
“Hurry the hell up, woman! The show is about to start!”

Both girls quickly gather all the snacks from the counter as they rush into the living room. It was girl’s night which means their favorite show “Love Disaster.” The plot is the main character’s friend who’s a low-key witch wanted to help her from a recently broken heart. So, she cast a spell not only led three mysterious guys coming out of nowhere to declare their love but bringing her awful ex-boyfriend in the problem as well. Along jealous step sister and evil mothers it. What a pain but it was exciting to watch.

“Do you think Min Ji will accept Jong Up?”

“I doubt it; Dean looks like he might be the one!”

“Christian is trying his best “

“Don’t forget Yoongi, Ugh! I hate his damn self. “

Callie forms a fist as she expresses her anger towards the ex-boyfriend. Jen lies back as she pops popcorn in . Naomi, the youngest, kept her eyes on the television. Out of the three girls, Naomi was the most intrigued with the show.  If she ever is in the shoes of the girl, she would have a difficult time to pick.

“Five more minutes before its start, Let get ready for the opening” Callie and Naomi push the coffee table while Callie and Jen move the couch. Their favorite band sang the opening. It became a thing for them to do a karaoke gig, perform their best lip-sync, or if they have the guts, they will bring their horrible voice out. Thank for the person who invented soundproof walls.

Soon the quiet room became a live show as girls began singing their hearts out. The pure minute of tone deaf, girls quickly went back to their seat. The show started off as the main character, Min Ji crying while Dean, one of the guys who was aiming for her heart, comfort her.

“I told you, Dean is the man!” Jen pointed as Callie shushes her.

“Just watch hoe before you can come at me:” Jen slump back to her seat, staring at the scene. Naomi held her breathe as she watches the man she dearly loves kiss the girl.

“They kiss! Yes!” Jen cheered as she did her small celebration dance. Callie rolled her eyes. I told you, so thing still living in this generation. While the girls kept their attention to the screen, the room itself started to shake a bit. Callie notices the lamp flickering a lot but passes it as it was nothing. Soon the ceiling lights were doing the same thing.

“Umm guys?” Callie slowly called out, but it was too late. The room began the shake, and the light started to flicker on and off. The girls duck as they scream for their life.

“Earthquake!” Callie shouted. Every second was nothing but painstaking horrible. They were on the 14th floor, how were they supposed to go outside. Jen covers her head, Callie uses the phone book she grabs for protection and Naomi duck under the coffee table. Then it stops. The room is dark mean the electricity was cut off.  The only sound was the car alarms and people from the outside screaming for help.

“Everyone’s alive?” Jen was the first to break the quietness. “Yes-” before the girls could answer, the television . It was nothing but black and white static. Soon the screen became brighter and sounded increased. The brightness quickly devoured the whole room. Naomi kept her eyes and ears covered, expecting an explosion to appear.

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