
These Stupid Butterflies (Three-shot)
A/N I'm sosososo sorry for not updating in a while>_< I've been so busy>_<

     "Ahhh, thanks for today, Kwangmin-ssi," I said as we walked out of the greenhouse. 
     "Kyungmin-ssi...don't you think you know me well enough now to call me Oppa?" he teased. 
     "Oh...do you want me to?" I asked, looking up at him. 
     "Yehhh~" he smiled goofily and looked at me expectantly. 
     "Okay then, Kwangmin Oppa!" I beamed and he rested his elbow on my shoulder. 
     "So Kyungmin-ah..." he began. "I'm...Uhh...can...I need your number." he said finally, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish look. I smiled lightly and nodded. 
     "Here, Oppa," I said, handing him my phone as he did the same. I punched my number into his phone and saved it, giving it back to him. 
     We resumed walking, when someone screamed, "Look out!" I spun around quickly, just in time to see a delivery motorbike speeding towards me, only a couple meters away. I felt like a deer in headlights-I was frozen where I was, rooted to the ground. 
     "Kyungmin!" someone screamed, but I didn't hear. It was as if everything was in slow motion-the bike's handlebars swerving out of control; the man's startled face behind his helmet; the rattle of the jjajangmyeon and jjamppong  in the metal case. "Kyungmin-ah!" I heard the voice this time, and a hand grabbed the back of my shirt and yanked me out of the way. Startled, I squealed a little and my face crashed into someone's chest.  I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding, and I could feel Kwangmin's fast heartbeat against my temple. His arms were wrapped around me, encasing me in his tight embrace. "You...babo..." he breathed heavily. "You scared the crap outta me!" I heard the desperation in his voice, and I looked up at him. His forehead was creased with worry, and he didn't let go of me.
     "O-oppa..." I breathed finally, beginning to sob. "Oppa..." I buried my face in his shirt, feeling a wide array of emotions. "M-mianhaeyo..." I hiccuped. "I didn't mean to worry you..." 
     He my hair and shushed me, "Kyungmin-ah...don't cry...It's okay..." he muttered some more calming things, and I finally stopped bawling.  
     "Mianhaeyo..." I looked downwards, feeling ashamed from running into the street, pathetic for crying, and just plain stupid.
    "Don't be sorry, it wasn't your fault. That guy should watch where he's going..." Kwangmin glared at the delivery person, who was speeding away on his bike. I laughed a little bit, and he draped his arm over my shoulders like that would protect me from anything and everything. This subtle skinship makes me all worked up inside. My heart flutters and my stomach jumps up, threatening to choke me. The fact that he still had his arm draped around me didn't help at all, but I wasn't about to push him off.
       "Uhm...so where do we go next?" I swallowed the butterflies and looked up at him. We were walking, but as far as I knew, it was aimless.  
       "Oh, uh, we're gonna go eat! Do you have any requests?" he smiled sweetly.  
       "A-anything is fine..." I replied.  
       "Oh man, are you sure? Sweet! Well I am paying, but...whatever!" he eye-smiled at me and pulled me in some direction. "How does 짜장면(jjajangmyeon-a Chinese black bean noodle dish) sound? It's not anything crazily special or anything, but it's the best I've ever had!" Kwangmin smiled excitedly and led me inside. "Ahjumma!" he called into the humble little noodle shop.  
       "Oh! Kwangmin-ah! Where's your Hyung? Who's this girl? Is she your girlfriend? You're very pretty!" she ogled over me and Kwangmin, and ushered us over to a small table.  
       "Haha the ahjumma that runs the shop is one of my grandma's friends. She just loves Youngmin and I..." he smiled softly.  
       "KWANGMIN-AHH!" the ahjumma yelled from the back. "I made your food as fast as I could," she panted as she hobbled to our table. "This big one is for our little Kwangminnie, and this is for the pretty lady." she smiled affectionately and hobbled away.  
       "Dig in!" he smiled. 
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Chapter 3: This story is so good! The butterflies in my stomach were raging too xD
Aww so cute! I could feel the butterflies too! :D
hey I love it!
JouJouBexotobap #4
Woah~ it's so cool !! gomawo gomawo goamwo~~