Party Invitation

Killing For Love

"Dark Joo?" A guy kicked him slowly to see if it was him. When he grumbled and turned aside they confirmed it. "YAH, Dark Joo! We have an emergency here!"

The guy called Dark Joo straightened himself, leaning on his elbows. "What are you doing here so soon?"

The other guys seemed to be a little shocked and backed away. They had misunderstood. That guy wasn't Dark Joo.

"Yah, Ahn Jaehyo, tell me what's going on!" The guy spoke to the guy in the front who had kicked him. Ok, that was Dark Joo but he was somehow... different.

Dark Joo looked at their shocked faces and sighed. "Look, I just cut my hair ok? Someone misunderstood me for a girl"

As soon as he revealed it, the guys started laughing and making him embarrassed. He quickly stood up, poked three of them on the head and kicked the other five. "Why are you laughing?!"

Junpei smiled and replied him. "Because the famous and formidable Dark Joo, no, the terrible and formidable Kim Jaejoong, was misunderstood for a girl. Now, we, mere mortals, can have faith and be also desirable by girls."

Dark Joo rolled his eyes and laughed. "Stop with the nonsense. We're here to fight, not to find somebody to love." With those words, he packed his things and went with them.

They went to a shop whose owner was Jaejoong's friend. He always let them use a small room where they used to reunite every time they needed.

"Your grandpa is looking for you." G.O. mumbled at him.

Jaejoond slightly nodded. "Tell him I'll meet him in a while." he replied him. And then, increasing his voice tone, he asked the team "Now tell me, what's going on?"

"What?" They pretended to be confused.

Jaejoong rolled his eyes. "JaeJoong rolled his eyes. "You know I'm not that good when someone wakes me up, so you wouldn't wake me up so abruptly if everything was okay.""

"When are you 'good'?" Woohyun asked him, laughing. Jaejoong immediately went towards him with a serious expression and frowned. He was really close to Woohyun's face. 

Jaejoong smiled dangerously. "Am I being mean right now?" He smirked and Woohyun pushed him away, laughing. "Yah, Kim Jaejoong!"

Everrybody laughed except Gi Kwang, who angrily said "Are you still playing around? We have urgent matters to solve and you're joking around!? Are you gangsters or kids playing around?"

The gang became quiet but Taeyang recovered from the shock first and went towards him. "Who are you to say that? Why can't you understand this is a team and behave like one? You don't need to be always fighting to be a member of Spirit, you need to relax and work as a team."

"Which team?" Gi Kwang replied him back. "I thought you wanted to fight the other gang, not date them..."

"Yah!" Jaejoong pulled Taeyang back when he tried to punch him and Siwon also held Gi Kwang back. "We're a gang, we DON'T fight with each other. If you don't understand what the members say, then listen to me."

He looked at Jaejoong, frowning, and put his hands on his pockets. "Listening to you? Trusting you? I'd do it if you were a respectable leader, you know...." This time no one could stop G.O. when he went and punched Gi Kwang straight in the face. "You want to fight a little bit, is that so? Jaejoong is a great leader. He faces everything with a cold point of view, not like you. If you were the leader we'd already be dead."

"You mean we'd not act like cowards and run away every time?" Gi Kwang looked at G.O. and bent his back not to receive another punch. Taking advantage of G.O.'s proximity, he punched him on the stomach and G.O. fell. In a minute, everybody was surrounding G.O ready to fight for him. Only Siwon and Jaejoong didn't move.

When they were getting ready to fight, someone poured water at them. They started to protest and turned to the water's direction. They saw Jaejoong holding a bucket and silently asked why. Jaejoong was short and concise. "Spirit members will never fight each other again. If you do it one more time, you'll be expelled of the gang. I have a lot to think already, I don't need to be controlling you and following your every steps, do I?"


"What?!" Jaejoong frowned.

They replied higher. "NO!"

Jaejoong nodded. "Okay. Now, someone tell me... What happened?"

They finished cleaning themselves, found a place to seat and they told him.


Ji Hee was doing her homework when someone knocked at her roomdoor. "Who is it? Please come on in!"

