Mr Kim needs to chill

Marrying Mr. Kim
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It was all but a plain day, four days before their wedding to be exact. After they checked their house and had dinner, they didn’t meet after that. Kyungsoo hadn’t received texts from Jongin either which he just ignored for the hell he cares. He spent his days roaming around Seoul, shopping some stuff he never really need. He dropped by his new studio. Nothing is impressive just yet but he is sure, his father will compensate him for his beautiful studio in Florida.

He contacted several people he knew in Florida to check some stuffs for uncollected money that a business man owe him. Nothing but respect to his best friend who got nothing but support and love for him. Jongdae and Sehun, who are his business partners, friends and confidant.

“We are flying to Korea, Peach. I can’t wait to see you.” He can hear Sehun being loud than he usually is. He always call him Peach as an endearment.

“Jongdae is much eager than anybody to fly there.” Sehun continued.

Kyungsoo spend will spend his whole day cooking for his friends who promised to stay with him the whole time before his wedding. He went to the supermarket looking for whatever he can cook for his beloved visitors. While pushing his cart and tried to focus on the stuff he wanted to buy for whatever he wanted to cook. He doesn’t have anything in particular. He knows the two are not picky eater. As long as he cook the food, it will be edible for them. He is checking some of the onions when a big hand landed on his shoulder.

Startled he grab the hand and take a step forward and make a turn, twisting the arm of whoever this person who pranks him in the middle of the supermarket. He can hear a familiar voice crying in pain as his arms get slightly twisted. But when he look at the person, he went blank.

“What –what the are you Hyung? Are you –?” Jongin held his own wrist giving himself a small massage to ease the pain.

“Oh my god. I’m sorry but you should have just called and don’t randomly prank me like that.” The flustered small guy managed to get the strength to scold the younger whose face is completely wrinkled by pain.

“Why are you here?” He asked completely forgetting the previous concern and how he almost broke his wrist.

“Obviously buying stuff to cook. And why are you on supermarkets during office hours?” He questioned looking up to the man in his black suit. His hair is just free and yeah new shave?

To divert his attention from Jongin’s looks, Kyungsoo pushed his cart forward pretending to check the other vegetables being displayed.

“I come here to check how everything is going.” He replied following Kyungsoo.

“Your family owns this supermarket?”

“To be honest, I own this. We will own this after our wedding.” He gave Kyungsoo a small gentle smile. And Kyungsoo’s heart starts to beat wildly behind is chest, just what the is wrong?

“So can I take anything I want in here?” The red bell pepper looks good but Kyungsoo doesn’t know if he need them but he need to check them anyway. He has to pretend he knows what he is doing because this guy is getting into his nerves. He hates it.

“The owner and the business are two separate entities.” Jongin replied.

“Then we getting married is a scam.” Kyungsoo grimaced. Jongin chuckle and step forward to stop Kyungsoo from moving and walking randomly between shelves of vegetables.

“It’s not a scam shortie. It’s more than a business deal.” He replied pocketing both of his hands.

Kyungsoo stopped looking directly into the eyes of Jongin. Seriously how’s everything not a scam where he has to close everything in Florida and fly here to marry this stranger just because his parents wanted him, for pure business agreement between partners and his opinion wasn’t even solicited.  He has no human rights in this case at all.

“Im not gonna bite that Mr. Kim and don’t call me Shortie. I’m not short.” He said taking a step backwards and pull the cart and maneuver it to the next shelves of eggplant and cucumbers.

“Do you want me to drive you home?” Jongin followed him and settled to walk beside him.

“I bring my car.” He replied getting a two cucumbers and placed in inside the cart.

“So what’s your menu? Are you cooking for me? Because that’s too plenty for yourself only.”

“My friends are coming from Florida and they are staying with me. I have to feed them.” He look around to find where the section for meats and other condiments is.

“Really? Can I meet them?”

Jongin motioned him that the section he is looking for is just straight ahead.

“You’re busy though, they care coming for our wedding so you can meet them during the ceremony and reception.”

