Chapter Twenty Five

Back To You

After the flight, you and Krystal were really tired. So Krystal's parents decided it won't be bad for you and her to miss one school day. So on Monday, you and Krystal won't be going to school. As well with Infinite. Not from jet-lag but some business for their parent's company.


It was almost noon and you were still in bed. Krystal's mother made an appointment for you at the doctors for an check up. Which was soon. Krystal came into your room. It was dark but not too dark. The sun was shining through the closed curtains. She went to them and opened them. The rays from the sun shine. You didn't notice them, since you were under the covers.

Krystal went to your closet and picked out an outfit for you. She laid it on the chair and went to you. Krystal didn't want to hit you or make you mad, since you were pretty mad at her on the plane. 


You were in middle sitting beside Myungsoo and Sunggyu. Your arms were crossed and you looked pretty mad. Krystal was telling stories about you. A payback for kicking her seat. She went too for.  You growled. "Is someone upset?" You turn your head and saw Myungsoo smiling at you. "Shut. The. . Up." you emphasized. "I'm sorry but it was funny." Everyone was sleeping except for you and Myungsoo. He laughed. "Are you going to kill Krystal?" he asked. "Oh yeah." Myungsoo continued to laugh. You rolled your eyes. "Will you shut up?" You glared at him. He shook his head and laughed, "It's really funny, how you went around your neighborhood dressed as a duck." You rolled your eyes, "I lost a bet, okay?" "It's still funny." "If you don't be quiet, you'll be the next person I kill." Myungsoo stopped laughing. He cleared his throat and looked out the window. You smirked.


The plane landed and everyone was getting off the plane. You got up from your seat and you meant eyes with Krystal. She stared at you and you stared back. But with more tension in your eyes. Krystal shrunk from your stare. She gave you a smalll smile. "Run." you whispered. With that, Krystal ran out the plane. You went after her. "We should go after them. You know, so ~~~~ doesn't kill Krystal." said Sunggyu. Everyone nodded their heads and left the plane.


Once the guys got into the airport, they saw you still chasing Krystal. "I'm going to kill you, Jung Soojung!" You shouted. "I'm sorry! I know I went too far!" she said. "Sorry isn't going to cut it!" "Please! Let me off, this once! I'll do anything! Please, forgive me!" she pleaded. You ignored her and continued to chase her. People at the airport looked at you funny. Some people felt sorry for Krystal. You were a feet away from Krystal and you were about to grab her shoulder, when you got lifted off the ground and spun around. "Let me go!" you shouted at the person. "No can do." You looked at the person and saw Hoya. "Let. Me. Go." You said. He stared at you, "No." "~~~~, don't kill Krystal. She said she was sorry." said Sunggyu. You glared at him. Sunggyu looked away. "I'm sorry, unnie. I'm really am. It just sort of slipped out. I mean you kicked my seat and you're not going to confe-" "DON'T SAY THAT!" Krystal hid behind Dongwoo. 

You took a deep breath. "Can we go home? Now." Everyone nodded their heads. Krystal mouthed, 'I'm really sorry.' You sighed. Maybe I went overboard. I'm a terrible person. You noticed Hoya still had his arms around you. "Um, Hoya?" "Hm?" he said. "You're still holding me." Hoya looked down, "Oh. I'm sorry." He let go of you. "Are you still mad at her?" said Myungsoo. You looked at him, and sighed. "I guess not. But she still shouldn't have done that." "Yeah." You and Myungsoo walked out the airport.

-End of Flashback-

Krystal shivered at that memory. She obiviously didn't want to make you mad anymore. She gently shook you."~~~~? Wake up." You ignored her. "~~~~, come on. My mom made an appointment for you at the doctors'." You groaned, but woke up anyways. You pulled the covers off and sat up. Krystal pulled you out the bed and pulled you to the bathroom. Krystal went to the chair and picked up the outfit. She handed it to you.You took it and took a shower. 

While you were taking a shower, Krystal went through your closet and looked for a jacket. After founding an jacket, she wanted for you to be done. After you were done doing your hygiene routine, you left the bathroom. You were still tired. Krystal handed you the jacket and pulled you downstairs.