Someone opened the door and one of the housekeepers announced Suki. However, Suki didn't feel ok on being announced like that and walked in, waving at the housekeeper, who bowed and left the room.

"Where are you, Ji Hee?" Suki looked around. Ji Hee's room was really big, Suki would always feel lost.

"I'm in the office".

"Oh, ok." Suki said, and turned right. She walked and saw her wardrobe. "Did you buy more clothes?" She asked when she walked in the room.

Ji Hee shrugged. "You know I didn't, daddy sent me those. You know I don't like shopping."

Suki sat on the other chair. "You're lucky. How I wish to have such a library!"

Ji Hee looked at her "You can take some of the books, if you want to. You know I don't really like reading."

"It's your lost then" Suki replied and started choosing the books she wanted to read. "Oh, by the way, will you go to the party tonight?"

"Oh, the Students' Association dinner party? No thanks, I don't like those things."

Suki pouted and sat next to her friend, trying to convince her. "It will be fun. Dong Ho will go with me, and-"

"He will?" Suddenly Suki had all her friend's attention. She smiled to herself. "He will and maybe we will hang out after it. He said these things get boring later, you know, he's older than us so he went to a lot of those kinds of parties.."

"Count me in, I will go. With a condition." Ji Hee looked at her.


"I'll hang out with you later"

"Dealt." Suki knew that was the only way to convince her. Ji Hee was still worried with her and she didn't trust Dong Ho yet so she wanted to go to be able to watch over her. Another person would feel it a bit boredsome but Suki thought it was really kind of her.


"So, we need to go to that club?" Jaejoong frowned. He didn't like that idea.

"The Fighter gang will be there. They want to discuss the conditions and our protection areas." Woohyun informed him.

Jaejoong was playing with his fingers "It doesn't smell well. Can't it be a trap?"

"L gave us his word of honor. He won't backstab us." Sung Yeol blankly said.

Jaejoong nodded. "Still, we need to be careful. Never, ever, trust them. Jaehyo," Jaejoong turned to the brown haired guy. "Did you speak with Zico about it?"

"No, I didn't." he answered back. "But if there was any kind of trap behind he'd inform me, I'm sure of it."

Jaejoong stood up and all did the same. "So, what are we waiting for? Let's get ready for the party!"

Woohyun rubbed the back of his neck. "Actually I have everything ready. The clothes are in the warehouse."

Jaejoong laughed. "It's good to have a rich guy near us, huh?".



Hello,  girl :)


What did you think? Please don't be silent readers! ;_;

Was my small fight scene good? Overall, do I need to do more descriptions?

Tell me, tell me <3<3<3

Also, if you want to suggest me do it :) And if you feel confused with anything or want me to talk about a certain character next chapter on a deeply way tell me in advance :P



Always yours,

Lady Mitsuki



Ji Hee's House




Living Room



Yunho's Room


Ji Hee Room





Other Rooms:








Suki's House

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carissawhite #1
Chapter 3: who's sungyeol? why suki seems to looking for him.
when I read the desc, I wonder what will happen to jae and ji hee. can't wait to read the next chap.
carissawhite #2
Chapter 2: hi, new reader here.
I wonder how rich she is, wanna look at her room's pic, but since Im using phone to read, I can't see the pic.
also jae, I wonder what kind of job his gang's doing.
ailisu #3
i wonder who sungyeol is to suki... ^___^
OMG, this seems like a really good story >< deff reading it!
The poster is awesome! Really cool!
And the characters presentation... I liked it! :DD
"and she was a bit frustrated. Why was everybody so good-looking?" AHAHAH I would wonder the saaaame xD

Isto vai ser tããão grande *-*
Obviously I give you a strong will to update this! This is becoming WAY too good, girl! :D
Take your time uploading, going to review now~~

But this is so cool *-*
WHYY I thought you had updated xD
You love to do this to me, huh? xDD
omg, awesome house she has!
loved the fight scene ahahah xD

They will meet, right? They HAVE to!
I need more of this! :D
Oh hi there Lady~~ I see my name there ^ :D
I'm on the middle of the chapter, can' eyes are hurting sooo much!
But I'll continue tomorrow! :D