Rise and Shine

Country Meets Korean

*Key’s POV*

I woke up the next morning to a rapping on my door.

“Key wake up! It’s already ten o’clock!”

Ugh, Patty; please let me sleep a little longer.

I didn’t say anything in hopes that she would just leave me alone. Instead she opened the door and walked over to the bed.

“Key, rise and shine! The farm woke up hours ago! I’m taking it easy on you for now because of this jetlag thing, but after the next week or two it’ll be early rising,” she said as she ripped the covers off me. “Now come on, get up.”

I finally surrendered and rolled out of bed.

“Good morning, Patty,” I mumbled as I stepped into my slippers then headed for the bathroom.

How am I going to survive? How?

*Sam’s POV*

“Hey Momma, can I take Key out for a trail ride today?” I asked, coming back inside the house.

“I don’t see why not. Have you finished all your barn chores?” she asked.

“Of course.”

She smiled at me, “That’s my girl. I woke him up about twenty minutes ago, so he should be done any second.”

I waited at the bottom steps of the stairs for Key. When he didn’t come down after ten minutes I decided to go up and get him myself.

“Key, what-,” I stopped as the bathroom door swing open and Key stepped out. “Oh my…”

I dropped to my knees in laughter when I saw what Key was wearing (I know that this is Onew, but only pay attention to the clothes. Imagine its Key wearing them: http://forums.mangafox.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=37933&d=1304981965).

“Your dad gave me this to wear…It’s not funny!” he whined.

“Haha, I’m sorry Key. Um, you look very farmer-ish,” I said, wiping away my tears of laughter. “Ready to go riding today?”

His eyes got big. “W-we’re actually riding horses today?”

“Of course! We can’t very well ride the sheep, now can we?”

“But, I-I’m…”

“Afraid of horses; I know. But today we will conquer you’re fear together!”

“How did you know?” he asked.

“Believe me, it was pretty obvious. Come on let’s go.”

When we got out to the barn Greyson had already saddled Sunbeam up for me.

“Aw, thanks Grey,” I said giving him a friendly one-armed hug.

“Anything for you Sam,” he smiled back at me.

“Okay, now Key, you will be riding Mudpie. She’s really smooth and never bucks or misbehaves. She’ll just kind of do whatever you tell her to,” I said, walking over to get Mudpie’s brushes.

We brushed the horse together to make time go by faster.

“While I comb her mane and tail, grab that blanket-like thing over there and put it on her back okay?”

Key did as he was told and looked at me for his next directions.

“Now put that saddle on her,” I said, gesturing to the correct saddle.

I watched him as he lifted the heavy saddle. I expected him to tremble from weakness, but he was surprisingly strong. He placed the saddle on Mudpie’s back, and I tightened the girth and adjusted the stirrups for him.

“Do you want me to come along too?” asked Greyson as he walked over to me. “Piper is all ready to go.”

I looked over to see his already saddled horse.

“Sure,” I smiled at him. “The more the merrier!”

*Greyson’s POV*

I really didn’t want to be around this Key guy, but I didn’t like the idea of him going on a trail ride alone with Sam. Things happened on trail rides… 






So I found this last night and I have watched it about 50 times. There's also one of them doing Just Dance by Lady Gaga. Enjoy;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tRqB4iWbdAI 

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lockeycharm26 #1
Chapter 40: Sequel plssss !! Iloveyourstory author nim!!
Chapter 40: Loved this! It was good.
Soo glad they made their way back to each other. Like seriously.
I liked Minho && all but she belongs with Key! :p
AlyssaLuvsSHINee #3
Loved it cause I am also a country music fan and horses are awesome! I think u should right one more chapter where she explains to Minho and her family.
ahhhhhh I love it? is it the end? Need a sequel! <3 <3 <3
I love it!Can you please do a sequel? ♥
i loved it. I wish you would do a sequel. <3
:O MINHO?!?! Aiigooooo...he kissed her...and she smiled...no no no no no. Sam, this IS NOT how this will go!!! You LOOOOVE Key! He loves you! You must go to him!!
Shineegirl101 #10
No Sam! you must go back to Key!!! find him and love him!!!

really amazing story BTW ;D looking forward to updates everyday ;D <333333