She sat you down on the couch and went into the kitchen. You were dazed, until someone snapped you out. "What?" "~~~~-ah?" You looked up and saw Krystal's mom. "Yeah?" "I set an appointment with Dr. Lee. I can go with you if you want." she said. You were about to agree but then you remembered that Myungsoo wanted to attend you to your appointment, once you made one. "Actually Myungsoo wanted to take me, once I made a appointment." you told her. Krystal grinned. You ignored that. "Oh really?" Mrs. Jung asked. You nodded your head. "Very well. Hurry up and tell Myungsoo-ah. Your appointment is very soon." You nodded your head. Mrs. Jung left for the kitchen. "Cute!" You heard Krystal say. You rolled your eyes. "Don't forget. I'm still mad at you for telling them those stories." you told her. She frowned, "I said I was sorry." "Yeah. Now run along. Go talk to Minho or something." "He's still in Incheon." "Then call him." Krystal frowned again and went up to her room.

You pulled out your phone and dialed Myungsoo's number. There was a long wait. "Come on." you said to yourself. After the long wait, he picked up.



"Yeah? Did you need something?"

"Yeah. Remember you said, you'll accompany me to my doctor appointment?"

"Yeah. Why, did you make one?"

"Yeah. Krystal's mom did."

"Okay. When is it?"

"Uhh now."

"Okay we co- Wait did you say now?"

"Yeah." While nodding your head, anyway he can't see it.

"~~~~, I'm in a meeting right now."

"Oh? Then I could get Krystal's mom to take me."

"No. I said I'll take you. I'll try to get out of the me-"

"No. The meeting is probably important. I'll ask someone else, it's okay." You cut him off.


"No buts, Myungsoo. I'll tell you what happened later, okay?"

You heard him sigh.

"Okay. Just tell me later. I hope everything is okay." You blushed at his words. Calm down, ~~~~.

"I will. Now go back to your meeting."

"Okay. Bye."


Both of you hung up. You frowned. You actually wanted Myungsoo to go with you. But he had busisness to take care of. You sighed and headed your way to the kitchen. You saw Mrs. Jung sitting at the table, drinking coffee. She looked at you. "Is Myungsoo coming?" "Yeah about that. He can't make it. He's at a meeting for his dad's company." She sighed. "~~~~ your late for your appointment." "I know." She got up from the chair and looked through her purse. She took out her keys. She threw them at you and you caught them. "You're 19. You drive yourself to the doctor." "You're actually letting me drive your car?" "You had your license for like a couple of years now. So yeah, I am." You smiled. "I won't scratch it. I promise." She smiled. "I know. Now go!" You left the kitchen and went outside.


You were heading to the hospital. Once you got there, you headed to the front desk. The lady at the front desk looked at you, "May I help you?" "Yeah, I'm sort of late for my appointment. I was wondering if I could still get my check up." "What's the name of the doctor?" "Dr. Lee." You saw her typing on keyboard and she called someone. She hung up. "Dr. Lee is willing to see you. Just wait in the waiting room. And may I have your name?" "Lee ~~~~." She nodded her head. "Dr. Lee will see you soon." You sat in the waiting room, and it didn't take that long. A nurse came for you. "Lee ~~~~?" You stood up. "That's me." The nurse smiled at you, "Follow me." You follow her to a room. She told you to sit down on the bed and you did. "Dr. Lee will be in here in a moment." You nodded your head and waited.


After a couple of minutes of waiting, Dr. Lee came in. He smiled at you. "It's been long time, ~~~~." You smiled back. "Yeah it has." He sat down in a chair. "So, what brings you here?" "Well after the accident, I've been really tired. All I wanted to do is sleep." You saw him nod his head. "Well. ~~~~ when you got into the accident, your head collided with something." "Yeah. A window." You told him. "Yeah. And judging by how you're telling me this, it is possible you might have hit your head on something else. If it is okay with you, I would like to take a MRI. Just to take some tests if you have an concussion." he said. "Will it take long?" You asked. "It'll probably take several minutes, judging how serious it is."  You thought about it. You nodded your head, "Okay." "Okay. Follow me."


