

A/N: Hello everyone! :) Thank you for subscribing and leaving comments, i really appreciate them ♥ really really do :"> ...uhm...I decided to turn this supposed to be one shot into a two-shot becuase it was getting too long, like 3 pages long and i haven't even finished writing it. i haven't even gotten to the middle part yet so it'll probably take me a few more days before i could finally finish writing. and i don't want to make you wait that long. so without further's part one :) hope you'll like it *fingers crossed*



/gif not mine. credits to the owner :)



          “We should break up, I’m sorry…”

          These were the last six words I told him and probably    the  worst six words that ever came out of my mouth. Although    I never wanted to say it, I had no choice…





          14th of March, 2009. 6am in the morning; I quickly got up as the troubling sound of my alarm clock filled the room. Still half asleep, I rubbed my eyes with my left hand and reached for my towel on the top half of my cabinet with my right hand; and so… another day began.  

          On my way to the bathroom, I took a little detour to the kitchen and got myself a glass of cold water; it automatically made me feel alive and better. I then went back to my original route and took a shower for about 20mins, put on my school uniform right afterwards and dabbed a little amount of powder on my face. I was ready.

          It was yet, another ordinary school day for me but for the rest of my schoolmates, it was not ; it was actually White Day, a day where men get the chance to give chocolates, candies and other stuff back to women who gave them presents on Valentine’s Day. My classmates were obviously excited; the girls looked extra pretty while the guys looked extra cool and manly. As for me, I looked exactly the same. You see, I am not really into this kind of thing, I don’t really believe in love…

          My parents separated when I was only 5 years old. Appa used to always hit eomma and every night, she would hug me and cry. I wanted to help her but I was still so young, I didn’t know what to do. One night, while I was playing with my dolls in my room, I heard a loud clang from the kitchen and I heard appa’s voice, he was shouting. I went outside to find out what was going on; and there, again, I saw eomma crying, trying to apologize to appa. He didn’t even bother to listen to her explanation; he continued yelling and said, “Enough! I’ve had enough with you! I shouldn’t have married you! You know why? ‘Coz ever since the day we got married, my life has been nothing but miserable!” Appa then removed his wedding ring from his finger, threw it on the floor and left the house. Eomma collapsed on the floor and bursted in tears…I couldn’t help myself but cry as well. “Eomma? Where is appa going?” I asked her. “Hye Soo~ya, he’s leaving and he’s never coming back, It’ll only be the two of us now.” she answered as she hugged me tight. At that time, although I was still young and had no enough knowledge about love, I came to a conclusion that it doesn’t really exist. It’s not real. Love is nothing but a lie.

          My little flashback ended when one of my classmates, Daehyun shouted that the teacher was coming. Everybody went back to their seats and the room instantly became quiet. After a few seconds, Mrs. Im entered the room. She placed her bag and things on the table and then greeted us with a smile, “Good Morning, class.” “Good morning, Mrs. Im.” We all replied in unison. I always liked Mrs. Im, she was like one of us. She’s not strict at all and she joked a lot. “And oh, I almost forgot. Happy White Day!” she continued. Everybody got excited again, --except me, of course -- there was shouting, howling, etc. I, on the other hand, just covered my ears and sighed. It was too loud, too noisy. I then heard a little faint voice calling out my name. I wasn’t sure though if it was really my name so I uncupped my ears. Mrs. Im asked the class to keep quiet for a while and called me. So it was her voice and it was really my name. “Hye Soo~ya, Come here”, she told me with a big smile on her face. Slightly hesitant, I slowly got up from my seat and walked towards her. I didn’t know why but her smile made me nervous, like she was hiding something bad or whatever. As I was getting closer, she ped her bag and took out a beautiful white rose, “Here. A little present for you”, she said as she handed me the rose. “What is this for, Mrs. Im?” Not sure of what was going on, I asked her. “It’s White Day so Happy White Day!” I didn’t know what to say, should I thank her? I opened my mouth to say something but she added, “Ohh, that’s not actually from me. That’s from some guy who personally asked me to give it to you coz he’s probably too shy to do it himself”. Upon hearing this, the whole class started teasing  and that kind of slightly annoyed me. Hoping that they would finally stop, I thanked Mrs.Im, and then walked back to my seat, but unfortunately, the teasing continued. “Okay, that’s enough! Let’s start the class”, Mrs. Im said while clapping her hands. She glanced and smiled at me one last time and I smiled back, a forced one.

