Chapter One




The clapping spread from the first rows to the last ones, with people stading up, then gradually more and more stood up to show their appreciation and support. Our small theatre with only 150 seats suddenly became filled with love, joy and utter euphoria. These are the feelings that struck me. I had to grab the handrail next to me, otherwise I might have collapsed.

That was our last show, with enormous succes. I smiled at the group, before they once again slipped out of the curtains and ran out to the stage. There were four of them, showing four completely different smiles but all of them were bright and blissful. Holding hands, they bowed to the audience and stayed still for a couple seconds. Whee In quickly wiped away a tear. When they straightened up, it seemed like people clapped louder and cheered for them even more. The ovation surprised Yongsun and she just looked at me a little intimidated, and I could only mouth her something along the lines of “Yeah, this is for you guys!”. She instantly looked back at the audience and only had time to whisper a quiet “Thank you!”, before returning backstage.



The curtains slowly closed. The applause quieted down. The sound of claps got replaced by the sound of the theatre, people chatting and lazily leaving the room. If I had paid attention I might have caught some of their comments, some sentences of the audience, since the place was so small with just a few people. I always did that, or at least I tried. I believed that the first thing you say to the person next to you, after a performance, is the only true and honest thought of you about what you have just seen. And I was always interested in what people thought of the performers. Of course, at that moment I cared about everything but what the people were thinking. I gathered all the girls and we all hugged each other in a big group.


- You guys are?! – I shouted.

- The bests! – they shouted back and in a big “AAAAAAH” we let out all of our emotions inside us. Some bursted into tears, some stayed silent, but certainly no one really woke up from this dream came true. Who could have expected them to though?

Months of preparation... building up something from nothing, together, with hard work. And today, they just let out their voices, and truly struck Earth with their almost otherwordly talent.



- Hey, I ordered chicken! – I ushered the group back to their changing rooms. Now that I mentioned chicken, it seemed like all of their fatigue disappeared within a second. They ran in hyper speed to find the food, I was only worried about the battle they were about to start. Or to be more exact, I was more worried whether they’d leave something for me?! Please guys, please just let me have a drumstick, amen.



There were only a few technicians next to the stage – most of them also disappeared as soon as I said “chicken” - , and some volunteers to pack away the lights and the LED wall. The theatre became completely silent, everybody left the place already, so I drew open the burgundy curtain, confidently tearing it apart and let out a loud “YAAAASSSS”, just to properly end the show and to celebrate our glorious success. I sometimes desired that superstar feeling, since I’m not a singer, I’m just a regular manager, I don’t get too much of that spotlight. Sometimes I wanted to feel like a star too.


Problem is... not everyone have left the seats. There was one person sitting in the middle of the last but one row. He glanced up at me fully startled and our eyes met horribly awkwardly. Listen, I wouldn't say that he completely ruined my moment... but that's exactly what I'm saying, why the hell is he still here?? Looking at me surprisedly for a moment, then as if nothing has happened, he cleared his throat and pretending to cough he went out. I was just annoyed. Thinking maybe it’s time for the ground to open up and swallow me in, or perhaps a hurricane could take me somewhere that is NOT here.

When he left, I also stepped down the stairs felling a little shaky, while getting to the auditorium. Sh*tsh*tsh*tsh*tsh*tsh*t... that’s what I was thinking whilst collecting the trash on the seats. There was not much, some tissues, a bottle of water... But seriously, who the hell stays in their seat for almost half an hour after the show has ended?! This is on the one hand a little worrisome, but definitely really creepy, isn’t it?  I don’t even know... why did I have to embarrass myself like this...?

By the way, I never undestood how anyone could leave their food behind. Like come on, theatre foods are hella expensive, and the portions are so small how can anyone not be able to finish it anyway? I’m talking about this sandwich right here, that they weren’t supposed to bring in anyway. I’m also starving, and I feel like I could finish it in a bite. I probably shouldn’t. Let’s just pray, they’ll leave me some chicken... I’m not weird I promise!

