Author's point of view:

The next day: Monday

     Seungho woke up with a throbbing headache. It was a little past noon and their was absolutely no one at home. The rest of the members were off doing promotions and filming with the kids. Seungho was left all alone to rest but he hated feeling lonely. With this new sense of freedom, Seungho took the chance to call AhnJi. He needed company and she was the only one that came to mind.

"Hello?" AhnJi answered the phone.

"Good morning." Seungho chirps.

"You mean good afternoon?" She laughed.

     Seungho laughed along, happy to hear her happy again. He could only imagine how beautifully she must be smiling on the other end of the phone. He never wanted to see her cry again, ever.

"I just woke up. It's still morning to me."

"You lazy bum." She laughed again.

"You have a beautiful laugh." Seungho thought out loud.

"What?" She asked, a little surprised by his sudden compliment.

     Seungho quickly scolded himself for letting that slip. He hadn't realized that he had been dazed by AhnJi's voice from the very beginning.

"So, what are we doing today?" Seungho quickly said.

"We?" She asked, "I have to go to work today."

"I thought the school was closed on Mondays." He states.

"Yeah, but my boss asked me to clean a bit."

"I'll help you then." He says.

     AhnJi couldn't refuse Seungho's offer to help. She wanted to see him and so she allowed him to accompany her. It was at this point that AhnJi came to realize that she had fallen for Seungho. Everything he said, everything he did for her, she was slowly falling for every bit of it.


AhnJi's point of view:

     I was now on my way to clean the piano school but all the while, the thought of seeing Seungho was making me nervous. When did I start falling for him? How did I come to this point without even realizing it? It was annoying to know that he probably didn't feel the same way about me. He only wanted to make me sing. That was his one and only reason to be with me. As I debated internally over this, I looked up for a mere second to find Seungho already waiting outside of the school.

"Hello." He says.

     The huge smile plastered on his face was enough to make my heart melt.

"Hi." I shyly greet.

"Let's get started, shall we?" He says as he motions for me to open the door.

     I nod in return and walk ahead of him to unlock the door. I nervously place the key into the key hole and manage to open the door. I walk in and Seungho closely follows.

"Wahhh, this piano is beautiful." Seungho exclaims as he walks over to the piano in the middle of the room.

     I lock the door as he takes a seat on the piano bench and then suddenly he begins to play the piano. I just watched from behind in amazement as I took in his harmonious melody. I had no idea that he was so musically inclined but it only made him even more appealing to me. He looked more handsome now than he ever had before. He continued to play his majestic piano piece as I rounded the piano and was now standing in front of the piano. His eyes were closed as his hands moved across the piano. I took in all of his facial features then. His perfect cheek bones, his dangerously y eyes and down to his lips. His perfect, plump, pink lips.

"What are you thinking about?" Seungho suddenly says.

     I had gotten so lost in his features that I had not noticed that he had stopped playing. I was now blushing like an idiot and I had no excuse to give him.

"I didn't know you knew how to play the piano." I say instead, "Actually, their's a lot I don't know about you."

     Seungho looks down at the piano keys and begins palying again. I wanted to know everything about him at this point but he was completely silent.

"What do you do for a living?" I ask again.

"I'm a musician." He finally answers.

     I only nod in return. I understood his position well now. He was a struggling musician just like I was. That would explain why he's able to hang out with me at random times.

"You're not going to ask what kind of musician I am?" Seungho asked as he looked over at me.

"Do I need to know? You're a pianist obviously." I shrug.

     He sighed at that. I was confused with his reaction. Was their something else I needed to know?

"Let's hurry up and clean." Seungho then gets up from the piano bench.

"Yeah." I answer.

     It took Seungho and I about two hours to clean the five piano rooms in the school. We were now cleaning the last piano together and there was an awkward silence all the while. I somewhat felt guilty asking about what he did for a living. I wondered if talking about his life made him angry or depressed just like it would for me. I had to break the silence but I wasn't sure how.

"After this, I'll walk you home." Seungho stated without looking at me.

"You don't have to. I'll be fine." I say in return.

