
These Stupid Butterflies (Three-shot)
     "Kyungmin-ssi!" Kwangmin called. "Are you ready for the presentation?" he asked as he jogged up to me.  His dark hair flowed around his head like a halo, reminding me of why I liked him.
     "Y-yeah," I stuttered, my breath catching in my throat. *Stupid butterflies!* I smiled shyly in embarrassment. He ruffled my hair playfully and chuckled. I held my breath to try and slow my rapidly beating heart, and he grabbed my backpack off of my shoulders, lightly brushing his fingers against the top of them. *So much skinship>/////<*
     "Are the notes in here? I need to rehearse too...after all, it is a group assignment!" he shot and wink at me while pulling a packet of neatly stapled papers out of the backpack. He leafed through the papers, scanning through the messily written words. "So is this it? Just the stuff about the Joseon Dynasty?"
     "Uhm yeah, pretty much..." I looked down at my feet, hiding my blushing face. "You just have to say the stuff about the punishment, the rest of the group will cover the other stuff." I took my backpack out of his hands and started zipping it up, not making eye contact.
       "Uh...Kyungmin...are you mad at me?" he warily asked. I shook my head wordlessly, afraid that if I did say anything, I would confess right there, on the spot. I slowly turned around to walk away, but he placed his hand on the hood of my hoodie and grabbed it so I couldn't move any further.
     "H-hey!" I shook my head to try and shake him off, but it was a failed attempt. He kept his hold on me, and I spun around to face him. "Yes?" I asked in the steadiest voice I could render, which turned out sounding kind of intimidating.
     "Are you sure you're not mad or upset at me?" he squinted his eyes and studied my face, which was heating up again. "A-are you okay? You look kinda red...do you have a fever?" he brought his palm up to my forehead and let it linger for a couple seconds. "No, your temperature is fine...look, you're getting really red. Do you want me to take you to the infermorary or something?"
     "I said I was fine..." I quietly mumbled. *WHY DO I FEEL LIKE IM GOING TO THROW UP>_<*
     He shrugged and stepped back, "Okay then! I was just trying to help, so if you die somewhere across the street, it won't be my fault!" he joked.
     "I won't die..." I mumbled again, turning my head.
     "Aha! I know what it is! You're embarrassed, aren't you!?" he pointed at me with a teasing look and moved my face to look at him. "It's probably because you don't get to talk to a guy as handsome and amazing as me everyday, isn't it!?" he beamed and hooked his arm around mine. "In that case, I should probably give you the pleasure of being around me longer!" he giggled and dragged me off with him to who-knows-where.

     "Kwangmin-ssi...can I look now?" I asked. He had his hands covering my eyes, so I couldn't see anything except darkness. 
     "Not yet!" he scolded playfully. "Be patient!" I sighed in response and kept walking along with him. His childish innocence had me practically melting in his arms. He was behind me with his long arms wrapped around me, his hands finally reaching up to my eyes. He was about 10 cm taller than I was-perfect height. "Watch the step-right here..." he guided me carefully around wherever we were, when we finally stopped. 
     "Can I-" 
     "No!" he cut me off and giggled. "Just kidding! Here you go!" he lifted his hands off of my eyes, revealing a rooftop greenhouse. "Tada! My Hyung and I used to always come here when we were younger to play, but we haven't been here in years! Brings back memories," he sighed happily. He took my hand and opened the glass door to the clear dome. I looked around at all of the different flowers and vines growing around the sunny room. 
     "It's...beautiful..." I breathed. 
     "Huh? Oh, yeah." he smiled. "You think this is pretty? Wait 'till you see this." he grinned another breathtaking smile and led me deeper into the room. The greenhouse was a lot bigger than it looked-we walked for a while, and we still hadn't reached the end. It was like a little forest! My hand was tingling-Kwangmin's grip was tight and protective. It was like the butterflies in my stomach had extended to my hands, and would eventually encase my whole body. I tried to focus on the vibrant colors of the flowers, but my fluttering heart was too much. He looked back at me and smiled excitedly, pointing right ahead of us. "Right here!" he said, walking me up to a long swing hanging off of a high branch. The small plank of wood was tied to two thick ropes on either side, and Kwangmin smiled at it proudly. "It took forever, buy my Hyung and I finally convinced our Abeoji to put this baby up. We used to always play here..." he smiled as he reminisced. "So what are you waiting for!? Are you gonna get on?" he cheered. I nodded shyly and he tugged me closer to the swing, until I was directly in front of it. "Do you want me to push you...?" he asked as I sat. I nodded slightly and he chuckled. "Okayyyy!" he pushed off of the ground, launching me into the air. The wind blew my hair and my skirt around me, causing me to laugh and smile like an idiot. I could even see Kwangmin smiling. He kept pushing me for a while, when he got tired and stopped.  
     "Uhm...do you want me to push you now?" I asked, hiding my red face. 
     "You would do that!? Sweet!" he yelled, jumping on the swing. I pushed the swing hard, starting the movement and smiling. I kept pushing harder and he kept going higher, when he grabbed my waist and flung me up onto his lap while swinging. I let out a little yelp of surprise, and he wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned his chin on my shoulder. "Wheee," he mumbled softly into my ear, making me unable to breathe. 
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Chapter 3: This story is so good! The butterflies in my stomach were raging too xD
Aww so cute! I could feel the butterflies too! :D
hey I love it!
JouJouBexotobap #4
Woah~ it's so cool !! gomawo gomawo goamwo~~