S- Sana?

No Goodbyes
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“Hey.” Sana said as she got into her dads car. “Let’s go.” He said in a stern voice. Sana was confused as to why he was mad but she just let it go. “So is Christine at home?” She asked. “Just call her mom.” He said angrily. Now Sana was even more confused. ‘Why would he get mad at me for calling her Christine instead of mom?’ She wondered. ‘Also why did he tell me to call her mom so angrily, shouldn’t that be a nice thing?’ Sana thought to herself. When they arrived home her dad got out of the car quickly. “Hurry up.” He said almost shouting. Sana was worried and confused. “What did I do?” She asked when she got into the house. Her dad just answered her with a slap. Sana fell to the floor hurt and confused. “We needed you tonight but you thought that you could just do whatever you want.” She heard her mom say. “Y- you could’ve said no.” She answered in a shaky voice. “Get up.” Her dad said.

~Mina POV~ 

“Hey..” She said into her phone. “Well I umm, do you maybe wanna hang out?” She asked. “YES, I mean ya if you want to.” Chaeyoung said on the other side. “Ya that’s why I called.” She laughed. “R- right.” Chaeyoung laughed as well. “You can come over.” She suggested. “Ok sure text me your address and I’ll be there soon.” Chaeyoung said. “Alright cool, see you soon.” Mina hung up the phone and soon started rapidly cleaning her already clean room. In almost 5 minutes the door bell rang. “I’ll get it!” She yelled as she ran down the stairs. She stopped at the bottom, quickly fixed her hair and calmly answered the door.

~Dahyun POV~

Dahyun sat beside her mom talking about her day trying to get both of their minds off of her condition. “So did you make cheerleading?” Her mom asks. Dahyun has forgotten all about cheerleading. “Oh I forgot to check the list after school today.” She answeres. “Oh I’m sure you’ll make it hun, your amazing.” Dahyun’s mom gave her a warm smile, Dahyun smiled back. “I’m sorry but visiting hours are over.” The nurse told them. “We’ll come back tomorrow.” Her dad told both her and her mom. “Bye guys.” She said blowing them kisses as they walked into the hall. Once they were in the car Dahyun started crying. Seeing her mom in the hospital again hooked up to IV’s and different machines, brought back miserable memories and she just wanted to curl up and cry. “It’s ok.” She heard her dad say through her sobbing. “She’s going to be fine, your mom’s a fighter, she’s done this once before she can do it again.”

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It’s finally completed love you all and look forward to another fic, idk who yet, in the near future. <3


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-MartiniBlue- #1
Chapter 17: thank you for this story :') <3
Chapter 1: Sana and junggo as friends uwu
Misun_jung #3
Chapter 17: I just shed a tear
Chapter 17: Its so soft, thank you authornim you did well and can't wait for next SaiDa story you made it in the future
11 streak #5
Chapter 18: <3
Chapter 18: awwww
Chapter 16: Im soft
mavicbequio13 #8
Chapter 16: please update soon.thanks
Chapter 16: nice
Momo_Tae #10
Chapter 16: This is so cute! I love this chapter thank you for updating author-nim. Fighting!~~~