Chapter Twenty Six

Back To You

You were unconscious on the cold ground of the roof. Blood oozed out from your head. The male held you in his arms, "Are you ing crazy?!" he yelled at the female that strucked you with the bat. "She deserved it! I stated I'll make her pay!" she yelled back. "By doing this! You're insane!" The other female rolled her eyes. "Calm down, Minhyuk. She'll be fine." Minhyuk looked at the two insane girls. "How the hell can she be fine?!" He tried stopping the blood with the sleeve of his uniform. "Minah, I swear if she dies, I'm coming after you." He stared at Minah and then to the other girl. "You too, Jieun." Minhyuk lifted you up in his arms and ran out the door.


Break was still going. And there were no one in the halls. Minhyuk passed the nurses room. He knew they won't do anything. He looked at your pale face. The blood was still oozing. "I'm so sorry." He whispered. He ran down the hallways.


Sunggyu left the cafeteria to go find you. While he was walking down the hallway, he saw Minhyuk running towards him with you in his arms. Sunggyu eyes widen when he saw the blood. He stopped Minhyuk. "Will you move! I need to take her to the hospital!" shouted Minhyuk. "W-What happened to her?!" Sunggyu shouted. People from the cafeteria came out to see, what was going one. Everyone was in shocked once they saw you. Especially Krystal and the others. Krystal felt her tears falling down. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" she shouted. "I'll take her." said Sunggyu. He tired taking you from Minhyuk but Minhyuk didn't give. "Do you honestly think ~~~~ wants you to take her to the hospital?" he said. Minhyuk looked down and gave you to Sunggyu. Sunggyu quickly took you away and ran down the halls. "Meet me at the hospital! And someone tell Myungsoo!" Sunggyu yelled. Sunggyu looked down at you. A small tear fell down his face, "Please be okay." 


Myungsoo was at home. He went into his father's studies. Once he opened the door, he saw his mother and father. His father was sitting in his chair while his mother stood beside him. "What did you want to tell me that was important that you had me leave school?" he asked his father. His father looked at him straight in the eye. "Myungsoo-ah, how would you feel if you got the company earlier than expected?" he asked him. Myungsoo looked at his father, "Why are you asking? Are you okay?" "I'm fine. But I am getting old. And I think you're ready to take over." Myungsoo nodded his head. "But before you actually take over, I want you to go to New York, just to study." Myungsoo looked at him, in shock. "You want me to leave?" "Not now. But soon. Like in the next several months." Myungsoo looked down. He looked at his father, "I-" Myungsoo was cut off by his phone ringing. "I'm sorry." "It's okay." said his father. Myungsoo looked at the caller id, 'Sungjong.' He picked up the phone. "Do you need anything, Sungjong-ah? Wait, I can't understand you. Sungjong, are you crying? Just stop crying and tell me what's wrong. Who's in the hospital? Wait who?" Myungsoo's eyes widen. His parents looked at him, all worried. Myungsoo felt his whole world just shattered. He felt his chest getting heavy. "I'll be there." He hung up and ran out the door, but his father stopped him. "What's wrong, Myungsoo-ah?" Myungsoo looked at his parents, tears threatening to fall. "~-~~~~ is in the hospital."


You were rushed into the emergency room. Sunggyu stood outside. He looked at the blood on his sleeve. He cringed. His hands curled into a fist. I'm going to find whoever did this to you. And they're going to pay. "Hyung!" Sunggyu turn around and saw Krystal and the others, running towards him. Krystal was the first person to him. "Is sh-" She stopped mid-sentence when she saw the blood. Sunggyu noticed she was staring at the blood. He tried hiding it. But Krystal burst out crying. "Noona!" Sungjong ran to Krystal and hugged her. Krystal cried in his arms. Sunggyu looked down. The others as well.


