Dad, how did you ask Mom out? (Should I write you a letter?)

Dad, how did you ask Mom out? (Should I write you a letter?)




Jeon Jungkook is not a romantic.

No, he did not wait at random fast food chains and cashiered at their local grocery store all the previous summers of his youth, saving up for the most beautiful motorcycle he’d ever seen in his entire life – just to keep on imagining how it’ll be like to take Park Jimin, the most beautiful boy in the arts department – who likes ice creams and puppies – on a joyride at midnight.

“Jeon Jungkook has a huge crush on Park Jimin.”

“What the Taehyung?”

Taehyun laughs at Jungkook’s reaction. Complete with him slapping Jungkook’s shoulder, managing to reach him even if they are separated by a table in between. And then reminding the younger to add hyung next time or else.

They are in the cafeteria of their department, munching on their shared meals with their phones in hand and assignments on their table as they wait for the next class to start. They always take the spot in the farthest right, where most of the students don’t go unless there isn’t any other choice. It was considered an unwanted spot because where they are requires the most walking from where the food stalls actually were. Taehyung and Namjoon like it because they can goof around without anyone reprimanding them. Jungkook likes it because he actually gets to save money by being too lazy to walk to and fro the food stands. Yoongi however, always rolls his eyes at them whenever he sees them take the same spot. His classes end later than the three, so by then he has no choice but join them in their little space near the university window.

 “Park Jimin of the arts department?” Namjoon asks as if it was the most interesting question; adjusting his reading glasses on top of his nose and settling his fiction book down. He fakes being surprised, but he didn’t manage it for long as he ends up laughing with Taehyun the moment they exchanged a knowing look at each other.

Their laughs echo in Jungkook’s ears. His hyungs are making fun of him again and he can’t do anything but roll his eyes. They are always like this anyway, so Jungkook tries to calm down by tapping the table lazily with his mechanical pencil and staring at the mocking pages of his calculus book.

“Who would top between them though?”

“They both look like bottoms.”

“But Kook looks more dom?”

Jungkook’s ears become red from everything he is hearing. He tried his best to not mind them but he can’t anymore so he bangs on their table lightly. He is both embarrassed and irritated at the jabs his hyungs are throwing at him, so he very nicely told them to kindly shut up.

“You thought we didn’t know?” Namjoon adds however, poking Jungkook’s side and earning a little wince. “You’ve been ogling at him for the past month.”

“And it wasn’t subtle.” Taehyun butts in again, still smirking, opening the lid of his cup ramen as he did so.

Okay, sure, Jeon Jungkook has a slight crush on Park Jimin. And he often finds himself staring at his general direction whenever he sees him. But Jungkook is certainly, positivelywithout a doubt, being subtle.

But if he was then how did Taehyung and Namjoon know? Maybe it was magic? Maybe his Yoongi-hyung will be of some help? Jungkook scratches the back of his neck and sighs, waiting for Yoongi to get back to their table so he can ask him to be on his side for once.

When the brunette did return with a pack of wafer sticks and coffee for some reason (at one in the afternoon to boot), Jungkook immediately scoots over to make space for Yoongi as he calls his name.

Then he asks, excitedly: “Hyung, do you know Park Jimin?”

“The arts student you have a crush on?”

“What the actual !?” The trio let out a preposterous chorus of laughter at Jungkook’s continuous babbles of curses, each of them trying to calm him down as some of the students in the middle of the food court starts to look over their shoulders at them. “How did you know!?”

“The question is – how to not know.” Yoongi finally takes the space on the other side of Jungkook, setting his coffee down. “The whole campus knows. The only one who denies ever knowing it is Jimin.”

“Oh?” Taehyung shots up and waves at Yoongi from across the table, “Hyung, you know Park Jimin?”

“He’s Hoseok’s roommate. Met him once when I went there.”

“Please don’t tell us it’s the same time you forgot to bring your condo—”

“My coffee is hot and your face is so near. I might accidentally splash it all over you.”

Taehyung lets out a snort as Namjoon waves and gets Yoongi’s attention. “What do you mean Jimin denies knowing it hyung?” He’s leaning over as well, eager to know what Yoongi has to say.

“Hoseok said Jimin doesn’t want to assume things so he’ll not believe anything less it’s confirmed.”

“Oh it is more confirmed than confirmed. What other confirmation does he want?” Taehyun slurps his ramen loudly, saying something about ridiculous staring of our Jungkookie in between bites.

