Kanjang kongjang kongjangjang equals kan kongjangjang (yeah I’m ready)


Jeon Jungkook asks a stranger to hold his hand in the middle of the grocery store because he does't want his ex-girlfriend to think he's a loser. Park Jimin is that stranger.


JiKook. Fluff. They've been feeding us well and I still can’t believe the mass tweet of JK yesterday. He’s feeding us so well. (And claimed JM as his to boot but you didn’t hear that from me.)

*Title came  from Akdong Musician's (AKMU) 200% (They are so underrated but they are so witty and talented so go give them some love please.)

A tongue twister that people say to warm up their lips before speaking or singing. AKMU goes on to portray their nervous feelings through that tongue twister.




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IneedUBts #1
Chapter 1: Whats with the last scene? Jin saying he s all. Grown up? Who is he talking about?
Chapter 1: So cute!!!!