Chapter Two

The Girls Next Door


Chapter Two:


"We're DoE!"


                The seven girls introduced simultaneously, the boys looked at them in confusion. The youngest tilted his head slightly.


"What is D. O. E.?" he asked.


"Daughters of Eden," a cute girl spoke up, her yellow mini dress hugging every inch of her curves, making Sungjong blush as he looked at her. "Like what you see?" she winked at the young boy, causing him to snap back to reality.


"Not really," he furrowed his brows, looking away in a diva like manner.


"Cute," she giggled, then looked to the other girls. "I'm going to the dance floor, we seem to have a good looking audience tonight."


                The small girl weaved her way to the dance floor leaving the other six rolling their eyes, one of the girls, dressed in pink, her blond hair contrasting to her pale skin, looked back at the boys.


"I'm Yujin," she introduced, her smile wide and childlike. "As you can tell we're color coated, apparently by your favorite colors."


                The wheels started to turn in Sunggyu's head, he wondered what kind of show was this that each girl was wearing their favorite colors.


"Is this a dating show?" he asked, looking to the PD's for an answer.


"No," the girl in the white shook her head, continuing with her explanation. "We're colored to match position and age. You and I are both '89 liners and also both leaders to our respective groups."


"So you're all the same ages as us?" Sungyeol asked curiously, looking at Yujin, he was disappointed he wasn't going to be able to call her his. "And what exactly does that mean, matching positiong?"


"Easy," Yujin was still smiling, pulling over a girl in a black dress she answered. "Minhee and me are both visuals in the group just as you and Myungsoo are."


"Yah Yujin," Minhee tried to pull away from her, uncomfortable with the stares from the boys across from them. Not only was she being put on the spot, but she was in an outfit that made her feel awkward, the type of dress she would never choose to wear.


"I'm Hyeri," a girl in purple held up a peace sign, pulling the girl wearing a y red color towards. "And this is my sis Hyemi."


"Twins," Woohyun smirked, he liked the idea of twins.


"I'm Chaeyeon," the leader of the girls waved. "The girl that ran off is Julie and this--" she pulled over the girl wearing green. "This is Ahrin, she's really shy so be nice to her."


                The younger girl just bit her lip, her big doe eyes glistening over, she instantly took a step back from the boys, a blush creeping on her features.


"Yah Ahrin don't be shy," Chaeyeon scolded, then turned her attention to the boys. "Don't mind her, she's like this around most people."


                Ahrin pulled down at the hem of her green dress, she was just as uncomfortable as Minhee in the short dress. Dongwoo tilted his head trying to get a better glimpse of the girl, studying her, he had the strong urge to protect her. Suddenly the PDs called for their attention, ready to pack up and go back to where the fourteen of them, plus their managers and others would be staying.


"Tonight will be our first night together," Chaeyeon smiled, her eyes almost disappearing as the boys eyes widened in surprise.


A night together, meant sleeping in the same place.

A/N: Okay so when I had decided the name of their band it was before I watched Dream High 2 OTL so Eden and DoE.... I dunno it was just a coincidence.... I was thinking of naming them Daughters of Eve instead....but then I didn't want. So yeah.... This chapter is a bit boring, I just wanted to introduce the :D

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rinyoungie #1
update soon ^^~