 “I think the whole of humanity should do that.” Namjoon pushes his eyeglasses up the bridge of his nose, deep in thought.

“Do what?”

“Not assume things.”

“You and your philosophies Joonie,” Yoongi is smirking as he says this, hands around his coffee cup.

Namjoon finally removes his glasses and places it somewhere inside his jacket, muttering something about setting Jungkook up with Jimin with Hoseok’s help.

“No!” Jungkook is still shouting, and Yoongi had to slap his back to make him stop, saying his ears are going to be destroyed if he didn’t.

Taehyung can’t help but chuckle, cooing at Jungkook’s cuteness and then pushing a piece of his bread over the younger’s direction, trying to calm him once again by giving him food. It seems to work, because Jungkook is now munching and staring at them with doe eyes. “Jungkook can’t even talk to him. I bet nothing will happen even if we lock them in the same room for a whole day.” 

Yoongi nods, a small smile crossing his lips.  “Hoseok told me that too, but yeah, if Jungkook will not talk, Jimin will not talk. It will just be another pity party for Kook.”

“I’m telling you I’m okay with just seeing him pass by the classrooms.”

Staring at him.” Namjoon corrects. He hisses and takes a deep breath, “And this is really not okay, Kook. You need to at least talk to him. It’s painful to watch you look like a high school girl in love for the first time.”

“I just kinda like him hyung.”

Taehyung clicks his tongue. “You kinda stare at him every damn time.”

“You kinda stalk his Instagram and Twitter.” Namjoon adds.

“And you kinda complain about his past posts about his crushes.”

“And sometimes kinda cry about it.”

“Kinda,” Yoongi snorts. “Yeah sure.”

“Hyung no,” Jungkook tells this in a whimper, seemingly playing the idea in his head as Taehyung tosses him another piece of garlic bread.

“We need to help this kid,” Taehyung singsongs, clapping his hands along with the declaration.

There is a collective hum of agreement within the group, as the three of them think of a way to help Jungkook out of his apparent crisis. The kid needs to at least start with telling Jimin he’s not a creepy stalker.

“How though?”

“What about letters?” Namjoon murmurs out of the blue.

“Is that what that English book you’re reading about has in the plot?” Yoongi reaches for the novel in front of Namjoon and studies it briefly; setting it down again once he decided it isn’t his cup of tea. Well for the most part he will not be able to fully understand it when all of it is in English. “Does that have a Korean translation or what?”

“Hey, it’s sweet.” Namjoon defends; shaking his head no after Yoongi asks if there is any translation of the work.

Yoongi takes a sip of his coffee and glances over Jungkook, “Letters…” He takes a deep breath, replaying all the times they saw Jungkook following Jimin with his eyes and shutting up for a full minute after he disappears. “…are precise.” It doesn’t sound like a bad idea at all. If they compare it with Jungkook akin to rebooting every time he sees Jimin (which was both funny and pitiful). “There’s no stuttering in letters.”

“It’s better than seeing Jungkook freeze in front of Jimin every time.”

 The three of them nod.

“I want to disown you every time that happens.”

“You’re not my parent hyung.”

“That is beside the point.”

“So, should Kook start to write later?”

“I’ll ask Hoseok to give it to him.”

“Perks of being the boyfriend of the roommate of your friend’s crush.”

Namjoon snickers at Taehyun’s comment.

“Wait, wait, don’t I have a say in this?” Jungkook finally gulps down the bread he was munching as he reaches for another one, thinking what his hyungs are saying are nothing but empty jokes.

“No. I’m done seeing you shut down like an android in Detroit.”

Jungkook claps his hands. “Have you played that hyung?”

“Started last night.”

“Explains the coffee.”

“It’s good.”

“Like Until Dawn?”

“Kind of.”

Taehyun clears his throat. “Can we go back to the topic please.”

Yoongi scavenges his bag and surprisingly brings out a stationary colored blue and silver. The other three looks at him questioningly but he just gives them an empty stare. “Don’t ask.”



His hyungs were definitely not kidding.

By five in the afternoon – right after Jungkook’s last class and the start of Jimin’s English – Taehyung, Namjoon and an apparent expert at the subject, Choi Seungcheol, were already waiting for him in the hallways.

Taehyung has his arms locked with Jungkook, much to the youngest’ wonder as they drag them to an empty classroom.

