel Kim via Facebook in probably 2014 and loved one of his songs so much I had to write something inspired by it.

This is a story written in poetry form, meaning things are empahasized with more spacing. The female OC's thoughts and actions are in italics and his thoughts and actions are just regular text.


As usual, I drew off personal experience so her story is pretty much mine. I was even lucky enough to meet his at KCON LA in 2015, but Iit wasn't as poetic as the story lol lots more fangirling and running to hug him in from of TONS of people lol


For the first time in a long time,she let someone breach the walls she had built around herself.


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I thought that you already ditch jameeeel lols
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: I really loved this, especially the way you explored *both* of their thoughts. A lot of times, it would just focus on how the female OC is thinking and feeling.

The ending was just perfect as I imagine them starting a new life together, facing their fears together, leaning on one another for support.

I also loved that he was just excited and intoxicated with her as she was with him - if not more so.

I also liked the poetic writing style, I think it really worked well.