Krystal's family and Myungsoo reached the hospital. They met each other on the way to where Krystal's and the others were waiting. "Is she out yet?" asked Krystal's mother. Krystal shook her head. Tears still falling down. Her mother came and hugged her. Myungsoo leaned on the wall. He felt something wet slide down his face. He was crying. "Hyung?" Myungsoo looked at the younger boy in front of him. Sungjong's eyes were puffy, just like the others. More tears fell from Myungsoo's eyes. Sungjong hugged Myungsoo. Myungsoo just sobbed into the younger boy's shoulder.

After awhile, the doctor came out. Everyone rushed to him. "Is she alright?" asked Krystal's father. The expression of the doctor was unreadable. "The impact was pretty severe. She lost a significant amount of blood. We noticed the still remaining shards of glass from her previous accident. We took them out, and we did a blood transfusion. So she is fine." Everyone relaxed. "But." Everyone stiffened. "But she does have a concussion. Like I said, the impact was severe. I don't know how long she'll have the concussion. But she will be very out of it and not very cooperative. It'll take some time for her head to heal." " Can we go see her?" asked Krystal. The doctor nodded his head, "She's resting right now. So try not make any sudden noises. A nurse will show you the way." A nurse came and showed everyone to your room.

Once everyone got there, Krystal was the first person to your room. Followed by the guys. Krystal's family stayed outside. The eight of them entered your room. You were lying on the bed, unconscious. You had a bandage around your head. You were completely paler than before. Your lips we chapped and your heart was beating at a slow and steady pace. Krystal weeped at the sight of you. Dongwoo patted her back. Myungsoo just looked at you. He pulled out a chair and sat by you. He held your hand. Tears fell down. "I'm glad you're okay." he whispered and held on to your hand tightly.


A Few Days Later

You woke up and searched your surroundings. You weren't in your room. It took you awhile to notice you were in the hospital. You tried sitting up but your head started hurting and there was a weight on your right hand. You looked to your right and saw someone placing his head on the side of the bed. You looked at the person more closely. Myungsoo. You could barely see his face, since his arms were in the way. You slowly sat up, trying your best not to wake him. You stared at him. You removed his bangs, that were covering some of his face, with your other hand.

The door opened and you saw Hoya coming in. Hoya stared at you, "You're awake." You nodded your head. He sat in a chair. "Is your head okay?" "I'm a little dizzy and I have a headache." You told him. "The doctor says you have a concussion." "How long will it last?" Hoya shrugged. "Days? Weeks? Months? Maybe years? I don't know. But some people with concussions, still have them now. So it might stick with you." You sighed, "Well, that's lovely." There was a silence. "You're lucky, you didn't lose your memory." he told you. "I guess." "Do you remember who hit you?" he asked you. You looked down. You did remember who hit you. You just didn't know she had it in her. She was mean, yes. But she wasn't a monster. After what happened to you, you thought other wise. "~~~~, do you know who hit you?" Hoya aksed you again. You slowly nodded your head. "Can you tell me?" Hoya asked, softly. You looked at him, "But you can't tell Myungsoo." "~~~~, he has to know. He stayed here with you for a few days now. He wants to know what happened. Minhyuk di-" You stopped him, "Minhyuk?" You asked him. Hoya sighed. "He found you." "H-He found m-me?"  You stuttered. You remember you saw three pair of legs before you out. Two were female, while the other was male. "There were three people at the rooftop. Two were female and the other one was male." You told Hoya. Hoya kept a straight face, "I'm guessing the male was Minhyuk?" You nodded your head. "I know who hit me, and it was Minah. But the other female, I couldn't see who it was." Hoya nodded his head, "I'll tell Sunggyu hyung. And I think you need to talk to someone." You looked at him, confused. He pointed to the side of your head. You turn your head and saw Myungsoo, staring right at you.


Hoya left the room, to go talk to Sunggyu. You were alone in the room with Myungsoo. He kept quiet, so you did too. You took a glance at him. He was staring into space. He looked pale and skinnier than before. Like he hadn't eaten in days. Hoya said he's been by my side for days. Did he really not leave? You slightly smiled, but then frowned when your head started hurting. It was like deja vu, all over again. You clutched your head, "Ow." Myungsoo snapped out of his thoughts and looked at you, concerned. "Are you okay?" "My head hurts." "Just try not to think too hard. The doctor said so." He told you. You nodded your head. You were going to say something, when a nurse came in. She smiled at you, "You're awake." You nodded your head. "I'm just going to change your bandage and check your pulse, okay?" You nodded your head. The nurse came closer to you and unwrapped the bandage. Your head felt different with the weight of the bandage gone. You saw the bloody bandage. You cringed. Oh, god.