“Write something.” Taehyung starts, kicking the classroom door close and hopping over the teacher’s desk right after.

Jungkook raises his brow, looks at the other boys in the room and then to Yoongi’s blue and silver stationary sitting atop one of the desks. “Like what?”

“Try not to be so cheesy.” Seungcheol says, hands in his pockets as he thought back to the first letter he ever sent. Cheesy did work well for him though. But it does not always work for everyone. “Just think of the things you like about him.”

Jungkook is anything but, of course. But whenever Jimin passes his mind, reminding him of his small hands and stocky fingers, his crescent eyes that seem to disappear whenever he laughs, and his plump lips that Jungkook always thought of as soft and pretty – all he can come up with are thoughts that are ridiculously sappy.

“Like the first time you met him maybe?” Namjoon has his book close to the tip of his nose again, as if he’s looking for pointers to help Jungkook with.

Jungkook looks up at the classroom’s ceiling and replays the first time he saw Jimin.


It was at a gallery opening in downtown Seoul; a new artist with a name Jungkook couldn’t really recall holding a little ribbon cutting ceremony. He was dragged there by one of his artsy noonas, saying she don’t want to bump into a bitter ex and be ridiculed about attending a gallery alone. Jungkook agreed with lunch in return but she just went about prancing from painting to painting after telling the younger to just text her when he gets hungry, wholly disregarding Jungkook’s existence the moment they reached the gallery.

Jungkook wasn’t a fan of – arts. But he wasn’t a fun of doing nothing and looking like a lost kid in the middle of a strange crowd as well so he held unto his camera (the one his noona asked him to bring) and started taking pictures of random things at different angles instead.

Until his lens fell on a boy with bleached hair standing by a large abstract painting, looking up with his lips parted and just – in awe.

Jungkook was in awe too. And he finally understood why others appreciate arts so much.

Because wow, that boy is art.

Jungkook pressed the shutter with the boy still lost in his wonder but then someone from the gallery ask him to not take pictures.

He bowed apologetically to the staff and when he looked back at the painting, the boy wasn’t there anymore.

Jungkook sighed, glancing over the one picture he had.

He remembered thinking that was the first and last time he’ll ever see that boy, as if he was some apparition Jungkook will never lay eyes on again.


He was wrong.

And he was glad he was.


A few weeks later and Jungkook learned his name was Park Jimin.

Mingyu, one of the kids from the arts department, asked him to attend their recital. Mingyu is a close friend and he really compliments interpretative dancing, surprisingly, even with his long limbs and tall stature. And also because Jungkook had some free time that day (meaning Calculus class was hella boring), he found himself in their university auditorium, just in time to see the same bleached hair boy flying in the air like he has invisible wings, eyes shining with the trick of the lights.

Jungkook regretted not bringing his camera that day.

All Jungkook could think of back then was supernovas. And the clutter of stars it left behind, all enclosed in that boy’s eyes – sparkling, and then dimming again just to burn brighter.

“Earth to Jungkook?”

“He’s in a different world again.”

“Is he always like this when he thinks of Jimin?”

“Pretty much yeah.”

“Damn boy, you’re ed.”

“And he says it’s just a crush.”

Jungkook holds the pen tighter in his grasp and thinks be hell with it as he scribbles the most maudlin group of words he ever came up with.


Who would know the stars will leave the skies just to be in your eyes?



Jungkook didn’t know what Taehyung and the rest did with that soap-operatic phrase he wrote yesterday. He remembered gingerly giving it to Seungcheol, Taehyun peeking at it with Namjoon right after. He expected them to laugh and make fun of him about it, but surprisingly, they just stared at him, then back to the paper, Seungcheol muttering something he wasn’t able to make out to the other two.

All he knows now is that he is running late for PE as Seungcheol asked him to drop by the flower shop and get something, anything (which obviously are flowers because what do you get from a flower shop anyway?). Jungkook was reaching for the usual roses but then the small bouquet of yellow and dark blue columbines by the far corners of the shop caught his attention, made him think of stars and he ended getting those instead on a whim.

Should he be running so fast his shoes almost falls off? ( Timberlands for their loyalty.) Jungkook thinks not but he still is. Their PE instructor doesn’t give much damn anyway, he can step in for the last minute and he’ll still be marked present, so he has some time to spare. But the story changes when two classes share the gymnasium however, and Jungkook is glad he made it in time just before their teacher enters the gym. He left the flowers in his lockers and changes into his PE attire within five minutes, skipping over the stretches and jogging over to Mingyu instead.

