
Chasing the Starlight

The world is, at its core, made up of light and dark. Light objects, dark events, sunlight, moonlight. Some people are more light than dark, and others vice versa. It’s not a measure of good and evil, but more so how brightly they shine.

Andy knows someone like that. He knows someone made of starlight, hair shining and eyes twinkling. This someone dazzles him, blinds him with his intensity, glitters silver and gold in this world of darkness.

Shin Hyesung outshines all of the stars beside him, all the celestial bodies in the universe. To Andy, he is the starlight, the goal he is always chasing but can never reach. Hyesung dances in the sky, and Andy is captivated. He sets himself onto a destination, and he won’t stop until he’s reached it.

He can’t stop, not until he captures that starlight.

this is just a little thing to ease into the story later. i'll try to update weekly but with my ed-up schedule... hahahaha we'll see LOL

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Chapter 10: =O NO! YOU KILLED THEM BOTH! I was hoping Hyesung managed to escape somehow and find Andy in Beijing. T.T Anyway, thanks for writing this!!!
Omg!!! Nooooooo. Hyesungieeeeee! T.T
Chapter 8: I love this story so so so much!!! Love how syungie is protecting him. Love how you manage to give so much feel to the otp without any lovey dovey scenes or even much interactions between them. <3 Always looking forward to the next update!!!
Chapter 7: >.< So intense... Dark but I love this story!
Chapter 6: Another fantastic story, featuring an amazing Hyesung on top!! I thought I was gonna pass out during this chapter for a minute there lol
Chapter 2: I got no idea how this will go but i like chapter 1 :)