Myungsoo noticed your expression, so he held your hand. You looked at him and he showed you a small smile. You smiled back. The nurse wrapped a new bandage around your head. The nurse checked your monitor, she wrote some stuff on her clipboard and left. "So, Minah was the one who hit you?" Myungsoo asked in a low voice. You were sort of scared of Myungsoo right now. He looked at you for answers. You slowly nodded your head. "Do you know the other girl?" You shook your head. "I'm glad you're okay." You faced him. He looked sad and relieved. "I honestly thought I was going to lose you." Your heart melted. You held his hand, "You're not going to lose me. Something big has to happen for me to leave." Myungsoo put on a fake smile. I'm scared of you leaving me, but I'm more scared of leaving you. I can't leave you. The next several months I'm going to make memorable. He leaned in and gave you a kiss on the forehead. Your cheeks turned pink. And it was noticeable because of your pale skin. Myungsoo pulled away and saw you blushing. He chuckled.

You were enjoying your moment with Myungsoo, when the door bursted open. "NOONA!" Sungjong came running in, holding a white teddy bear in a joker outfit. Following behind him was Krystal. She had her backpack in her arms. Sungjong handed you the teddy bear. "For you noona." You took it from him, "Thank you Sungjong-ah." You looked at Krystal. "Krystal..." She looked down. "This is a deja vu moment." she softly said. You nodded your head. "But this time it's no accident." said Myungsoo. He got up from his seat. "I'll be back." And he left. You looked at the empty seat beside you, "Where is he going?" Sungjong and Krystal looked at eachother. And they looked back at you. "You don't want to know."


Myungsoo was in the hallway outside your room. He saw the others minus Sungjong. "Minho said Minah is at school. But not Minhyuk." said Woohyun. Myungsoo nodded his head. "Do you really want to do this, Myungsoo-ah?" asked Sunggyu. Myungsoo looked at the older boy in front of him. "Did you not see ~~~~? She's in the hospital again. This time with a concussion! Minah nearly killed her. ~~~~ already had two near death experiences. I'm not going to let it be another one." Sunggyu sighed. "Okay. But don't go overboard. Minah did do something wrong but we have our reputation to worry about as well." Myungsoo nodded his head. After discussing what they were going to do, they left the hospital and headed to school.


"You guys aren't telling me anything." you asked Krystal and Sungjong. They sat down on the couch in the room. Sungjong playing with his phone and Krystal was 'doing' her homework. "Noona, just let it go." said Sungjong, not looking up from his phone. You rolled your eyes and looked Krystal. "Yah. Krystal, I know you're not doing your homework but just doodling." Krystal looked up at you and went back to doodling doing her homework. You sighed. You heard your stomach growling. You frowned. You looked at the two of them. "Umm...I'm hungry." you said. They both looked at you. "I'll go get something." said Sungjong. He left the room to go get you something to eat. 

You sat on the bed, waiting for Sungjong to come back.You felt useless. You would get sudden headaches. You would look at your phone but won't even call or text anyone. You mind wouldn't be in it's straight mind. You felt like yourself after the car accident. But worse. Damn concussion. I feel so useless. You looked at Krystal. She was lying on the couch, sleeping. After for some time now, Sungjong came back with the food. "I'm sorry that I took so long." he said, giving you a sandwich and a bottle of water. "It's okay." You were about to take a bite from the sandwich when you heard, "Noona! Scoot over! You're taking over the whole couch!" You rubbed your temples slightly, and sighed. There is no peace and quiet in this place or anywhere. You bit the sandwich and took a sip from the bottle. 