     I didn't want to burden him any longer. I had already bugged him enough today. Luckily he didn't answer again and I took it as if he had agreed with me. Their was no need for him to walk me home, especially with this negative aura radiating from him. His serious face was honestly a bit too scary for my liking. I had never seen this side of him and I hoped that after today I would never have to see that side of him again.

"Done!" I exclaimed, "Thank you for helping me. It would have taken me longer if you hadn't helped." I smile wholeheartedly at him.

     He walked away from the piano and started heading for the exit. Without a single word he walked out of the school. I watched in a daze as he closes the door behind him and I am left alone. What just happened? Did I really make him that mad? As I think about what I did wrong, I put away the cleaning supplies and grab my stuff before heading to the door. I turned off the lights and finally exited the school. I quickly locked the door and sighed. As I turned away to leave I found Seungho standing just a few feet away from me. As to not disturb him, I quickly walked past him.

"Yah, where are you going?" Seungho said as he took hold of my hand.

     I looked down at our hands that were intertwined with each other before looking back up to meet his intense stare.

"Uh?" I muttered.

"I said I'd walk you home." He stated.

"I thought-" I started to say before he interrupted.

"Let's go." Seungho instructed.

     We were still holding hands. I couldn't get over that fact. As we walked along the dark, cold streets of Seoul, I felt safe and strangely warm. I wasn't sure if Seungho knew he was still holding onto my hand but I hoped he wouldn't notice and let go anytime soon. His hands felt like home. I couldn't help but smile as we continued to walk. It was during this walk that I recalled on how we first met. That one faithful night where he had barged into my dressing room and had given me his phone number. If I would have known that he was going to make me fall in love with him I would have saved his number instead of throwing it away. Fate sure is funny.

20 minutes later:

"We're here." Seungho says, making me snap back to reality.

"Oh." Was all I could say.

     I looked over at my crappy apartment building and then back to Seungho. He released my hand then and I suddenly felt empty, as if something was missing.

"Thank you for walking me home." I sincerely say.

"Get use to it."

"Why?" I asked confused.

"I'll be walking you to and from work everyday now." He smiles.

     That smile. I hadn't seen it all day but their it was. My mind went blank as I watched him smile, he was gorgeous.

"Did you hear what I said?" Seungho asked as he waved his hands in front of my face.

"Uh? Oh, yeah. Sorry, I spaced out." I laughed awkwardly.

"I'll pick you up tomorrow then. Goodnight." Seungho waved goodbye as he slowly retreated.

"Goodnight." I say in what seems like a whisper.

     I stand there until his figure is completely gone. It wasn't until he was gone that I realized that Seungho had said that he was going to pick me up everyday. I smiled widely and practically jumped up and down from excitement. Life was only getting better and better. The only thing left now was to figure out how Seungho felt about me. Was I truly just someone he wanted to help? Was my voice the only thing he was after?

"Hello, AhnJi." I hear someone say.



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hellopanda23 #1
Chapter 28: It's over and yeah they were together.. Loved the poetry.. Really sweet and beautiful
Tabi0411 #2
Chapter 28: Awww end already..yeah but its happy ending..tq for writing a great story!!"
hellopanda23 #3
Chapter 26: girl you go to him. if you love someone and care for them that much there is no "ifs" and or "buts" just go!
Chapter 26: oh ahnji, just watch the concert on DVD and give me the tickets.ahahahaha! :)
Chapter 26: yeeeeeey! update! :)
aaaaaaaaw..poor seunghoiee.. :,( *sigh*...can i request for a double update? this cliffy makes me all jittery!ahahaha! :) thanks authornim :)
congrats AhnJi...But what's with seungho? (@@) really worried for him right now...hope you could update soon :) thanks authornim :)
hellopanda23 #7
Chapter 25: double update...but no seungho? awww....
Tabi0411 #8
Chapter 25: Wow double more great if triple update keke...update soon!!
hellopanda23 #9
Chapter 23:'t see this ending coming....gosh.......ahhhh
Tabi0411 #10
Chapter 23: Aww pls make them together