
Be My Baby

"Hyung! Hyung! Isn't that Youngbin hyung?!" Cha Hun pointed out just as they were leaving the restaurant. 

Everyone turned to look at the direction Hun pointed at. There, half hidden by the shadows sat a lone figure wearing a dark hoodie and a bucket hat pulled down almost to his eyes. But even with the disguises on, they were 100% sure that it SF9's leader. 

"Let's go drink with him! It's still early anyways!" Jaehyun said as he started to walk towards the table.  

Seunghyub managed to grab the back of his jacket and stop him in his tracks. "Wait, stop. No, Jaehyun. You should all go home and rest," he said. 

"But hyung, he's drinking all alone! there must be something wrong! We should ask him!" Again, Jaehyun made a move to approach the table but Seunghyub didn't let go. 

"I'll go talk to him. You all go back to the dorm and rest." Seunghyub repeated exchanging a look with Kwangjin. 

Their bassist nodded and manhandled Jaehyun and the rest of the guys outside. Seunghyub watched them pass through the exit before approaching the table thankful that the restaurant wasn't full of customers. 

"Yow, yow," he greeted knocking on the table. Youngbin looked up at him, cheeks burning a bright red and eyes glazed. 

"S-seungjjang!' he exclaimed smiling wide.  

"Woah, you're already pretty drunk to start calling me that," Seunghyub said taking the seat opposite Youngbin. "Maybe you should stop?"

Youngbin shook his head. "This is one of the few times when I can drink. Come on grab a glass and drink with me."

Seunghyub tried to refuse but Youngbin had already ordered two more bottles of soju and another plate of pork. 

"So, is there something wrong?" Seunghyub asked once he had a couple of drinks in him. 

Youngbin was toying with the meat on his plate and Seunghyub almost thought that the guy didn't hear him. 

"Nothing. It's nothing. I'm just - stressed, I guess," Youngbin answered after a while. 

"Stressed about what?" 

Youngbin shrugged and finally looked at him. "Everything! I don't know. I just... there are just days when everything's too much," he answered. 

Seunghyub regarded him for a moment and decided to trust in what he said even though he feels as if there's something that's really bothering Youngbin. 

"Don't worry. I know how you feel. It really gets too much sometimes," Seunghyub replied. Being the leader of the group entails more responsibility on their shoulders. 

"You know you can talk to me any time, right? If ever you feel like this again?" he added. 

Youngbin smiled up at him and thanked him. 


Dawon glanced at the clock, surprised to hear someone knocking at almost 4 am. He grabbed a bottle of water and went to the living room, where the monitor was mounted. There, standing in front of their dorm was N.flying's leader, Lee Seunghyub. 

Confused, Dawon hurried towards the door and opened it. 

"Oh, Dawon-ah! hello! Uhmm, I brought Youngbin home," the guy said as he shifted on his feet. Youngbin was draped on his back, fast asleep.  

"Come in, come in. Let me help you with hyung,"Dawon replied opening the door wider and helping Seunghyub in carrying Youngbin in. They laid Youngbin down on the couch. 

"I'm really sorry for barging into your dorm at this time," Seunghyub said, panting slightly. 

"It's fine, hyung. Uhm, can you go back to your dorm though? You can spend the night here if you want," Dawon offered. 

"Oh, no, no. I'm fine. I could get back to our dorm just fine. Thanks for the offer though," he replied. "Well then, I should go. I'm really sorry, Dawon," he repeated as he made his way towards the exit. 

"Well, thanks for bringing Youngbin hyung home! Take care!" Dawon said after his retreating figure. 

He was just supposed to grab a glass of water but things took a turn. 


Youngbin walked towards the kitchen nursing his head. He couldn't remember what happened last night. He knew that Seunghyub joined him for a drink and then he woke up inside the dorm. It was unusually quiet today and for that he was thankful. 

"You're finally awake," 

Youngbin jumped. He whirled around and found Dawon standing in the middle of the room. 

"Good morning to you too," Youngbin groaned as he reached for a bottle of water, finishing it in three gulps. 

"So, you were with Seunghyub hyung last night?" the younger guy started, crossing his arms over his chest. Youngbin didn't miss the tone of Dawon's voice when he asked the question but he decided to ignore it. 

"Oh, how did you know?" Youngbin asked. Whatever that was, he's going to ask the guy later or you know, if he remembers it.  His throat was still parched and the headache is getting worse.

"He brought you here last night," Dawon replied, his voice getting a bit loud. "Do you know what time it was?" 

"God, please. Can you keep it down?!" Youngbin retorted, covering his ear with both of his palms. 

"We didn't even know you were out drinking! you could have called one of us or our manager!" 

Youngbin smirked. "Gee, I'm sorry for making you worry, dad. It won't happen again," he answered in a mocking tone. "What's wrong with you? It's not the first time I went home late after drinking," Youngbin said. 

Dawon was silent, eyes fixed to the floor. On a normal day, Youngbin would prod the other guy and get him to open up but he badly needed a shower and sleep and plenty of water. 

"Okay, I'm really sorry Dawon," Youngbin sighed. "I just... let's talk about this later, okay? Let me just get some shut-eye," he said. 

Still, the other guy remained quiet. Youngbin shrugged and walked away. 

"What is wrong with me?" Dawon muttered after hearing the door to Youngbin's room shut close. He was well aware of the fact that he had raised his voice on their leader but at that moment, he couldn't stop himself. The thought of Youngbin with Seunghyub just made all his insides curl.




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