The War

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He’s from a family of politicians, his late grandfather was a dictator. She’s an activist, her late grandfather was a martial law victim. To continue or to end—this is a war that history will never forget.

An endless war and a love to protect.


“My countrymen, as of eighth of April, I am placing the entire South Korea under martial law...”

    The President of South Korea declared martial law in 1978 to stop the continuing growth of crimes happening around the country. Or at least, that’s what they told the people…
    Yoon Haru grew up hearing stories about how her late grandfather fought against the government during martial law in 1978. Yoon Junghoon, her late grandfather, was an activist, journalist, and a hero to them, his family. She never had the chance to meet him. He was gone long before she was born in this world. Growing up, she always hears her relatives telling her how intelligent she is like her late grandfather. They would always show her his medals, trophies, and certificates he got when he was at her age. And as Haru grows up, the medals would go thicker and thicker each year.
    He was a great journalist, they said. He didn’t fight with guns or knives when he fought for his countrymen—he fought with words and papers. During that time, no one was allowed to release any news about the dark side of what’s happening in the country. Only the positive feedback will be reported to the citizens through national television news. Her late grandfather, however, formed an alliance in 1981 with his co-journalists and built a small underground newspaper publishing company. With enough evidences and facts against the government, they exposed to the people all the crimes that is happening all over the country through a simple newspaper in 1983. When the dictator found out about it, one by one, all the people working under her grandfather’s company disappeared. They found the dead bodies in a farm far from the city in 1985, but they never found her grandfather’s body.
    The martial law ended in 1987. And until now, the Yoon family never had the justice for the late Yoon Junghoon, who was killed by the government.
    There’s only one family in the world that the Yoon family detests the most, and one of its members has to be Haru’s seatmate in Journalism.



This story ISN'T based on 1980 martial law in South Korea. The events mentioned in the foreword DID NOT happen in real life, as well as the future events that will be mentioned in next chapters. It's all fiction. I have no knowledge about how South Korea handled martial law in 1980, therefore, this will all be loosely based on how did martial law happen in the Philippines in 1972.

In celebration of my 1st anniv here on AFF, here's a new fic!! Lmao idk what I got myself into

thank you for reading!! ♡


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Chapter 10: Love love this story.i hope you return soon.
Chapter 2: thank you thank you for updating this fic after 5 yearssss!!! I really liked this when I first started reading it and was a bit sad when i thought you abandoned it already. I have to start from chapter 1 again just to refresh my memory 🤭 looking forward for new updates!!
Found this story,now my wishlist.
93 streak #4
Chapter 10: Something's fishy about Haru being followed. Wishing luck for Baekhyun.
Nlnz2016 #5
Chapter 9: I feel so sorry for them. It’s good the Haru doesn’t hold Baek against his family’s wrong doing.
Nlnz2016 #6
Chapter 8: Just discovered this story and love it so much. Thanks. Hope you will continue it.
93 streak #7
Chapter 8: This story is so amazing! I had to read this in one sitting. Chanyeol is such a sunshine here🌻 and Sehun doesn't seem to like guys wondering around Haru. Their friendship is so sweet ✨
So glad that you decided to continue this story. Welcome back! Can't wait to explore this story 😁
Chapter 7: I just found this story in the main page and I read all the chapters in one sitting and I am really liking it so far even though I am not really in to these kind of stories (politicsau) so I hope you keep updating it ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 6: i was waiting for author to update to continue reading but looks like she's busy :( its been two years
did baekhyun asked help from his father?
Chapter 6: Im guessing it has smtg to do with byun's family and omg are they gonna catch her ? Dude im scared for haru