Beer & Beef


Yoongi and Soobin are drinking companions. But eventually, their friendship begins to form something different. Yet, Yoongi's past always haunts him whenever he's dating. Will Yoongi be able to set aside his past and start a new relationship with Soobin?


Hello there...

This was my first fanfiction on AFF. Yet I challenge my self to write this story after a very loooong hiatus as an fanfic author.

I'm into BTS recently ( though I know them since debuting, but at that time they were just a bunch of sweet little boys compared to his senior 2AM ), Its been frantic time to pick my bias on BTS, I've been into Jeon Jungkook, Kim Namjoon, and now Min Yoongi. Hope this choice will last forever.

By the way, I write this fanfic because i'm joining this contest here HIM Writing Contest 

Hope you enjoy this story...

Happy reading...


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Pengen deh ngrasain sassy nya suga secara langsung.. Pengen liat sapa yg lebih jutek dan sadis.. Aku pa dy...
Pengen dicium juga kek soobin... Rada mendadak dan diserang gitu... Kekekeke..