The guys entered the school. It was break time, once they got there. Minho was leaning against a locker. He looked up and saw them coming towards him. "Where is she?" asked Myungsoo. "She's in the cafeteria, being Minah" said Minho. Myungsoo turned to Woohyun, "Can you go get her?" Woohyun nodded his head and made his way to the cafeteria. "What do we do now?" asked Dongwoo. "Now. We wait." said Myungsoo.


Woohyun entered the cafeteria and girls piled in front of him. "Oppa! Will you have lunch with me?" "No he's having lunch with me!" "No! Me!" Girls began to agrue and Woohyun took his chance and left them. He searched the cafeteria and found Minah sitting at a table, chewing a piece of gum. Woohyun made his way to her. Minah looked up and smiled, "Well hello there." Woohyun smiled back, "Hello." "Do you need anything?" "Well, I need you to follow me." Minah, smile seductively, "Are we doing something?" Woohyun chuckled and grinned. He leaned in and whispered in her ear, "If you follow me, maybe we will." He pulled away and held out his hand. Minah gladly took it and Woohyun led her out the cafeteria. Girls saw what has happened and frowned.

Once Woohyun and Minah were out the cafeteria, he made sure no one was around and he tossed Minah to Myungsoo. "Hey! What the hell is your problem?!" "My problem is you." said Myungsoo. Minah looked at him and was frighten by his stare. "You went too far." Myungsoo growled. "W-What do you mean?" "You know exactly what I mean." Myungsoo's face was inches away from Minah's. Minah tried to build her composure back, "I have no idea what you're talking about." You do. Just tell me, why?" "She deserved it. I made a promise and I was keeping it." Minah said, calmly. Which made Myungsoo mad. He gripped Minah's shoulders and slammed her on to a locker. She winced. "Myungsoo! Calm down!" said Sunggyu. "Tell me the name of the other girl." said Myungsoo. "I don't know what your talking about. I admit I hit ~~~~ with the bat. But I was the only person there." Minah said through the pain from her back. Myungsoo scoffed, "I know you're lying. Now tell me the name of the other girl." His grip on her shoulder tighten and Minah cried out in pain. Dongwoo and Minho pulled Myungsoo away from Minah. "If your smart, you'll tell us the name of the other girl. It's not a pretty sight to see Myungsoo mad." said Sungyeol. Minah shuddered. "Jieun. Yang Jieun." Everyone frozed, except for Minho. "Do you know this Jieun girl?" he asked them. They nodded their heads. "Where's Minhyuk?" asked Myungsoo. "I don't know. He was pretty upset about what happened. He didn't want to be part of this but I made him." Minah said. "Why'd you do this?" asked Hoya. "I only did this to get ~~~~ out of the way. As much as I want you Myungsoo, I want Minhyuk more. I known Minhyuk my whole life, and he fell for ~~~~. She was getting in the way." "And almost killing her, is getting her out of the way?!" Myungsoo shouted. Minah shrugged. Myungsoo lunged towards her, but Dongwoo and Minho held him down. "You're a ." he said. Minah smirked, "You just noticed that?" "Minhyuk will never fall for like you." "It seems like he already has. But he's still confused about his damn feelings." She scowled. "Just stay away from ~~~~." "What if I don't?" she asked. "Oh you will." Myungsoo got out of Dongwoo and Minho's grasp and went towards Minah, "Unless you want me to come after you. I mean, I am the heir to Kim Corporations. I could pay someone to make you disappear. Don't think I will, cause I will." Minah gulped, "O-Okay. I'll leave ~~~~ alone." "Good." Minah left them, in a hurry. 

"I think you scared her." said Sungyeol. "Good." said Myungsoo. "Are you coming with us to go see Jieun?" Sunggyu asked Minho. Minho shook his head, "No. I need to catch up with my work. You go ahead." Minho said goodbye to them and left to go to class. "Looks like were heading back to our old school." said Sunggyu. Everyone left the school and headed to their old school.


All six of them entered the familiar building. The girls in their short skirts and heavy make-up saw the boys coming in. They squealed, "Oppas! Came back!" The boys in their messed up ties and disorignized uniform rolled their eyes. They six boys paid no attention to them. They went to the room, where Jieun and her friends hang out. The bleachers outside.