Dr. Lee led you to a room. Onc you entered the room, you saw a big scanner. Dr. Lee told you to lie down in the scanner. "Try not to move, okay?" You nodded your head. "It won't hurt, right?" You asked him. He shook his head, "You won't feel a thing." Dr. Lee left you in the scanner. He went to go turn it on. You lay there, not moving in your best ability. You saw some lights but just like Dr. Lee said, you didn't feel a thing.

After a couple of minutes, Dr. Lee told you, you can move. You got out of the scanner. Dr. Lee was looking at the image of your brain. "Well, there's nothing too serious. You don't have an concussion. That's good. But they're still some shards of glass. They probably won't be affecting you as much, but just to be safe, take it easy, alright?" You nodded your head, "Okay. Thank you."


You left the hospital. You were in the car driving. You stopped at an red light, and then your phone started ringing. You looked at caller id. 'Myungsoo'. You placed the bluetooth in your ear and turn it on. You picked up the phone. 


"Hey, how was it?"

"It was okay, I guess." The light turned green and you drove off.

"You guess? Please tell me nothing bad happened." You smiled on how worried he was.

"Nothing bad happened. He said I don't have an concussion and that I have some shards of glass still stuck in my head, so I just have to take it easy."

"Oh. Thank god, you're not dying."

"You actually thought I was dying?"

"Well, you're always sleeping. So I assume that you were dying."

"Aren't you lovely." With a hint of sarcasm.

You heard him lauging on the other line.

"I know I am." You rolled your eyes.

"How was the meeting?"


"Aren't all meetings boring?"

"They are, actually." You laughed.

"I was going to ask you to hang out today, but I'm pretty busy today." He told you.

"It's okay. I'll hang out with Krystal."

"Okay. I have to go now. I'll see you in school, tomorrow."

"Okay. Bye."


By the time you hung up, you reached home. You tunr off the ignition. You got out of the car and made sure the car was still in one piece. After making sure it was still in one piece, you went inside.

Once you entered the house you saw Jay sitting on the couch, eating an apple. "Uhh hi?" Jay looked at you, "Hey." You sat in the chair facing him. "How's life, ~~~~?" He asked you. You shrugged, "Good, I guess." "Do you have a boy in your life?" After hearing that question, you thought of Myungsoo. You blushed. Jay saw it and grinned, "I'm guessing there is." "I-" 'Of course there is!" said Krystal, running down the stairs. She sat on my lap. I looked at her, "Really? There's a chair right there." You said, pointing to the chair right next to you. "You're more comfortable." she said. You rolled your eyes. "So who's the lucky guy?" asked Jay. "Kim Myungsoo." You told him. Jay looked at you with the apple in his mouth, "Kim? You mean the heir to Kim Corporations?" You nodded your head. "How the hell were you able to get this guy? Did you seduce him?" He raised his eyebrows. You rolled your eyes. "I did not seduce him. He and his friends go to our school." Jay looked confused, "Why are rich kids going to a normal school?" You and Krystal looked at each other, "We actually don't know why, either." you told him. Jay nodded his head. "Why are you here?" you asked him. He pouted, "Why, I can't hang out with my new family?" "I'm not family." "Hey, you could be another Jung. It's very much possible." he said. You laughed. "He's right, you know. It's very much possible." said Krystal. "Whatever." 

You, Krystal and Jay continued to talk, when Jessica entered the house. "Hi unnie." said Krystal. "Hey." She looked at Jay, who was sitting down and smiling at her. "What are you doing here?" she asked him. "My fiancee doesn't want me here?" he asked her, with a pout. "Please, babe. No pouting. It does not suit you at all." "Thanks babe." he said sarcastically. She smiled. Jessica looked at you and Krystal. "Clear all your plans on Christmas Eve." She said. "Why?" Krystal asked. "Because..." Jessica looked at Jay and back at you and Krystal, "Because our wedding day is going to be on that date!" "On Christmas Eve?" You asked her. She nodded her head. "We honestly have nothing planned on that day, right?" Krystal asked you. You nodded your head. "So we are free." said Krystal. "Well obiviously. I mean you guys are my bridemaids. You need to be at the wedding." Jessica said. "She is right." said Jay. "I am. So honey?" Jessica said to Jay. "Yeah?" he said. "I want to make sure the place we're having the wedding is arranged. I want it to be perfect." she said. "Anything for you. I'll wait for you in the car." Jay said bye to you and Krystal and left the house. "And tell the guys, they're invited as well." Jessica said. "Very well." You said. Jessica said goodbye and left.

