
A Letter From Me To You

This is for wonderstruck_xx, who wanted Donghae’s POV. Here you go!



I remember seeing him for the first time. Blonde hair, thick lips, twinkling eyes, I took it all in, and it struck me that I was looking at a beauty. Then I saw a pretty girl walk up to him – Jessica, her name was – she was pretty but not as pretty as the guy. It was when I was talking to Jessica on one occasion that I first learnt his name, Hyukjae. I learned how he preferred to be called Eunhyuk which meant silver jewel. It matched him well, I thought. Then one day Jessica confessed to me after school. My mind told me to accept her, then my parents would be happy. But my heart told me to reject her, for my heart already belonged to someone with the name of Lee Hyukjae. Then I thought that maybe getting closer to Jessica would help me get closer to Hyukjae. So I agreed.

Months passed, and I grew to love Jessica like a little sister. My love for Hyukjae had only grown, but I couldn’t express it. Then Hyukjae came up to me one day and told me that Jessica was cheating on me. Of course, I didn’t believe him. Jessica, that sweet girl? Then I caught her for myself one day. She scoffed at me when I confronted her. Of course I was hurt badly. She was my first girlfriend after all. I was saving my first boyfriend for my first love, Hyukjae, but you don’t have to know that. I cried a lot when I got home. Then I called Hyukjae. I just wanted to hear his voice. He listened to me as I apologized and ranted about what a fool I was. The next day I came to school with my eyes red and swollen. I started hanging out with Eunhyuk and his group of friends that I knew – could sense - that he trusted. I joined dance not only because I loved to dance, but also because Eunhyuk was in it. I stayed behind to watch him dance, because I loved how he moved so fluidly. Then I started learning from him and we would practice together. I had no idea how he could take the heat. Or was it just me? I thought it would be fine if I took off my shirt, since it was just SO. Bloody. Hot. I wasn’t expecting him to rush out of the room one day, I think if it’s something I did wrong, so I approached him the next day to ask him. He shook his head no and said that I did nothing wrong. So we walked to our classroom together. A few months later, Hyukkie – I call him that and he doesn’t mind – and I were the best dancers in the school and our little gang were the heartthrobs of the school. We were dancing together in the practice room when I took off my shirt like always.

What surprised me next, was that Hyukkie took off his shirt too. I gaped. (Obviously.) I mean, who wouldn’t, with all those muscles? He continued dancing while I commented on his muscled body then I found myself pressing him to the mirrored wall and concluded that my self-restraint had snapped completely. I buried my face in his neck and whisper ‘I love you’. I pray that he hasn’t heard it, but the way he suddenly tenses tells me he did. I peek up at him and find him spacing out. I called him gently and he looked at me and said that he loved me too. I smiled happily and nuzzled his nose with mine. I then softly kissed him on the lips. He soon responded and deepened the kiss. We made love for the first time then. When we were both spent and weary, I sensed that he was too weak to move, so I carried him around and dressed him – and me – up. I told him it was lucky it was after school. I helped him home, kissed him on the nose and wished him a good night. He pouted after I did so, so I asked him what was wrong. He said nothing, just hugged me and pecked me on the lips. He then limped back to his front door but I could see him grinning away. The next day I greeted him by back-hugging him I nuzzled into him and squeezed him a bit. He then held my hands and we walked towards the classroom together.


There! I’m done! Now can I go find Hyukkie at our park? I know I messaged him already, but I want to see him as soon as possible! It’s our anniversary for gods’ sake! I can go now? Yay! Annyeong!

Siwon: Don’t make use of the Lord’s name like that!
Me: Erm… He’s already gone…


And the rest is for you to imagine up~ XD

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idkwhatisgoingon #1
love it :D
btstaekookie #2
Oh and I love how Donghae originally had feelings for him. <3
btstaekookie #3
THANK YOU SO MUCH, UNNIE! >:D< I never thought you'd actually write it. This is really sweet!
This is uber sweet. I can't stop giggling. ^^
Love this story ! :)
btstaekookie #6
Aww this is really sweet! Would you consider writing another one in Donghae's POV? Only if you want. :p
awwwwww!!!!!!... absolutely adorable!!!!... at 1st since dere was no forward i was soo curious nd doubtful.. but dis is sooo cuuuuteee!!!.. *kisses* fr da fic!!
ahhh~~ sooo sweeettt <3<3<333