Verse Stories

Shadows: Guide to ShadowsVerse

ShadowsVerse has 3 planned stories, and this is how they are interconnected!

1. Shadows: Demons


Demons focuses the most on the bonds formed between Seokjin and his two shadows: Jungkook and Jimin. The story also follows along Jimin's unconventional journey into becoming a royal academy trained shadow. He lives and trains at the academy in the palace grounds so a lot of the academy side cameos like Namjoon the headmaster, Yoongi the trainer shadow are going to be in Demons. 

Since Seokjin also plays a huge role in Taehyung's life and is the official right hand man of crown prince Taemin, this story catches glimpses of these characters as well.

2. Shadows: Serenity


Serenity focuses on Hoseok and Taehyung. Taehyung comes from the lands far away so we get to see the way things work at the academy and the palace grounds through his eyes, a true outsider. Hoseok-Seokjin-Jihyun(Jimin's brother) as well as Taehyung-Jungkook friendship dynamics will also be dived into more here.

3. Shadows: Cannibalized (to be posted)

Cannibalized focuses on crown prince Taemin and his twin Jongin. Since Jongin is one of Jimin's main duties while at the academy and Seokjin is Taemin's right hand man, these characters also pop by occasionally.


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Chapter 3: oh yeah, does Shadows: Cannabalized have to do with the OG Cannabalized? Or? Is it a rewrite? YOu did say you had something coming up for Canabalized, I can't wait to see how this progresses! <3
Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Chapter 3: This is so cool, I really want to know more about the 'Dragon Ring'!!!
I am dying from Taehyung, "torturing and drowning slaves for fun"
can't wait for more!