“Ah, Sehun and Jongdae?”

Kyungsoo stopped walking and looked at the man who looks so proud that he is startled by the fact that he actually know who his friends are.

“How many things about me you actually know because it’s getting creepier.”

“I did my homework actually. I asked your family about you and some of the few details they told me was you meet amazing people in your foreign home.”

“It feels like you guys are actually plotting a bigger scam than I thought.”

“I am a business man and not a scammer.” Kyungsoo pushed his cart and walked fast into the meat section trying to leave Jongin behind. “Stop following me and don’t talk to me anymore. Im busy and you can’t meet my friends.”


“Don’t call me Hyung.”

Kyungsoo marched as fast as he could to leave Jongin but his short legs let Jongin catch him.


Kyungsoo take a deep breath. This man seriously is so annoying and he wants to erupt like a volcano.

“Leave me alone, Mr. Kim.”

Unknowingly, he stomp his feet asking the younger to leave him and just let him buy groceries in peace without some piece of hot following him.

Finally Jongin resigned and called a staff to help him with whatever he will buy. He finds it really annoying because it might get attention from other people. Yes he owned this mart but having him followed by a staff to take good care of anything he might need, it’s just so bothersome. He doesn’t want to be followed. So he dismissed the poor lady and told her it’s okay to leave him and she won’t get fired if Jongin will know she left him.


Just as when he is done cooking his samgyetang, kim bap, and baby back ribs and rice with several side dishes, he checked his friends’ location. They are just a few minutes away from his condominium. He washed up and slip comfortable shirt and pants.

He was just waiting for them to arrive so he can start to plate and let them eat. He is excited to hear stories from them about anything.

Then the doorbell rings twice. He run fast to open the door. His world completely stopped right in the moment when a grinning Kim Jongin is standing there in front of him with a paper bag of a famous wine.

“Hi beautiful.” He said waving his free hand. He did not move from his spot while examining any possible justification why Jongin is here. “I’m hurt. You look like you don’t want me here.” For ing , this guy has to stop pouting.

He moved back to let the guy in.

“I just didn’t agree you to be here though.”

“Can you be more sensitive?” He settled on the couch even though he is technically uninvited.

“I was just flustered okay.” He meekly replied.

“By me?”

“Don’t overact to it, Sir. I was not expecting you to come here. You’re a busy man.”

Jongin did not replied, but his face lighten somehow that he is not that unwanted. Kyungsoo knows he messed this because he doesn’t know how his closest friends would react to Jongin’s presence in his house. They meet just a few days ago and Jongin is pretty much comfortable with him while he randomly gets electrocuted.

“It’s okay, I cut all my appointments tonight to be here.”

He is obviously making him guilty for some reason. He just can’t take his drama. He didn’t even sent a text or call since the other day and now he is acting as if Kyungsoo victimized him? It’s not that he was expecting but Kyungsoo can’t tell otherwise.

“Don’t be so dramatic Jongin. Do I really look like I’m going to kick you out from here because I didn’t expect you to come?” Kyungsoo said without looking at the guy.

“And you are not even looking at me.” He can sense his huge pout and his puppy look by the tenor of his voice.

“What are you doing seriously?” His patience is getting lower but Jongin is just so adorable with that face.

“Okay. Are we waiting for them to arrive before we can eat?”

Who invited him for dinner, by the way?

“Sadly yea

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Chapter 2: I live for Jealous Jongin 😂😂
zkdlin_dks #2
Chapter 12: Awww 😂
Sakuraheat #3
Chapter 12: Suh a masterpiece
Nicole121314 #4
Chapter 12: Awww sweet hehe
Chapter 12: Awwwwwwww. So sweet. Love at first sight
AuziSalsabila #6
Chapter 12: Kai father so savage.. hahahaha
Nicole121314 #7
Chapter 11: They're both married couple haha
Chapter 11: Wahh thx authorr
Chapter 11: Oop 🥵
Chapter 1: interesting story :>