“You’re late.” Mingyu announces, grin in his face still.

“No, I’m Jungkook.”

It was a lame joke but Mingyu still laughs. Mingyu is always like that, grinning at everyone and being overly-friendly, a character that Jungkook finds amusing that he has to ask himself from time to time how they end up being friends. Because Mingyu is a somewhat opposite of him, but they meshed well together in the end anyway.

“Had to pick up some errands.” Jungkook grins back, striking up a conversation and asking about how the court will be divided among the two classes.

Mingyu shrugs his shoulders. “Heard they are the higher years. They’ll probably take up the whole gym when our teacher’s out.”

Jungkook nods and waited for the class to finally begin. It isn’t like he plans to participate in today’s PE anyway. It’s nine in the morning and he was playing until two so he isn’t really that umpped about attending any classes in general. So Jungkook ends up sitting by the base of the basketball ring, watching as the string of higher years starts to pour into the gym.

His heart stops when he saw that bleached hair.

He shines like the moon, is what crosses Jungkook’s mind, among the rest. Or maybe Jungkook is just being biased as he thinks Jimin is practically glowing today. (And the days before that, Jungkook is sure of it even if he doesn’t see him every day.)

Jimin’s hair is pulled back with a headband, his eye-smile apparent as he laughs at one of his friends’ jokes.

His laugh pulls strings inside Jungkook that just makes him melt.

Damn he wants to be the reason of that laugh.

“You’re staring.” Mingyu sits beside him and follows his line of sight. “You like Jimin-hyung too?”

And his hyungs told him the whole university knows. “Too?” Jungkook snaps his neck back to kind of glare at Mingyu but the other’s busy looking at their hyung still.

Mingyu is smiling, “Who am I kidding, everybody likes him.” Then he catches Jungkook’s eyes and tells him: “Did you know someone left a note in Jiminie-hyung’s locker yesterday? He’s so happy about it he was smiling the whole dance practice.”

“You share a class with him?”

“We’re both in interpretative dancing Kook.”

Jungkook returns with a meek ah right. Then it hits him: That’s his note right? “You know what’s written there?”

Mingyu shakes his head. “No, he only keeps it for himself. He was just extra happy yesterday.”




PE has never been this interesting.

For Jungkook at least, as he receives another pass from one of his team mates in their impromptu basketball game. He knows his Yoongi-hyung is the best at this but he’s not here so he takes his spot for the time being. At first he volunteered because he saw Jimin smiling at them, only to see Mingyu waving behind him, and he, not knowing what to do, strode to a clump of his classmates making a team.

He just couldn’t look at Jimin straight in the eyes. Much more smile back at him.

But now, that he caught a glimpse of Jimin actually watching him, the adrenaline he feels pumps through his being doubles.

Jimin is watching him.

Jungkook manages another three point shot and grins widely. He sneaks at the higher year’s benches and saw Jimin smiling.

At him.

Jungkook’s grin widens and he’s glad his cheeks are already flushed because of all the running.


Their team did not win but Jungkook felt like he won anyway, because he saw Jimin’s eyes still on him even after he’s on the bleachers, patting his sweat away. He wasn’t brave enough to look back, so he contented himself with grinning from ear to ear.

Right now, Jungkook is still resigned on the bleachers, as he watches the higher years play volleyball and his eyes training on Jimin as he runs around, smiling and laughing as always.

If Namjoon didn’t go to the gym to get the flowers from Jungkook, he might’ve been branded a creep. Because he was, as Namjoon said “staring like a hawk, like for ’s sake Kook, you’ll turn him into goo!”

“I think he was watching me play a while ago.”

“Oh?” Namjoon is smiling, Jungkook can tell even if his back is on him. “That’s nice right? Did you flirt back?”

“What? Hyung he was just looking.”

“So I take that as a no.”

Jungkook shrugs but he’s still smiling, he can’t remove the image of Jimin watching him.

“Someone left Jimin a note yesterday.” Jungkook says again as he closes his lockers and gives Namjoon the columbines.

“Yah. You did.”

“I did?” Jungkook has his forehead in folds, and Namjoon rolls his eyes at him.

