So many dogs...

Hey Lucas? Nevermind...

Him. Him who is currently wrestling with 6+ dogs... The poor guy looks like he's about to cry and it look's like the two biggest dogs are about to break free into the wild which I'm sure would send that guy into hysterics. Now, do I simply pretend I didn't see a thing and continue on my quest to the park where I will most definitly be booed by hundreds of people and finally have the last shred of my dignity ripped from my fingertips or  do I help the guy with lots of fluffy, loveable dogs from having a mental breakdown... DOGS IT IS!!

I swiftly turn to cross the street over to the tall guy in a massive  trench coat and large black cap that is covering his face completely with all the cute dogs. Wait... what am I doing?! Am I that desperate not to perform that I'm willingly marching full force over to a stranger who not only is wearing a large coat that could very easily be filled with drugs, knives and poison BUT also has a ton of adorable dogs surrounding him that may look all friendly and loveable but do not be fouled... they're probably trained to kill weak guys like me who's reflex's are always stuck on a 5 minute delay. This is all Chenle's fault. I'm going to be malled to death by savage dogs in the middle of the street THEN I will most likely be poisoned by that guy but the poison will only be temporary so he can have enough time to successfully kidnap me because that's just my luck and then I will be tortured for the rest of my days and Chenle will be all like-

My inner monologue of what life definitely has in store for me for the next few years is interrupted by me tripping over one of the leads of that guys dogs and gracefully smacking my face on the concrete ground. When did I even cross the street? Guess it does'nt matter now that my last shred of dignity is definitelu all gone now. "Oh my god, are you okay? I'm so sorry these dogs won't listen to anything I say! Uh- I woudld help you up but, there's just so many dogs...". The stranger says losing all strength by the end of his sentence. Those dogs have really took a tole on him. He starts quickly tying the dogs to the nearest gate as I lay still on the ground, hoping maybe the guy will just leave so I won't have to see the pitying look on his face. "Here let me help you up, again I'm so sorry" he says reaching out a hand. I slowly lift my head to get the pity stare over and done with but instantly I want to push my face back into the ground again as I can feel myself turning red (possibly the thing I hate most about myself is when I come face to face with a truly beautiful human being, my face decides to turn beet root red to not only make me look as terrible as possibly but also cause me to not even be able to look at the person. I don't want to subject them to my mess of a face.) "Um, are you okay?" His voice is filled with so much concern, he's only just met me, why does he care so much? "Uh, y-yeah I'm great! W-well I'll be leaving now..." I jump up and attempt to start sprinting away but something stops me...

THE BEAUTIFUL STRANGER HAS A GRIP ON MY ARM! Why can't he just let me go? Can't he see I'm clearly desperate to escape? He pulls me back gently so that I'm forced to face him. "R-really I'm okay" I stutter with a forced smile that doesn't quite reach my eyes. "You don't seem okay... I'm Lucas! It's a pleasure to meet you!" Lucas suddenly bows in a goofy, over dramatic manner that makes me want to take a picture to commemorate this beatiful moment. He's funny and utterly breath taking too?? "And you are?" He says raising his head with a sly grin. Is he trying to kill me? "I-I'm Jungwoo..." I mumble. "Jungwoo? What a beautiful name..." Still in his hunched over bow position, Lucas suddenly grabs my hands and slowly brings it to his face. Alarm bells start ringing in my head. Is this guy that I just met really going to kiss my hand?? In public!? Just as my hands is about to reach his lips he halts as this unreal moment is interrupted by a far away voice screaming Lucas' name.

"LUCAS!! I SWEAR TO GOD I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!!" Another beautiful specimen starts speed walking our way with eyes that intend to kill. "" Lucas exhales slowly rising from his previous position. "That's my boss, Taeyong. Well, it was nice knowing you!"

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Chapter 2: Hahaha Taeyong showing up just when things are getting cute...amazing!!!
Chapter 1: I love this so much!!! Jungwoo is such a bean. I cant wait until you update!!!