
Take flight

The prince had been out on a royal visit for the past three days. Hence, Donghae had been left to chores such as cleaning the prince’s room or tending to the prince’s personal garden.


His duties would officially begin once the prince returned and he would have to be by the prince’s side all day long to cater to his every need.


Donghae sighed, placing the watering can down. The first few days had been boring to say the least. He hadn’t had much of a chance to interact with the prince who had been rushed off for the royal visit to one of their neighbouring countries the day after they had first met.


But within the first few days, Donghae had made friends with one of the palace maids, Miseon, and Hongseok, the prince’s most loyal bodyguard, who had also followed the prince on the trip.


Hence, Donghae was left all alone, with Miseon currently out running errands.


Donghae knelt on the muddy ground, his eyes having caught something strange. A flower that was vastly different from the rest sat at the bottom, and Donghae leaned down to touch it.


It was a red rose, and it somehow reminded Donghae of the prince - fiery, passionate, and also somewhat lonely.


Donghae looked away, picking up the watering can and continued his job of watering the prince’s beloved flowers.


He blushed suddenly, however, when he suddenly remembered last night, when he was told of all his duties as the prince’s personal servant.


One of his many duties included dressing the prince every morning. The flush deepened, and Donghae pressed a hand against his cheeks, attempting to will the warmth away.


It was normal to feel this way, he argued to himself, for he had never seen another body apart from his own.


The watering can fell to the ground when sudden shouts interrupted his daydream.


“The prince is back!” The servants hurried around, ensuring that everything was in perfect condition for the prince’s return. Donghae gulped, straightening his back and quickly making his way towards the main entrance.


When he arrived at the entrance, the prince was nowhere to be seen.


“Miseon!” Donghae whispered as he saw the maid back from her errands.


The petite woman looked around anxiously, before making her way towards Donghae.


“Donghae, what are you doing here? You should be with the prince now that he’s back!”


Donghae looked at her, hands still muddy from the soil in the garden.


“And why are you covered in mud?” Miseon fussed, wiping some of it off Donghae’s forehead, as if he were her own child.


“Where is the prince?” Donghae asked, looking around curiously.


“He has retired to his room to rest before dinner. I suppose he will be calling for you anytime soon. Now hurry along.” Miseon said calmly, and Donghae nodded.


As he turned, heading to the prince’s room, he bumped into a larger man, and he immediately bowed to apologise.


“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going.”


“It’s all right.” Donghae looked up at the deep, almost fear-inducing voice. He had never seen the man before. The man was dressed in expensive looking robes, and had a scar that stretched across the side of his face. Donghae shivered as the man’s gaze on him deepened.


“You must be my brother’s new servant.” The man smirked, leaning down to inspect Donghae even closer. Donghae flinched, moving away from the man who made him tremble unconsciously, even more so than the prince himself.


“You’ll probably see me around.” The man spoke, and Donghae could feel the vast difference in the aura this man exuded as compared to the prince.


As the man walked away, Donghae couldn’t help but shiver at the uncertain feeling that had arisen from the brief meeting.


“Prince Hyukjae.” Donghae spoke up meekly, standing outside the doors of the prince’s room.


“What is it?” He could hear the tired voice reply.


“Do you need any help?”


“Not now.” The prince replied with a tone of finality, but Donghae couldn’t help but prod a little further.


“Not even a cup of tea? I make the best teas, they definitely could help you relax-”


The prince chuckled, interrupting Donghae’s incessant babbling.


“You sure are a persistent little one.” The prince said, and Donghae felt a blush spreading up his cheeks.


“Go ahead.” Donghae nodded, even though the prince couldn’t see him, and he quickly moved to prepare the tea.


Returning with the warm cup in his hands, he knocked on the door again.


“Come in.” Donghae took a deep breath and entered.


When he entered, he relaxed slightly at the scent of the room that calmed him. Strange, he had never felt this way the past few days when the prince had been away, he thought to himself.


“You seem to get lost in your thoughts quite a bit.” Donghae flinched at the sudden voice, the tea almost spilling over in the process.