“Well technically, Yoongi-hyung did as he waits for Hoseok-hyung’s class to finish. The one he shares with Jimin and he slips in that note in your crush’s locker.” He clears his throat. “Remember? That sappy note you wrote yesterday.”

“So you guys actually gave it to him?”

“He did get the note right? Prepare another note by five, we’ll keep this going.”

Jungkook did nothing but nod and wait for Namjoon to disappear from sight so he can grin stupid to himself.

Jeon Jungkook was the one who put that smile on Park Jimin’s face with the note he made.


Jeon Jungkook did that!



By five, Jungkook has another note prepared, wrapped nicely in an envelope so his hyungs can’t see what’s inside.

“You’re learning.” Seungcheol laughs and scolds Taehyung about the pout he has because they can’t see what’s written.

Yoongi is with them today as he holds the envelope against the light in a failed attempt to at least see something. “What did you write Kook?”

Jungkook shrugs.

“I bet something disgusting.”

Jungkook smiles up at him. “Pretty much, yeah.”

Yoongi kind of smirks. “Good.”








You walk like the moon, with the stars in your eyes.

I’m pretty sure you’re my whole universe.


Jimin is smiling stupid again and Hoseok has to slap his back to wake him from his daze and snatches the columbines in Jimin’s clutch.

Jimin gets the flowers back and utters: “It’s just so cute hyung!” holding the note against his chest and stopping Hoseok from peering. “You sure this is from Jungkook?”

Hoseok gives him a disgusted look for not letting him know what’s written in the note. “Yeah. Yoongi told me.”

“Then why not talk to me though?”

“Why don’t you talk to him?”

Jimin clams up and smiles sheepishly before standing up and hiding the note away safely. “I don’t want to come up concluding things.”

Hoseok rolls his eyes and tells Jimin how frustrating he is. “He likes you okay, he’s sending notes like what else do you want?”

“A confession?”

“You’re freaking hard Park Jimin. This is why you’re still single.”

Jimin laughs and drags Hoseok by the arm to the auditorium for practice.



The notes continued, at some point, they turned to letters that are akin to diaries. Jimin doesn’t mind, because by then he’s already looking forward to each of them.

Jimin opens his locker and out fell another blue envelope, he picks it up with a ready smile plastered on his face and checks if Hoseok is anywhere near.


It was raining today and I thought of you while making hot cocoa. Why is that I wonder? Maybe because I feel warm whenever I see you?


I wish I could talk to you but I know I won’t be able to utter a single word. Please be patient with me.


Jimin holds the note up again and adjusts himself by the edge of his bed, carefully pasting the letter on the special paper he bought for this collection. He had already made a scrapbook out of it, and it’s one of his most prized possessions.

On the first month, Jimin will sometimes see Jungkook in the university and they will look at each other, but once they realize they met eyes, both of them will scramble away and hide somewhere.

Along the way though, sometime in the middle of the second month, when they pass by each other in the hallways, Jimin can now catch Jungkook holding his gaze, and for the most part it made Jimin smile and giddy, the other part of him is frustrated, because they’ve been going at it for almost two months now, looking at each other and smiling. But not really saying anything.

Often Hoseok will see them and will rub his temple. Jimin also wonders if Jungkook’s friends know what’s up, because he heard them groan at his and Jungkook’s exchange of silent glances whenever they catch it more times than he can count.

He knows. He knows that they were, are, acting like two idiots and everyone around them knows it too.

But if Jungkook is not yet ready then he can wait.

He just hopes it’s not forever.  

For the time being, Jimin contented himself with re-reading the letters again and again. (And sometimes checking Jungkook’s SNS but they are in private and he’s too shy to do anything about it.)

“I wish the two of you get together before all of us die.” Jin, a close friend who’s crashing at their place tonight (and who was told the fairy tale of Jimin’s love life not an hour ago by his dearest roommate, Hoseok), shifts on his bed a little.

“Or at least once.” A voice from across butts in.

Jimin laughs at Hoseok’s antics, watching as he falls dramatically on the bed across from Jimin’s. “What do you mean hyung?” he asks in between chuckles.

“ once? Like you know –”

Jimin breaks into a full-on guffaw, Jin’s windshield laugh following not long after. “You know what I mean hyung!”

Hoseok rolls his eyes and grunts, “The two of you, I swear, are so slow. It’s frustrating for all of us who makes this work really.”