In one of the rows in the back, someone had left their wallet on the seat. Congratulations, money is the second most important thing in life – right behind food – that person is so doomed. I soon ran out to the halls, maybe I could find the owner if I’m fast enough. I knew most of the people coming to MAMAMOO shows anyway, or at least by sight, since I liked to meet them in person and talk to them.

Unfortunately, when I got out almost everybody has left. There was only a family waiting in front of the buffet. There were four of them. I knew them! They followed all of their concerts from the beginning. I even knew the little kid, everyone called him Bah-Bee-Beh for some reason. I had no idea what that meant or in what language that was. I went towards them, hoping the wallet was theirs. If not, I’ll leave it at the reception, no big deal. I looked at it closely. Faux leather, very much used. I secretely opened it, to see it on the inside. The urge, you know. There was not too much inside, to be honest I don’t think there was anything in there. I had no intention to rummage, but I just didn’t feel the money inside ‘cuz trust me if it’s money, my radars are working! There was only a photo. Three guys smiling brightly. The one on the right, with the dark hair, I recognized him immediately. He was the one who stayed in his seat previously. I stopped. So it’s definitely not the family’s.


I looked around. I hoped, I wouldn’t find him so I can just leave the damn wallet in the reception. But he was there, waiting for his coat in front of the checkroom. Oh my god, I’m too kind. I’ll probably go up to him... sh*tsh*tsh*tsh*tsh*tsh*t... that’s all I was thinking while moving towards the guy.


- Thank you – he told the boy in the checkroom, who at this point, was not paying too much attention anyway. He quickly packed up his stuff, and as this guy was the last guest, he disappeared within seconds. Magic.

- Hey, sorry – I cleared my throat, as my voice was so quiet – I believe you might have lost this... – I gave him the wallet, while smiling. I just hoped, If I acted naturally we can all forget what happened before. He already pulled on his jacket, half done, putting one arm in one sleeve, but as soon as he heard me, he stopped. He took the wallet silently, slipped it into his pocket, nodded with a half smile.


- Thank you – he said while putting on his coat fully.

- The picture helped a lot, luckily – I told him with a beam of awkwardness. Why the hell, did you even have to say that EunMi?! I say awkward things when I'm embarrased. I don’t understand, I don’t even want to talk to him. Especially since he didn’t even answer, again only noded, making everything even more awkward. I had to think of something quickly. – Did you like the concert by the way, if I may ask? I believe it’s your first time here?


He silently looked up to me and for a brief moment stared right into my eyes. It seemed as if he didn’t understand something, but he answered right away.


- It was fantastic – he smiled warmly. – Will you have other shows as well?

- Unfortunately not any time soon, at least with MAMAMOO. Of course they’re always preparing something new, but since they’re an amateur group, there’s not too much opportunities for them yet.

- They didn’t seem like beginners at all.

- See, with the right mindset, they can do anything!

- True.

- Erm... by the way, we welcome lots of amateur, beginner, aspiring groups and also offer them a chance to show themselves, so If you’re interested in other acts as well, I’m gonna give you this brochure, alright? – I told him my usual lines, handing him one from the pile of brochures on the counter – Of course, only if you’re interested. There are brilliant performers coming up.

- Well, this group definitely convinced me about that – he scrolled through my brochure, and I felt proud.

In that moment, my phone rang. I was about to automatically turn it off, but he signaled to me, telling me to pick it up.

- I have to go now, anyway – he gabbled quietly. I nodded. He waved on his way to the main entrance. And I picked up the phone.


- HOSEOK-AH?! - I shouted into the phone, grinning widely.

- Mr. Jung Hoseok at least, how many times do I have to tell you to be respectful towards older people – he shouted it back at me, while laughing. – Now tell me how was the show? You didn’t even call meeee!

- I know, I know! Sorry. It was just amazing! Don’t you wanna grab brunch tomorrow? – I asked.

- Of course, girl! Tomorrow, then?

- Yaaas.

- Brunch?

- Absolutely!

- Alright then, see you at PHB?

- That’s what I thought!

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