They saw Jieun and her friends Nayoung and Kyungmi and some other people. They were laughing and talking. The boys went up to them. Jieun saw them coming and jumped up from her seat. "OPPAS!!!" She ran to them and she gave Myungsoo a hug. Myungsoo didn't hug her back but pushed her away. Jieun pouted, "Oppa, what's wrong?" Myungsoo glared at her, "We need to talk. Now." "Okay. Go." Myungsoo looked at Nayoung and Kyungmi and the other people. Jieun noticed, "Leave." And they left.

Only Jieun and boys stood at the bleachers. "So what do you want to talk about?" Jieun asked. "Something that happened a few days ago at our school." Myungsoo said. Jieun tilted her head, "But nothing happened at our school." Myungsoo was trying to control his anger. "Not this school. But the school that we transfered to." "I have no idea what happened at that school." she said. Myungsoo stepped forward but Sunggyu held him back. "I suggest you stop playing dumb, Jieun and tell us why'd you help." said Sunggyu. "But I'm not oppa." Myungsoo girtted his teeth together. Sunggyu held on to Myungsoo's shoulder, preventing him not to do anything stupid. Myungsoo glared at the girl in front of him. "Tell. Me. Now." Jieun just stared at him. "I know you know what I'm talking about. So stop acting innocent." he told her. Jieun was expressionless, until a sly smile appeared on her face. "Who ratted me out? Was it lover boy? Or wanna be ?" The boys looked at her in pure disgust. "What is wrong with you?" Myungsoo asked. Jieun stepped forward. "What's wrong with me? You're asking me, what's wrong with me?!" She shouted, "I gave you all my love! And you go off and fall for another girl! I'm better for you, oppa! Not a ing normal girl! I have class, she doesn't! I can give you everything you ever wanted!" "I don't love you. I never did and I never will. I don't like girls who are too conceited and stuck up. And yeah, I fell for ~~~~. And you can't give me everything I want. All I ever want is her. ~~~~. All I want is her. Not you." Myungsoo told her. Jieun started crying, "Why can't you see that I love you?" "You make it very clear that you love me. But I don't love you. You're just another annoying fangirl." After that, Jieun snapped. She went up to Myungsoo and slapped him right across the face. The others' eyes widen, in shock. Myungsoo touched his now red cheek. He looked at Jieun. "~~~~ deserved it. She deserved everything that has happened to her. She took everything away from me. She took you away. If I had a chance to go back in time, I would. Instead of Minah hitting her, I would have done it. Minah just hit her once. I would have kept going until she stopped breathing." Myungsoo was about to attack her but Sunggyu held him back. "I don't care if your a girl! I'm not a afraid to hit you!" Myungsoo shouted. "Calm the down, Myungsoo-ah!" Sunggyu shouted. Myungsoo took a deep breath. Sunggyu slowly let Myungsoo go. "She took my happy ending away." Jieun said. "You don't deserve a happy ending." With that, he turned around and left with the others following him. In the distance he heard, "I hate you Kim Myungsoo!! You jerk!! You won't be happy with her!"


After eating, you wanted to watch tv. You grabbed the remote that was lying right next to you. You turn on the tv. You only watched the tv for not even a minute. You instantly got dizzy. You quickly turn off the tv and held your head. You sighed. I hate this! I ing hate this! You looked at Sungjong and Krystal. They were sleeping on the couch. The couch was pretty small but they manage to work it out. After looking at them sleeping, you decided to take a nap as well. You slowly laid down on the bed and took a nap.

It was only 10 minutes in and you were still asleep. The door open and Minhyuk came in. He saw Sungjong and Krystal sleeping, so he quietly made his way towards you. He stared at your sleeping figure. He caressed your cheek. A small tear slide down his face. "I'm so sorry. I didn't want this to happen. I'm an idiot for letting you go. I'm sorry for everything I've ever done. I still love you. And because I care, I'm letting you go. You seem more happy with Myungsoo. I hope he can bring you the happiness you're looking for. This is goodbye ~~~~." Minhyuk whispered. He lean in and placed a quick, soft and last kiss on your lips. He pulled away and left the room.