          I wasn’t able to focus during class; I got busy thinking…who in the world would give me a rose? I seriously couldn’t think of anyone. I have never given a present to any guy on Valentine’s Day so I really don’t know why I received a rose. Could this possibly be a prank or something? I mean, everybody knows that I have never liked anyone before and that I don’t believe in love. He probably thought I was talking crap and wanted to test if I was kidding or not. Ugh I don’t know!

          Our first class finally ended and we had a 30-minute break before our 2nd class started. My friend, Kyung Mi, and I spent the whole 30 minutes in the canteen and she kept bugging me about the rose, she teased and asked me non-stop. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a girl who was 2 years younger than us showed up and handed me another beautiful white rose. Before I could ask her who it was from, she ran away. This continued until the end of the day; just like Mrs. Im, the rest of my teachers gave me white roses. I had now a total of 6 white roses in hand. And that was not the end of it. In our last class, before our teacher dismissed us, he politely asked us to stay for a while for a little presentation. Then An instrumental of Do you know by someday was played; when I heard this, a smile formed on my face…it was my favorite song. Then, Daehyun,--remember him? The guy who shouted that the teacher was coming? Yes, that guy-- he came through the door and started singing. His voice was so warm, soothing and almost angelic, everybody was immediately captivated. Even I, myself, couldn’t stop smiling. When the song was about to end, he took out something from his back pocket…a red rose. He held it firmly in his hand and started walking forward with his head looking down on the floor. I could hear girls whispering and guys `whoo-ing`. Uh-oh, it can’t be…I clasped my hand over my chest, feeling my heart beat faster. I quickly closed my eyes and looked down. The music stopped and the room was silent. It took me a while before I decided to gently raise my head and open my eyes…and then, there he was, smiling, in front of me, with the rose in his hand. All eyes were on us now. “Uhm..” he scratched the back of his head and continued, “Kang Hye Soo, I know this might sound crazy but uhm…I really like you and uhh…Will you go out with me?”  There was sudden uproar in the classroom, all my classmates were cheering and shrilling, it was deafening. But as soon as I stood up, everybody stopped and kept quiet, like they were waiting to hear my response. Still smiling, he handed me the rose…but instead of taking it, I looked at him straight in the eyes and pushed the red rose back towards him. “Daehyun~ah, I’m sorry. I can’t.” I picked up my bag from my seat and hurriedly went out of the room.

          I was almost out of the school gate when Kyung Mi called out my name. “Ya! Kang Hye Soo, WHY?!” she yelled. “Why What?!” I answered back. “Why did you reject him and then leave just like that?!” ---- “Kyung Mi~ya, you know me. I don’t believe in that thing. They’re gonna tell you they like you and then suddenly, they love you. And then, what? They’re gonna break your heart and then leave you. ---- “Hye Soo~ya, you can’t forever base your life on what happened to your parents! You have imprisoned yourself subconsciously, you are afraid to be loved and to feel love. Atleast once, open your heart to other possibilities! That’ll set you free from all your fears and all the things you are hoping to avoid.” Her response took me a back and tears started to form in my eyes. When she noticed that I was about to cry, she came closer and hugged me.

          Kyung Mi was right. My parents’ separation affected me a lot. For twelve years, I have locked myself up into the world of hatred and pain. Will I ever be able able to learn to escape from it and feel full freedom?...



A/N: i swear this looked long on MS Word. why does it look short here? o.0 --- again, THANK YOU guys for subscribing and leaving comments ♥ i hope i didn't disappoint any of you T_T *sending you all my kisses and hugs*


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omg i know i promised i'll make an epilogue :c i'm so sorry you guys, i'll post it soon, probably next week coz my B.A.P feels are back :) yeaa baby~


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daexoxo #1
Chapter 3: its so cute <33
Chapter 3: omg this story bring me to tears seriously..its a beutiful story ever /cries/ ^^
itfanfics #3
Chapter 3: OMG!! Finally I found a DAEBAK fanfic!!! LOVE IT!! AHHHH!!! <3
And here I am, reading this again for the nth time. => srsly love this.
lostbambi #5
Awwhh, totally touched my heart:')
why no kiss scenes? haha.
can't wait~~ please.. please.. please!!! update it >,<
ekaaputri10 #8
okay, just wanna say please update the final chapter SOON!! kkk~
baek-yeols #9
awwh so sweeet! but they should've kissed xD
seachel #10
Aigoo . I LOVEEEE your Story!! ♥