Jimin slowly stops himself from laughing again and shrugs. He can’t deny the fact that he kind of likes the idea of a slow burn. He had always been a hopeless romantic so he enjoys this chase. It makes him feel important for anyone to give him this much of an effort. But he can’t also deny the fact that Jeon Jungkook needs to move now. “Two months,” He says, more to himself than anyone else in the room.

“Two months! I and Yoongi got together in less than two days!”

“That’s because you kissed him on the first date.” Jin sings nonchalantly, lying on Jimin’s bed and stretching his back.

“Did him on the first date too.” Jimin counters, teasing Hoseok as well and enjoys the sight of his hyung panicking a little.

Hoseok’s face is evidently red. “Why don’t you do that too though? So we can all be happy and end this back and forth.”

“I enjoy the letters.”

“In this century? Omg. You two can like text? Or better – talk in person.”

Jimin only smiles. “That’ll be nice.”


But can he face Jungkook when it comes to it?




No he can’t.

What was he thinking when Hoseok sent him back to their English class, asking him to get the English handouts he forgotten with that mischievous smirk? Obviously, he’s thinking about the handouts.

Not this.

Definitely not Jeon Jungkook placing a letter under his desk and catching his eyes just in time when he opens the door like a deer caught in a bright light or something.

Heavens, Jungkook’s eyes really look like a deer’s.

It’s beautiful.

“Uhm, uh…” Jungkook is stuttering, the palm of his hand clapped against the back of his neck as his gaze trails from the door to the floor to the desk to the walls, basically everywhere except Jimin’s general direction.

“Is there any handouts a while ago?” Jimin asks bubbly, closing the door behind him slowly.

“Uh,” Jungkook immediately looks under the table and over it, shaking his head lightly. “No.”

Jimin smiles and takes a step forward, closer.

So what does he do now?

Does he like, pretend he didn’t see anything?

Jimin’s phone vibrated from inside his pocket and he checks it out quickly.

If he’ll not ask you out, ask him out. FFS this is cute and all but ya’ll should just be ing already.”

Jimin laughs a little and he realizes Jungkook is already about to take a step and be on his way out. “Why are you putting that there instead of the lockers?”

Jungkook looks at him then back to the tables. “Uh, uhm.”

They are hopeless.

If he doesn’t do anything now, he doesn’t know when anything will happen.

Jimin needs to do something. Jungkook has done his part at least right? So maybe this time it’s finally his turn.

“How about a note?” He asks again and he can see Jungkook’s eyes widen (if that’s anymore possible). "Is there any note?" He can do at least this. “It’s usually in this cute blue envelope.” He takes another step. “Can you check it for me?” And another, “It’s filled with really beautiful writing.” And another, “And I hope I can answer those notes but…” And another, “I don’t know who sends them,” And another, “But you know what?” And another, “For whoever sends it,” And another, “I want to ask them –”

And another. Until he’s an arms’ length from Jungkook, “If they will like to go on a date with me.”

Jimin’s cheeks are red. He knows it. The heat from the pits of his belly that had already crept up his face, making his legs wobble as he steps closer and closer, made him aware of it.

Was he too forward?

Was it too much?

Jimin breathes out slowly, waiting for what Jungkook will do.

But Jungkook is just there, standing like a post with his eyes still wide.

“Jungkook?” He calls out.

“You know my name?”

Jimin laughs softly again. “Yeah. Don’t you know mine?”

“I do.”

“Then we’re even?”


Jungkook’s hand finally left his neck and he breathes in sharply, eyes finally falling on Jimin as he reaches under the table to grab the envelop, handling it to him.

“I’m Jeon Jungkook.”

Jimin accepts the letter and holds it closely, likes the way Jungkook introduced himself nonetheless. So he says: “I’m Park Jimin,” fondly, as he holds the envelope close to his chest.

“I sent you those notes.”

“I know.”

“And I – wait, you know?”

Jimin nods.

“So, like, you – are asking me out on a date?”

“I think so? Since I don’t know when you’ll ask.”

Jungkook laughs shyly. “Can I ask now?”

“I just asked you!”

“Ah right,” Jungkook’s grin up close is something. And Jimin likes it a lot. “Yes, I’d love to go on a date with you.”

Jimin smiles back at him, still shy, but at least now they are talking.


From afar, the whole university finally sighs in relief.

These two’s fairy tale is just about to start.





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