Throughout the whole day, Krystal and you stayed at home. You guys informed the others to be free on Christmas Eve. And they agreed. You and Krystal were bored, so you guys baked some cupcakes and cookies. It was a complete disaster. You and Krystal agrued most of the time. What frosting should we use? How much batter do we use? Can we add sprinkles? And many more. But overall, the cupcakes and cookies were delicious.

After baking cupcakes and the cookies, you were heading to bed. It was already dark, once you and Krystal finished. You got out the bathroom, drying your hair. You checked your phone for any missed calls or messages. You had one missed message. You read it.


I'm sorry we couldn't hang out. Maybe next time. 
Have a nice dream. Dream of me~


You smiled. You quickly sent him a message.


It's okay. And no I won't dream of you. :)


You didn't get a message after that, so you assume he fell asleep. You dried your hair and went to bed.


You woke the next morning, ready to go to school. Sort of. You were dozing off by the door, waiting for Krystal to finish her breakfast. After she was done, you and her were about to go to school, when Mrs. Jung came running to you guys. "Wait!" You both looked at her. "Yes, omma?" said Krystal. Mrs. Jung looked at you, "We never gave you, your birthday present." "You didn't have to get me anything. I mean you did a lot for me." you told her. She shook her head, "No. You only have your birthday once a year." You sighed, "Okay. You can give it to me after school." You guys heard a honk. Mrs. Jung smiled. "No need." She ushered you and Krystal out the door. Once you got outside you saw a new car in the driveway. "I don't think you guys are walking anymore." She smiled. You gasped. "T-This for me?!" You said, pointing to the car. She nodded her head. "Oh my god!" You ran to it. Mr. Jung got out the car, "Happy late birthday!" You laughed, "Thank you! Thank you so much." You were excited. You got your own car. Your happiness from when you got a new camera came back. "Wow! I'm so borrowing this." said Krystal. You stared at her, "In your dreams." "Hey it's either you drive me or you let me borrow it." You sighed, "Fine." Krystal smiled, "Yay!" Krystal ran to the passenger side and went inside. You went up to the Krystal's parents and hugged them, "Thank you." "No problem." said Mr. Jung. You smiled. You broke away from them and went to the driver seat. You started the car and drove to school.


You parked the car in the parking lot and went to the building. "Is Minho back from Incheon?" you asked Krystal. She shook her head, "He'll be back tomorrow or the next day." "Isn't he missing a lot practice days?" "He only missed like 2-3 days." You shrugged.

You and Krystal went straight to your classroom. It was still pretty early. Once you and Krystal went inside the classroom, you saw Myungsoo and Sungyeol talking. They noticed the two of you. "Hey." said Sungyeol. "Hi." said Krystal. You sat in your seat and Krystal sat in the seat in front of you. "So what were you guys talking about?" asked Krystal. "Some business." said Myungsoo. "Even if you're at school, you have to talk about your companies issues?" you asked them. "Not all the time. Only on some occasions." said Sungyeol. You nodded your head.

The four of you continued to talk, until class started. You saw Krystal sleeping, Sungyeol doodling and Myungsoo paying close attention to Mr. Kang's lecture. You leaned back in your chair. The lecture was boring you to death. So you started drawing random circles on your paper. You heard someone chuckling. You turn around saw Myungsoo. "What?" you whispered. "You that bored?" he whispered back. You nodded your head. He shook his head. You stuck your tongue at him. He smiled.


