Chapter Twenty Five

Ji Eun's idol life

I tried to be as professional as possible during the concert, even tough my smile didn't reach my eyes, I smiled and waved to the fans and jumped around during the encore stage.

The girls being the sweet creatures they are, danced around me and Suji kept holding my hand as we ran back on fourth like a bunch of kids on stage.

"Fukuoka, we had an amazing night with you guys!" Hannah said into her micrphone and the crowd went wild, we bowed to the crowd and went backstage.

I high fived each of the staff and manager oppa came to me and without saying anything he pulled me into a hug and I started crying instantly.

"Shhh, darling!" He whispered and kissed my hair. Our manager was like a dad to us, he had been with us from the moment we debuted till now and without him we would honestly would be very lost.

"Oppa" I said throught my tears and he hummed in response. "Can you do me a favour?" I asked as I looked at him. He nodded and wiped my tears away.

"Can you book me a flight for tomorrow to Seoul?" I suggested and he knitted is eyebrows together in confusion.


"I have something very important to do, I promise I will be back after two days from now so we can complete our promotions" I pleaded and he let out a sigh and I weakly thanked him before freshening up and changing my clothes.

I weakly got to my room and shut the door, the girls tried and tried to persuade me to get dinner but I declined and said that I was tired and that I needed to sleep.

The room was completely dark and I didn't even bother to turn on the lights, instead I sat on my bed and hugged my knees to my chest and cried.

My phone suddenly started buzzing and his name flashed on my screen, out of fury I threw the phone against the wall as I heard it shatter I layed on the bed staring at the black ceiling. 
Why did he do this to me? Why did he even bother to get my name tattoed on his back when he knew that he would cheat? Where did his promises and our dreams of getting married and being a happy family disapeared to?

I was usually a silent crier but the sorrow and sadness in my heart was too deep to silently let it out that it just came as a scream mixed with tears and my feelings of betrayal and heartbreak.

A side of me hoped that he would maybe have a legit explanation for all of this but a part of me knew he doesn't have any exuses.

I gave him my heart and he broke it to tiny pieces, not sure if another man can redeem me after this.

The sun soon rose without me realising that the time flew by, I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and I got shocked.

The glow that I once had on my face was long gone along with my smile and hapiness, dark circles were pretty visible and my makeup was smudged on my face, my hair was a mess and my heart was a wreck. I brushed my hair and took a nice warm bath. I wore a very casual outfit and went to get breakfast.

"Good morning everyone!" I greeted and they smiled warmly at me, I took a seat next to Clara who patted my back.

"How do you feel?" She asked and I smiled.

"Much better"

"You are going back to korea today?" Hannah asked and I nodded.

"I have some matters to take care of" I said and Suji raised her hand.

"Want me to come with you? I also have to karate chop a certain someone" She said and this was the first time I truly laughed.

"Don't worry! I have a black belt in taekwondo" I said and they all laughed.

Breakfast time was over, I hugged each one of them and followed our manager who drove me to the airoport.

I finally arrived to korea and somehow the media caught wind of my arrival and decided to stop by and add to my annoyance

I finally arrived to korea and somehow the media caught wind of my arrival and decided to stop by and add to my annoyance.

I somehow made it safely out of the airoport as we were walking to my car, one of the fans that was taking pictures of me didn't see a car coming towards her so I yelled and pushed her out of the way.

We both fell to the ground and we helped each other up, she was very surprised and hugged me, I smiled and hugged her back then scolded her a little.

"Next time don't put your life on the line just to take some silly pictures, okay?" I said and she nodded.

I smiled and took a selfie with her then put on my shades back and headed to my car.

I drove straight to his house with only one thing in mind, to break things off. I parked the car bearby and looked at the ring he once put on my ring with the promise of marrying me, I slid the ring off my finger and put it insde my pocket. I got out of the car and head staright to his apartment.

I rang the doorbell and he openned, he looked awful. He had dark circles under his eyes, he didn't look like the Jaejoong I knew and loved.

"Ji Eun!" He whispered and hugged me. I didn't budge and I resisted the urge to wrap my arms around his waist and take in his scent.

"Ji Eun, I was wrong! I did wrong" He pleaded but I ignored.

"Can you pack my stuff that you have inside?" I asked and he pulled away.
"Why are you doing this to me? Ji Eun, it was a mistake"

"It wasn't a mistake and it wasn't just a one day thing. I thought that it was maybe just a passing fling, but cheating is cheating.

There is no other answer for this except for yes or no"

"I knew something was wrong when you started ignoring my calls and messages, do you know how I felt evry time you did that?"

"I was stupid!"

"I was deeply in love with you that I sent you to her without even realising, is she young and pretty? That all will pass and disapear sometime but what matters is the heart."

"Ji Eun-ah, why are you doing this to me? Why are you being so mean?" He asked as he cried.

"You have to let go of me, I will forget about you maybe sometimes when I am sitting by myself I will think of the happy times but it will be very rare. I have never did anything to anger you, I tried my best during the relationship so I have no regrets. Regretting is your job"

He had nothing to say anymore, as he sobbed and I had to stop myself from tearing up at the sight of him.

"Please pack my stuff, I will be waiting in here" I said and he nodded as he wiped his tears. Minutes later he cane out with a box filled with my belongings that i had in his apartment.

"I'm really sorry!" He said and I smiled.

"Thank you for giving me some great memories. Oh, I have to give you this" I said and took out the ring and placed in in his palm and at the sight of it, he broke down in tears once again.

"Take care of yourself in the army and try not to get injured and I hope that you will come back safely. It was nice knowing you!" I said and bowed deeply as if I was bowing to an elder or a senior not someone who was once my boyfriend.

I went to my car and drove off to my house. I locked myself in my door and turned every sad song that I could find and cried my eyes out until I eventually fell asleep.

I got woken by my house phone ringing, I lazily dragged myself to the other side of the room and picked it up.


"Hello, is this Lee Ji eun's house?"

"Yes? May I know who I am talking to?"

"It's me Jennie"

It was that b*tch once again, I wanted to reach out from my phone and grab her hair but technology still haven't figured out how to that yet.

" Can we meet up?"


She told me the adress to a coffee shop and I gladly got dressed and went to meet up with her. I walked inside and she waved at me. I sat opposite of her and she honestly wasn't that pretty!

"I'm really sorry towards you unnie"

"First of all, don't call me unnie. I don't know you personally"

"I really like Jaejoong oppa and I want to date him"

I angrily took a sip from my water and looked at her dead in the eyes.

"You can do whatever you like. We weren't married and we had already broke up. So there is no valid reason for you to be asking me for permission"

"But still, I feel very guilty"

" You should feel that way, I mean you were aware of us being together but you still seduced him so I can say that you are really a b*itch. However, ...."

I said and threw a cup of water to her face.

"I can't hit you but I definitely can throw a cup of water at you, right?"

"This is not fair!"

"Life isn't fair but I really hope that one day you will be in my position and I hope that your innocent-looking eyes will shed tears of blood someday"

"I know that you are angry but you can't just curse someone like that"

"You may think that you got the world now but let me tell you one thing. Jaejoong liked me very much, it wasn't that wavering he felt for you but he went crazy for me that he got my name on his back and that would be a friendly reminder to you just how much he adored me. I was once cute and immature just like you, we shared plenty of memories together and if you date him, I will pray to god every single day for those memories to haunt you for life" I said and stood up then marched my way out of that coffee shop.

This felt good!

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Read this story in three days and i absolutely loved it. I'm glad I happened to stumble across this hidden gem of a story.