TINA: Before we begin the interview what do I call you with
PRINCESS: Princess

TINA: Hi PRINCESS..Welcome to the interview

TINA: Any special reason behind your journal name or aff account name. if yes what and how did u come by it ?
PRINCESS: Gong Yoo is hot. That’s why. Hehehehehe. It used to be pasteljaexo, but when Goblin aired...I decided that GongYoosBae would be fitting for my aff user.

TINA: Where are you from?

TINA: Age relationship status partners and kids?
PRINCESS: Single as  a pringle.

TINA: What is your occupational status as if right now?
PRINCESS: I’m a birthday host at a museum. And a University student, if that counts.

TINA: Birthday ?
PRINCESS: July 26….:D

TINA: What is your favorite past time or what do u do in your free time?
PRINCESS: I like to cry about Jaejoong, eat, Tweet about Jaejoong’s illuminati’ tattoos, watch drama, and draw. I’m boring.

TINA: Favorite color/s?

TINA: Favorite food and favorite country cuisine?
PRINCESS: I like anything with carbs. So………..American Cuisine?

TINA: Favorite movie/s. why?
PRINCESS: 13 Going on to 30, a Moment to Remember, Last Present, Werewolf Boy, Titanic, Mean Girls…they were all my childhood movies.

TINA: Favorite book and favorite Author/s. why?
PRINCESS: Sarah Dessen. My favorite book by her is Lock and Key. But, if you really want to know my FAVORITE book then it’s Revolutionary Road.

TINA: Favorite Dress code?
PRINCESS: Anything that’s pastel.

TINA: Comfort or Fashion?

TINA: Favorite designers dress/shoes?
PRINCESS: Chanel, Gucci….but those brands are expensive. Shoes? Timberlands

TINA: Personal style statement?
PRINCESS: Pastel, pastel, pastel

TINA: Dream destination?

TINA: Favorite perfume?
PRINCESS: I don’t wear perfume….it makes me dizzy. I know, sounds weird...but I think the laundry detergent from your clothes  is enough to make you smell good.

TINA: Branded or Generic clothing?
PRINCESS: Honestly, if I had to choose between some weird looking thing from Gucci, and a plain T-shirt in Walmart...I would choose Walmart

TINA: Hobbies you are involved in?
PRINCESS: Does crying count?

TINA: Ideal man /woman?
PRINCESS: A man like Kim Seokjin from BTS. He is sweet, humble, confident, and can cook!!! Get you a man like that!

TINA: Have you ever been attracted to the same ?
PRINCESS: Once….to a girl who worked at my sister’s camp. But….I wasn’t really ‘attracted’ to her, I just thought she was really pretty….she looked like a clone of the girl I used to be scared of in elementary school though.

TINA: Who and when is your first crush?
PRINCESS: This dude from middle school. We were friends, but then he became a football jock and ignored me in high school.. heart breaking isn’t it?

TINA: Natural hair and eye colur?
PRINCESS: Black and black

TINA: Beauty according to you is?
PRINCESS: Kim Jaejoong

TINA: What’s in your purse?
PRINCESS: Leftover gift wrap, makeup, notebook, scissors, wallet, extra tissue

TINA: 2 things you cannot live without?
PRINCESS: My phone and laptop...like every millennial.

TINA: If u get stranded on a isolated island .name 3 things you want ?
PRINCESS:  Blanket, toothbrush, and matches

TINA: If u get to meet one celebrity either dead or alive who will it be and why?
PRINCESS: Jaejoong. Because I love him to death, and I think he would be a really cool person to talk to. And...I have to ask him WHY he got the illuminati tattoo on his wrist.

TINA: I am obsessed with…. fill it?

TINA: I am Passionate about?

TINA: Motto in life:
PRINCESS: Teamwork makes the dream work

TINA: Proudest moment ever?
PRINCESS: When I won a design competition

TINA: Most embarrassing moment?
PRINCESS: When I peed in my pants in a store, and used the towel on a rack to wipe myself.  (I didn’t pay for it...but I was 7...so it was a long time ago)

TINA: One day you open the door and find Yunjae on your door step?
PRINCESS: Tell them: GET INSIDE IT IS -34 DEGREES!!! DO YOU WANT TO FREEZE? (I live in Canada….so….)

TINA: If you are to write your life story what will the title be?
PRINCESS: Emo Girl Who Likes Chicken Nuggets.

TINA: Goal in life:
PRINCESS: Meet Jaejoong

TINA: How do you describe yourself?
PRINCESS: A strange girl...strange, but passionate girl.

TINA: Lastly feel free to include anything else u wants us to know..
PRINCESS: Thank you for interviewing me!! It means a lot!!!!! I don’t know if I’m relevant enough for this, but oh well! I love you guys!! ~~~~



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julia123123 #1
Chapter 3: May I know meaning of Jaejoong Illuminati tattoo?