“Come along and hand me that tea.” The prince said, and Donghae looked at the prince for the first time in days.


He could feel his heartbeat increasing as he looked at the young prince, who was clad in a different set of robes from the first time Donghae had seen him.


He walked towards the prince, wondering why his hands were shaking so badly. It must be because I’m in the presence of royalty.


The prince didn’t fail to notice the trembling hands when the cup was handed to him. Taking the tea in one hand, he gently held Donghae’s hand in the other.


Donghae immediately flinched, pulling his hand out of the other’s grip. He saw the prince frown, confused for a moment before his face returned to its original expression.


“What’s wrong? Are you scared of me?” The prince asked, and Donghae sensed both warmth and curiosity in the firm voice.


“I apologise, my prince. But someone as noble as you should not be touching a hand of someone as lowly as me.”


“Nonsense.” Donghae immediately looked at the prince whose expression remained unchanged. “I don’t think of you as lowly, nor do I think so of the other maids and servants in the place.”


“Now let me see that hand of yours.” The prince spoke, and Donghae had to obey.


The prince took his hand into his own strong ones once again, and Donghae couldn’t help but feel wonder at the warmth that immediately spread through his entire body.


“I see that they’ve stopped shaking now.” The prince chuckled. “I hope you’re not afraid of me.”


Donghae shook his head. “I’m not, my prince. I’m sorry if I appeared rude to you.”


The prince smiled, letting go of his hand. Donghae let it fall loosely to the side.


“Now, will you join me for dinner tonight?” Donghae looked up in shock at the prince’s words.


“I couldn’t possibly do that, my prince.” Donghae’s voice shook at the thought of dining with the prince himself. It was said that only important guests and members of the family could dine with the prince.


“Nonsense, again.” The prince placed the cup of tea down. “This is my order.”


Donghae could only nod, bowing to show his gratitude towards the prince.


Donghae returned to his room after the prince dismissed him, and he decided to change into clothes more appropriate for the dinner with the prince.


He sunk down onto his bed, feeling slightly nervous. It was the first time in his entire life he had been so close to royalty, and now, he was going to have dinner with the prince. Him, a lowly servant. The prince indeed was as kind as others said him to be.


He shook his head and hurried to wash up. He had to look the best he could in front of the prince.


As he entered the dining hall, he could feel the eyes of the other servants on him.


“Come here,” The prince spoke, already seated at the end of the table. “Sit next to me.”


Donghae shuddered. Dining with the prince was already enough, but sitting right next to him? He had been expecting to be ordered at least a table’s length away from the prince.


But after all, it was Prince Hyukjae. He wasn’t like many others of the royal family.


He walked briskly over, not wanting to anger the prince by disobeying his orders.


As he sank down on his seat, he could feel the stares on him intensifying and he gulped nervously. The prince immediately felt his hesitation and cleared his throat.


“Leave us alone.” The servants and guards immediately bowed, leaving the room.


Now, they were alone.


The prince began eating and Donghae took that as a sign to follow. As he picked up his spoon, he looked in awe at the spread of dishes in front of him. He had never seen so much food in his life, apart from when he was preparing food for royalty in the kitchen.


“Have as much as you want.” Donghae looked at the prince who was eating quietly, and bowed his head as he picked up a piece of meat.


“It gets a little lonely here sometimes.” Donghae looked up mid-bite as the prince spoke. “I haven’t had anyone dine with me in months.”


Donghae finished the piece of meat in his mouth, and replied jokingly. “I never thought that the prince would ever be lonely.”


The prince smiled, seemingly surprised at the light hearted tone that Donghae took when conversing with him. Donghae supposed that the prince must have had enough of all the polite conversations he was always forced to have. It must have been rare to have a casual conversation with someone.


“It is often the most powerful that are the loneliest.” The prince spoke, and silence followed for the next few minutes.


As Donghae shoved another piece of meat into his mouth, he decided to speak again to break the silence.


“I met your brother.” He could feel the prince tense up at that, and he lowered his eyes, afraid that he might have angered the prince.