Myungsoo and the others reached the hospital and was heading to your room. They saw Minhyuk coming out of your room. Out of instinct, Myungsoo ran to him and punched him in the face. Minhyuk fell straight to the ground. "What the hell are you doing here?!" Myungsoo hissed. Minhyuk wiped his mouth and got up, "I'm not here to cause trouble." "I think that's a little too late." Minhyuk looked straight into Myungsoo's eyes, "This will be the last time you'll see me." Myungsoo stared at him, "Where are you going?" "Probably to L.A. My parents are currently over there" Minhyuk said, "I've put ~~~~ through too much pain. I think it'll be better if I left. Minah wasn't this mean. She just changed once we entered middle school. And after I started dating ~~~~. Once I leave, you won't see Minah. My family is closed to her family and once I leave, they'll probably decide to make Minah leave as well." "So you're leaving? For good?" asked Sunggyu. Minhyuk nodded his head, "You can be happy. I don't want to cause trouble anymore. I'm letting ~~~~ go. Don't hurt her, Myungsoo. She's been through enough. We both know that we don't want her to end up in the hospital again." Myungsoo nodded his head. "Give her the happiness she's looking for." With that Minhyuk left them for good.


You slowly opened your eyes. You sat up and saw everyone in the room. Of course Sungjong and Krystal were still sleeping on the couch. Sunggyu sat in the chair with his head hanging down. Woohyun was leaning against the feet of the couch and next to him was Hoya. Dongwoo and Sungyeol were spread all over the floor. And beside you from before was Myungsoo sitting on the chair with his head on the side of the bed. You placed your hand on his cheek. A small smile crept on his lips. You smiled. You looked around the room. I'm happy I have these people as my friends. You looked at Myungsoo and caressed his cheek. And someone that I could depend on. I'm happy you're in my life, Myungsoo. I don't know what I'll do if you leave.

  Again, I have no idea what I wrote. I was sort of out of it when I typed this. I was mostly preoccupied trying to stop the pain in my tailbone. It hurts like hell. Just to let you know that. And again I had a headache. And it also hurts like hell.

In the next chapter it'll be Jessica's and Jay's wedding. I'm skipping months. 

And the idea of getting a concussion was never planned. I thought of it when my friend got a concussion, like a month ago. And she still has it. :(

She can't do much things. She got taken out of gym because of it. And she has to go to Summer School. She missed a lot of things. :(

But anyways a wedding next chapter. Some stuff are coming. I wish my headache went away and my tailbone will stop hurting. And yeah, I have nothing to say now. 

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I'm still currently writing Chapter Thirty One. I'm going to update it tomorrow, after I come back from school. I don't have time to update it today.


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Chapter 37: the 2nd time I read this story... and now off to the sequel... :D
Chapter 37: aahhhh i hate this. but i will read the another story! nice work!
Omg!!! I just finished this story and I'm off to the sequel! Omg! I cried at the ending. I thought they will live happily ever after. :(
new reader! i swear this could be turned into a DRAMA and i'd probably watch it a jillion times! LOLOLOL :D WHY IS THIS STORY AND THE SEQUEL NOT FEATURED?!?!?!!? IT SHOULD BE FEATURED!! D:<
New reader (^-^)/
uh oh I'm kinda late find this fic huhu
gonna start reading, high speed reading.! xDD
What a great story! Made my cry! Gonna start reading the sequel!
valeriecaasi #7
omgg.. why is myungsoo enganged w/ the other girl and not her ??? :(

i want myungsoo and her to be together not the one he's enganged with.........
xoRynoa #8
Ahh! I love this fic so much<3 & Now there's a sequence :D YOU'RE AMAZING!! I love you, tehe ;3
Maswimelloumia #9
Sequel... I want Myungsoo to marry her not that girl he's engaged with....
myungsoo_23505 #10
ys sequel kekekee