Break was here. You got up from your sit but you noticed Myungsoo packing his things. "Why are you packing your things? It's only break." you said. "I'm leaving early. My dad wanted to talk to me about something." he told you. "Can't it wait till after school?" He shook his head. "No. I'm sorry. Looks like you're going to be bored without me here." He said. You rolled your eyes. "I'm already bored, even if you're here." "That hurts." he said, frowning. You couldn't help but smile. Myungsoo smiled, "I'll miss you." You could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks and your heartbeat increasing. "I'll...I'll miss you too." He smiled and left the classroom with his backpack. "You will?" said Krystal & Sungyeol, while wiggling their eyebrows. You shot them a glare, "Shut it!" They laughed.


You and the others sat at a table in the cafeteria. You didn't really converse with the others. You would usually talk with Myungsoo or just stay in the classroom. Since, Krystal didn't want you to stay in the classroom alone, she dragged you along to the cafeteria. You placed your chin on your palm while your elbow was on the table, looking at the others talking. "Noona?" "Yes Sungjong." you said, not leaving your position. "Are you going to drink that?" he said, pointing to the chocolate milk in front of you. You moved it towards him, "Take it." Sungjong smiled. "Thank you." You nodded your head. "Is someone upset that Myungsoo isn't here?" said Woohyun. You glared at him. "Hey, I'm just stating the fact." "I'm not upset." You told him. "Sure." You frowned. You face Sunggyu. "Gyu~ Woohyun is making fun of me!" You whined. Krystal laughed. Sungyeol looked confused, "She can whine?" Sungjong smacked his head, "Of course she can. She's human." Sungyeol glared at him. Sunggyu, who was finishing his math homework, didn't look up, "Stop it, Woohyun." "I wasn't making fun of her!" He whined. "Doesn't matter. Stop it." Woohyun pouted. You stuck your tongue at him. He rolled your eyes. "But seriously ~~~~, do you really miss him?" asked Krystal. Everyone looked at you, including Sunggyu. You didn't say anything. But stare at them. "I....I'm going to roof. Bye." You quickly left the cafeteria and went to the roof. "She so misses him." said Sungjong.


The breeze from the wind was blowing your hair all over the place on the roof. You were thinking on the roof, trying to clear your head. You heard the door open and you spun to face the intruder. Your eyes widen, "What are you doing here?" "I told you. Once your boyfriend and best friend are gone, I'll make you pay. I'm just keeping a promise." she smirked. She went towards you, holding something in her hands. Your eyes widen even more at the sight of the bat in her hand. Before you could react, the bat collided with your head. You out.  But before you did, you saw two other pairs of legs. One female and one male. The male, ran towards you. You whispered something before passing out, "Myungsoo..."

I hope you like this.

I honestly don't know what I wrote. I sort of had a bad headache when I type this. :( And I still do.

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I'm still currently writing Chapter Thirty One. I'm going to update it tomorrow, after I come back from school. I don't have time to update it today.


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Chapter 37: the 2nd time I read this story... and now off to the sequel... :D
Chapter 37: aahhhh i hate this. but i will read the another story! nice work!
Omg!!! I just finished this story and I'm off to the sequel! Omg! I cried at the ending. I thought they will live happily ever after. :(
new reader! i swear this could be turned into a DRAMA and i'd probably watch it a jillion times! LOLOLOL :D WHY IS THIS STORY AND THE SEQUEL NOT FEATURED?!?!?!!? IT SHOULD BE FEATURED!! D:<
New reader (^-^)/
uh oh I'm kinda late find this fic huhu
gonna start reading, high speed reading.! xDD
What a great story! Made my cry! Gonna start reading the sequel!
valeriecaasi #7
omgg.. why is myungsoo enganged w/ the other girl and not her ??? :(

i want myungsoo and her to be together not the one he's enganged with.........
xoRynoa #8
Ahh! I love this fic so much<3 & Now there's a sequence :D YOU'RE AMAZING!! I love you, tehe ;3
Maswimelloumia #9
Sequel... I want Myungsoo to marry her not that girl he's engaged with....
myungsoo_23505 #10
ys sequel kekekee