“Is that so?” The prince placed his fork down, gazing silently at Donghae.


“Deokchul is not a man to be trifled with.” The prince continued, wiping his mouth with the napkin. “I suggest that you keep a distance from him.”


“Why?” Donghae asked and he could see the prince’s eyebrows creasing.


“My father is dying.” The prince said. “And I am the next in line. I suppose you know what that brings in this palace.”


Donghae nodded, looking at the prince who seemed to have grown older in mere seconds.


“There are too many lies in this palace. It is best not to trust anyone but yourself.” The prince continued, and Donghae found it hard not to reply.


“And yet you are telling me all of this. Are you not afraid? That I could betray you someday?” Donghae wondered where his sudden courage had come from.


The prince only smiled.


“I am not afraid. And besides, I know you wouldn’t dare to do so.”


The dinner ended with nothing else being said.


Donghae began accompanying the prince about his daily routine, which comprised mostly of meetings and trainings.


The servant watched as the prince aimed the bow and arrow at the board a distance away, attaining a perfect score.


He watched as the prince wielded his sword, in a practice fight with one of the palace guards. In an instance, the guard was pinned onto the ground, the metal tip missing his neck by an inch. He saw the prince smiling as he helped the guard up, and their practice continued.


Indeed, the prince was as perfect as everyone said he was.


“What are you not good at?” Donghae had asked randomly one day, lost in his thoughts when he realised he had uttered the question out loud. The prince chuckled, albeit rather stunned at the daring way the servant had asked the question.


“I’m sorry-”


“It’s all right.” The prince chuckled, while having a bite of his cake. They were at the palace’s official garden, having dessert under the pavilion as per the prince’s request.


“Why? Do you think I am perfect?”


“Yes, my prince. I do not see a single flaw in you.” Donghae answered honestly, and the prince had to admit he was rather taken aback by the straightforwardness and honesty of the servant.


“The way you move in a fight, the way you hold yourself and even the way you pick up a sword, there is not a single flaw.”


The prince laughed so loudly that Donghae looked up in shock. He felt the tip of his ears burning when he saw the gums of the prince that peeked out as he laughed.


Some would think of that as a flaw, but to Donghae, even that was perfect.


“Well, I don’t know.” The prince replied, watching the countless expressions on the servant’s face. He was intrigued by the servant, the way he would talk and the way his face lit up every time the prince replied him.


“Maybe one day, you can tell me what my flaw is.”


Donghae could only nod politely, sitting quietly beside the prince for the rest of the afternoon as they watched the fish swimming peacefully in the lake.


Donghae soon came to learn that the prince loved flowers. He had deduced as much, from the countless types of flowers he had tended to in the prince’s personal garden when he was away.


Being by the prince’s side constantly, he found that the prince would often be reading books about flowers if official documents were not in his hands.


In the morning, after washing up, the prince would take a walk in the garden alone. He had told Donghae that he enjoyed the silence and calm that the garden brought, and the servant himself had to agree.


So Donghae watched as the prince strolled through the garden, standing by one of the pillars a distance away.


He watched as the wind blew, making the prince’s hair flutter as he bent down to look at the flowers. He could see why the palace maids were so enamoured of him now.


The days were usually spent like this, with Donghae accompanying the prince afar on his morning walks in the garden.


Afternoons would be spent in meetings with officials, where Donghae had been made to accompany the prince a few times, apart from when the meetings were strictly confidential.


And most days, they would have dinner together, although Donghae could feel the disapproving stares of everyone who watched the prince dine with the servant of such lowly status.


One night, Donghae had been asleep in his room, when his window abruptly slammed open, gushes of water landing on his face. He jumped up immediately, and he looked at the unusually dark sky.


He saw the way the trees shook violently, the wind almost pulling him off his feet. He scrambled to slam his window shut again, and he heard the distant thud of a tree falling.


It was one of the biggest storms he had ever seen.


And he knew that the flowers wouldn’t survive.


So he ran.


