The something that we shared (I don’t believe myself that I’m like this)

The something that we shared (I don’t believe myself that I’m like this)






“You know where I want to kiss you?”

Jungkook looked up from his camera and smirked at Jimin’s sudden question. The two of them had been spending their past hour under the canopy of trees overlooking the seashore, enjoying the calm waves softly crashing just a distance away. It was one of those days, when they can freely do what they want for the time being, away from everything somehow.

Jimin had been sitting on the wide windowsill of one of the gigantic windows, his back pressed against the sturdy glass with his newly-colored hair tossing up as sudden brushes of wind pass by them. Jungkook, on the other hand, was on the other side of the balcony, eyes squinted with the bright sunrays of early morning. He had been focusing his camera on the view around them – gorgeous greenery paired with clear blue skies. And as if it was a given, his lens will magnet back to Jimin.

He did the same thing again and noticed Jimin looking at him, waiting for his answer. “Neck?” He finally replied, thinking back to the times Jimin nuzzled his neck even if there were cameras present, forgetting, albeit for a few seconds, to have a care.

Jimin shook his head no and gave a little laugh. “Nope.”

Jungkook raised his brow and continued filming Jimin and his shy smile that followed.



Lately, even the staff and the people working with them had picked on the sudden change in their relationship. Had picked up what they were doing – seemingly attached to the hip as Jungkook followed Jimin around and vice versa. No one commented on it, but Jin congratulated them last week for what about, the older never really told them. But Jungkook can remember his words clearly. “I’m glad you finally sort things out. Congrats!” If it was any indication of them being obvious, Jungkook doesn’t really mind. If he could, he would’ve shouted to the world long before that he was in fact, so deep in love with Park Jimin. He doesn’t really know how long he can go on without doing so – his videos managed to pass as him showing off his work but in reality it was him showing off the person he adores so much. It frustrates him most of the time, to see people understanding it as just a simple video, when it was so much more. He just so wanted to yell: “Jeon Jungkook is in love with Park Jimin.” And shut everything and everyone up.

Jimin had told him he had been too, for the past years now. But they were kids, and it was an innocent crush so Jimin never really thought much about it. Not until Jungkook started to return his antics and had been more open when it comes to liking Jimin.

“Was it around 2016?” Jungkook remembered Jimin asking when they were laying on the latter’s bed back in the dorms. Almost half a year after they confessed to each other.

“Maybe? I don’t know. I just don’t like you ignoring me.” Jungkook honestly said, running his fingers through Jimin’s hair with ease.

“I was scared.” Jimin shifted his position a bit so his head was now lying on Jungkook’s belly. “I had a crush on you. I know nothing will come out of it. So I just tried to have fun. Then every time you push me away it reminds me why I should stop liking you. So I continued doing it.” Jimin wasn’t looking at him, instead his eyes were close as if he was reminiscing what he went through. “Then you started saying you like me openly. Flirting back. Hell. Do you know how hard it was for me?”

Jungkook has a crease between his fore head. “I always liked you. I was just – too wary of the cameras I think. And – it was hard for me too.”

Jimin opened his eyes slowly and looked up so he was now staring directly at Jungkook. “I was so confused. I wasn’t sure what you were doing. Fan service? Maybe. But then you started being so clingy even off-cam and I got scared.”

“So you started pulling away. I know. ing hurts ‘til now if I think of it.”

Jimin laughed, asked what time it is because Hoseok might come back anytime soon and reprimand them again for being too sweet.   “I’m here now.” He finally said and touched the tip of Jungkook’s nose.

Jungkook grinned back at him. “I know.”


“Shoulder?” Jungkook tried again, striding over to where Jimin is this time and sitting beside him.

“Nope.” Jimin teased back, a playful smile still on his lips.

Jungkook wanted to kiss him. Will too if only Jimin would let him. But they know there is a proper time for everything. And them getting caught red-handed by any camera they can’t see is not the best way to do it.

They learned how not to be selfish with years of being with the others and in the particular industry they were in. If it was just them that would be affected, why not just drop the bomb? But there were a lot of things still to be taken care of before they could do what they wanted to. They had talked about it more times than Jungkook could count, and although he disapproves of the unjust stupidity of it all, he couldn’t shut down the fact that they have an image to uphold. He always had mixed feelings about it – if it wasn’t for their work he wouldn’t get to love Jimin but because of their work, he couldn’t love him as he wanted to either.

“Jungkook?” Jimin lulled, voice hinged with worry now as he realized Jungkook was thinking too much again.

“Yeah?” Jungkook replied instantly, hated to hear that worry in Jimin’s tone so he gave him a reassuring smile. And then he looked up to the sky, concentrating on their play at hand, cocking his eyebrow in wonder. “Ah! Lips?”

“As much as I want to – no.”  Jimin bit the bottom of his lip as he said that and Jungkook couldn’t help but smile warmly and knowingly back at him.

“Then where?” Jungkook finally gave up still with a smile, setting his big camera down beside them.

Jimin straightened his back and closed the distance of their faces together, not too close but still close enough that Jungkook could feel his breath against his skin. “In a church with our families and friends after saying ‘I do.’”

There was a minute of silence with just them grinning at each other. Jungkook then looked down, embarrassed and Jimin tried to laugh it off but he clearly couldn’t believe he just said something so sappy.

“I hope that’s not a joke.” Jungkook said finally when he recovered, his face still flushed red.

“It’s not.” Jimin assured him, a soft tinge of pink also evident across his cheeks.

Jungkook looked over at Jimin and called out his name. “You do know that’s like a proposal right?”

Jimin beamed, head bobbing and smiling widely at Jungkook. “Yes.”

“Can I kiss you?” Jungkook asked, eyes nailed on Jimin’s lips.

“Do you need to ask?”

So Jungkook stood up with his hand wrapped around Jimin’s wrist while the other holds his camera as they walk back inside to their rooms, big steps as if they were on a hurry (and surely, they were).




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soohyeons #1
Chapter 1: love this so much oh my gah :c