Chapter Twenty Four

Ji Eun's idol life

That message was bothering me so much, I was absolutely sure that the girl who I talked to on the phone wa the one who dared to sent me that message becasue obviously no one besides her can do that.

I was having breakfast with the members and the staff when my phone started ringing, I fished it out of my pocket and to my utmost surpirse, it was him. I exused myself from the table and went outside to the balcony, I answered and he let out a sigh.

[Jae: Jaejoong / J: Ji Eun]

Jae: I thought you wouldn't answer.

J: Well, I'm surprised I did.

Jae: I'm really sorry I wasn't able to contact you these past few days.

J: First of all, yes you should be sorry because I literally called your manager every day to make sure you were doing well, second of all, who is that girl?

Jae: Which girl? Ah, you mean Jennie.

J: Oh, she has a name. glad to know that. Well, is she perhaps your personal assistant or your spokesperson to be responding on behalf of you?

Jae: Oh my god! Babe, don't get the wrong idea. She is a trainee here in the company and I only see her as a little sister and to answer your question, I left my phone to charge and she must have picked up the call. Did she say anaything?

J: You may see her as a little sister but she certainly doesn't. Do you know what she sent me? She freaking threatned me to stop seing you.


J: Anyways, you better respond to your calls yourself or you'll have to deal with me.

Jae: Oh yes sir! Did you have breakfast?

J: I was eating when you called me earlier.

Jae: Go finish your food now. By the way, are we clear now?

J: We're clear.

Jae: I love you, you know that.

J: I do and I love you more.

Jae: Now don't go around stealing my song titles.

J: I won't, bye babe.

Jae: Bye bye.

I hanged up with a huge smile on my face and joined the members on the table, they all looked at me with eyes that said "Girl, you smitten". I shrugged and sat back, hour later we all went back to our rooms and got ready for our first music show here to promote "Genie".

we arrived at the show location, we greeted everyone and sat to get our hair and makeup done, it was our first TV appearance here in Japance in probably a year and we were very nervous. I was reading the script because I was the only one in our group who can speak fluent japanese so I always do the talking so I had to go over the script to know what to say and what to not.

I was wearing a rather very simple outfit with a black crop top and black skirt with pink boots, I stood with my members backstage waiting for the signal to walk on stage, we were going to perform "Genie" first then have a small chat with the hosts and then perform "Mr Mr".

On queue, we walked on stage, the small audience greeted us with cheers and screams as we waved and greeted them back.

"Are you guys excited?" I spoke into the mic and the fans responded with a loud roar. "We are going to sing to you Genie"

(H: Host / LJE: Lee Ji Eun/ HHR: Han Hyeri / KS: Kim Suji / Ha: Hannah /C: Clara)

KS: 1, 2, 3

All: Hello, we are TWIST.

H: Hello, the song is amazing.

All: Thank You.

H: I have here with me the album, it has two singles. The cover looks great! The album is available in stores now! 

LJE: We will give everyone from the audience in here a copy of their own.

(The audience cheers)

H: I hope I get one as well! Well, girls I heard you have another song for us.

LJE: Yes, we actually prepared to perform "Mr Mr" as well.

One week later:

The day of our final concert here in Fukuoka, i was chilling in the hotel before we go to the venue, I took a quick shower and was drying my hair when my phone started buzzing like crazy. I put down the blowdryer and went to read the messages.

I smiled as I saw Jae' name flash on my screen, I clicked on the four messages he sent me and my smile dropped. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

There was pictures of him with another girl on bed, they were cuddling on one picture, on another picture she was kissing his shoulder as he was sleeping next to her. In the midst of my anger, I threw my phone on my bed but I just couldn't hold it anymore and threw the vase against the wall as it smashed onto the ground into small pieces.

The members came running to the room and I broke into tears, they try to stop but I was furious, sad and heartbroken all at the same time. I broke everything that was next to me.

"Stop! Ji Eun, calm down!" Suji hugged me tightly as I sobbed in her arms.

"Tell us, what's wrong?"

"He cheated on me! That's it, I'm done. We're over!" I screamed and the members flinched at my outburt.

"Who told you this? Did you see him?" Hannah asked and I showed them the pictures and thqt when Suji was ready to murder him.

"I thought he was a good guy! If you don't break up with him , we're forcing you to! " She said angrily.

Clara took my hand and dragged me to the bed and made me get under the covers.

"Rest for now! We still have a show in four hours. So get enough sleep and don't think about it too much" She said and kissed my forehead. I nodded and they left the bedroom. Soon, a cleaning lady came to collect the glass from the gound and clean around.

I cried silently under the covers rethinking all of the best memories I had with him in the span of our one year relationship. He was a bad man!

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Read this story in three days and i absolutely loved it. I'm glad I happened to stumble across this hidden gem of a story.