The Girls

The Girls Next Door


Chapter One:


                The boys were getting ready for a night out, after hearing they were going to LA's 'Korean' club. They were told there was a performance tonight that they could not miss and tonight was the night they'd meet the girls.


"You guys ready?" their manager came into the room.


"Yeah we're ready," Woohyun replied, he was excited for the night, clubbing was one of the many things he liked to do.


                The seven boys piled into the van, their manager driving them to the club the girls would be staying at. The boys were excited, but also a little skeptical. If this girl group was so good, why would they keep them a secret and how could they keep it a secret from everyone in the company. Not only did other trainees and many of the workers not know about them, but some of the producers were also surprised by the news.


                Sungjong held a camera up to the other boys, recording what they were doing, Sungyeol grabbed at the camera but Sungjong just pulled back giving his hyung a 'mehrong'.


"So what do you guys think the girls will be like?" Sungjong asked, acting as if he was an interviewer.


"Most likely like all the rest of the groups," Hoya answered, playing with his phone, uninterested in what was happening around him.


"Aw come on! Be more excited!" Sungjong whined, zooming in on the other members. Sometimes he felt as if he was the only one ever excited to see new girl groups, maybe it was because he was the most girlish of them all, but it didn't mean he was gay. Yes, he was more feminine than most, but he still liked girls all the same.


"We're here," their manager parked, turning around to face the boys. "Go in, follow what the pd's want you too and come back when you're done."


                The boys got out of the van, looking around, then up at the club, loud music emanating from the doors where a long line waited to get inside. The seven of them walked right up to the front, the cameras following them, each one a little bit nervous if someone would notice them or not. The security instantly let them in, each boy passing by into the club.


                They noticed it wasn't like the clubs back in Korea, not as many people and more room for Hoya and Dongwoo to 'break it down' as they liked to say. Sungjong and Sungyeol went to the middle of the dance floor to play, while Woohyun went to flirt with some girl and Sunggyu went to the bar, leaving Myungsoo by himself looking about as if he was lost. He went to the wall and leaned against it, he wasn't in the mood for this type of atmosphere.


                Several different songs played before the familiar melody of BTD started, Myungsoo thought to himself that of course they would play their song, but this song wasn't really one of their most popular ones. It wasn't until the singing started that he realized it wasn't their voices playing through the speakers, he looked up at the small stage they had set up to see seven girls on stage dancing and singing their parts perfectly. He looked around for the other guys to make sure they were seeing this too, that it wasn't just him. To his relief, they were watching too, their eyes as big as saucers while watching the girls. Myungsoo trailed his eyes back to the performers on stage, there was one part he was thinking they wouldn't do, the infamous 'scorpion dance', to his surprise when the part came they did it, all seven perfectly synchronized with each other.


                When the song came to an end, the girls bowed and waved before going backstage as the crowd cheered loudly for them. The seven boys came back together, each of them looking at each other, thinking the same thing.


"Those are them?" Sunggyu asked, his eyes bigger than they should be able to be.


                Suddenly more screaming and yelling exuded from the crowd as the seven girls came back out, each one a little different than the one before them. Wearing tight mini dresses and heels, the girls strutted over to the boys, suddenly making them nervous.


"Hey," one of the girls greeted, her smile wide. "We're--"

A/N: So I've decided that this story is about all of the Infinite members. There will be a certain girl paired up with each of them, but I won't gurantee that they'll end up with that girl in the end. I can tell you right now, one of the members at the end is... screwed ;D

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rinyoungie #1
update soon ^^~