fly me to the moon


"Hyung, what's all that?" Taemin peered over the back of the couch at Key, who was struggling to squeeze through the doorway with at least eight hangers' worth of clothes, sheathed in clear plastic covers, in his arms. Jonghyun stuck his head out from the bedroom, took one look at Key and the next second Key's arms were relieved of their load.

"My outfits for the new musical. The tailor delivered them late and the dressing room at the studio was locked so manger hyung told me to bring them home first." Key brushed his tousled, ash-blonde hair out of his eyes and tripped his way out of his shoes. 

"Oooh really?" Taemin excitedly leapt over the back of the sofa to paw through the hangers in Jonghyun's arms. "There's a pilot uniform here!"

"Key? A pilot?" A dishevelled, clearly half-asleep Onew shuffled out from the bedroom. "What?"

"My musical, hyung," Key rolled his eyes, trying and failing to take the bundle of clothes back from Jonghyun. "Give them here Jjong, I can't have them creased, my promotional photoshoot is tomorrow and no way am I waking an hour early to iron them."

"I want to see you in them."

Key frowned. "You can see the photographs when they're released..."

"I don't want to see coloured pixels. I want to see you." Key sighed. That puppy face of Jonghyun's was one of the few things on earth he could never stand up against.


Part of the reason Key had always liked uniforms was that it took the pressure off him. Clothing alterations and choices were denied him. Everyone had always directed expectant gazes towards him, believing that whatever he chose to wear would look perfect on him. He wasn't diva Key for nothing. It had always been a nagging worry in the back of his mind - do I look good in this? Does it suit me?

Though this wasn't a school uniform, it was still a standard outfit beyond any modification. And he looked good in it, if he thought so himself.

And judging from Jonghyun's lingering gaze, he wasn't the only one with such thoughts. Self-consciously, he ran a hand over the smooth, navy blue fabric of his pilot uniform. It fitted him like a glove, and his pale skin and ash blonde hair made a pretty contrast.

Breath hitching, Jonghyun let his eyes slowly travel, from the hem of Key's dress pants at his ankles all the way upwards, pausing for a few moments more at his slim waist, where the fabric hugged his curves - and slowly up again, till his eyes met Key's beautiful dark, shadowed ones. Jonghyun couldn't name the look in Key's eyes. A mix of pride, insecurity, confidence?

"Do I look good?" Good was an understatement. Key was absolutely gorgeous. Even more so than usual, which was saying something.

"You look stunning," with that half-smile of his that Key loved so much, and he raised his hand up to brush imaginary lint from Key's shoulders and to straighten an already immaculate tie and collar. His touch lingered, and finally his warm fingers made the slightest contact against the smooth, flawless skin of Key's defined jaw. "As always." There was a pause, and

"I can't wait to see your musical," he whispered.

"I'll be looking for you in the audience every night," Key promised breathlessly, rather flustered by the sincerity ringing in Jonghyun's voice.

"I'll be there," was all the older man said before pulling Key carefully - so as not to crease the fabric - into his arms.

When they broke apart, Jonghyun smiled that crooked half-smile again, and Key thought his heart would burst. "You'll fly me to the moon?"

"Anywhere you want to go."


I know this is kind of random and disjointed. its just kind of a mixed jumble of thoughts. okay /rant/ ASDFGHJKL; I cannot even begin to explain in coherent English how much I love Key in THAT SUIT. He is so effing BEAUTIFUL its unreal. someone this gorgeous can't be human >< Anyway I hope you guys like this random supershort story and thank you so much to the ones who subscribed, it means the world <3 comments would be appreciated!! :) tell me what you guys think?

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ashdjakfywrfss the ending <3
This is so beautiful, I love ur writing style
KittehChan #2
aww :3 cutie >w<