He ran as fast as his legs could take him, running to the garden shed as the rain beat heavily down on him. From the shed, he pulled out the waterproof fabric that had been placed there by the prince specially for such emergencies, handmade by a tailor from miles away.


He pulled out the thick roll of fabric, lugging it across the garden. He started from the most fragile flowers, flinging the fabric over them, working as quickly as his trembling fingers would allow him. His entire body was shaking in the extreme cold, with the wind blowing heavily.


Soon, half of the garden was covered and he could hear murmurs from the rest of the maids who had woken up.


“Come and help me!” Donghae shouted, and the other servants, with umbrellas in hand, rushed to cover the remaining flowers.


“Donghae!” The servant looked up at the harsh tone.


“Prince Hyukjae.” He mumbled, looking down awkwardly with the water dripping from his body, wetting the entire floor. He wrapped his arms tightly around himself, shivering.


“What on earth were you doing at this hour?” The prince stared in disbelief at the servant who was soaked and shivering in front of him.


Hyukjae had woken up to the sound of windows being roughly thrown open, and the familiar sound of thunder and the flashes of light it brought. He groaned, rubbing his eyes as he peered out of the window.


He frowned, however, when he heard whispers and shouts coming from the hallways. Hence, he had gotten out of bed to see what the commotion was about. There, he had been greeted with a flustered maid who was carrying an umbrella.


“What is going on?” The prince questioned and the maid immediately bowed.


“It’s Donghae!” The maid replied, head still bowed.


“Donghae?” The prince’s eyebrows furrowed at the sound of his servant’s name. “What’s wrong with him?”


“He’s been outside for an hour trying to save your flowers, some of the other servants are out there helping him as well.” Hyukjae looked at the umbrella in the maid’s hands.


“He is doing all that in this raging storm?” Hyukjae questioned, and the maid trembled at the anger in the prince’s voice that was also laced with worry. She watched as the prince stormed off, before scurrying off herself.


Hyukjae stared at the man before him, who was still trembling.


“Let’s get you inside for now.” The prince motioned for Donghae to follow him, both of them standing near the sheltered entrance of the garden.


Donghae nodded, walking slowly as he could not stop shaking. He was flustered when the prince pulled him into his arms to help him walk.


“Prince Hyukjae, I’m getting your robes soaked.” Donghae murmured, and Hyukjae looked at the feverish man.


“Keep quiet for now, that is not important.” Donghae flinched at the harsh tone but smiled at the same time, hearing the way the prince had reacted.


“That was extremely stupid of you.” The prince said sharply, and Donghae felt his heart clench.


“But I thank you for that. For saving my garden.” The prince finished, the corner of his lips turning upwards, making Donghae flush at the sight.


“I-It was nothing, my prince.” Donghae muttered, teeth still chattering, although he had changed into a fresh set of clothes and was bundled up in several layers of blankets, as ordered by the prince.


“I can’t have my personal servant falling sick,” The prince had said.


The prince noticed the still shivering boy, and immediately ordered for the maids to bring some hot tea, along with medication.


Donghae took the warm cup in his hands gratefully, feeling his entire body warm up. He could feel a burning gaze on him, and when he looked up, the prince was already beginning to turn away.


“Get some rest. I’ll leave you for now.” The prince mumbled, and Donghae only nodded and bowed, sipping on his tea with a thousand questions running through his mind.


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Chapter 15: OMG THIS IS GOLD! I love this so every much!! THE ENDING IS PERFECT NOW THEY CN BE TOGETHER 😭😭💙💙💙
chasinghyuk #3
omg! this story's being community promoted ;____; gonna reread again <3
Back to read again :')
Lavender05 #5
Chapter 15: I won’t deny I shed a few tears here 🥹💙
Chapter 15: Thank you for this 💙😭💙😭
Chapter 15: Rereading again
Chapter 15: Rereading this again...this is one of my favourite
Chapter 15: Back again to read
Chapter 15: Your stories never fail to make me cry, this deserve to get featured, I'm happy they finally get together, thank you for writing this authornim