Behind the curtains (gyuwoo)

Woogyu or Gyuwoo

Gener: hospital au

Drabble or one shot

Pairing: gyuwoo

Woohyun clicked his tongue as he enter the ER. His steps took him to the familiar bed which he had to visit almost twice a week.
He open the curtains and went inside. He didn't even look at the patient as he put on gloves and started preparing for first aid emergency.
"You got into trouble again." It was not a question but a statement."
The injured male gave the doctor a weak smile.
"Its just a scratch."
"Scratch my ." Woohyun said as he pulled the patient arm and applied the cleaning pad on the deep cut.
The patient missed and tried to take away his hand from the grip.
Woohyun rolled his eyes his grip still tight in the hand while the alcoholic pad still pressed on the cut.
"What kind of police officer are you anyway. "
"The one who saves the day."
"More like the one who get beaten up in the end of the day."
This time it was officer who rolled his eyes.
"Well I fight really bad people."
"If they are that bad, just put them into the jail."
"Are you a doctor or my mother? Do you nag all of your patient like this?"
"Well my patient don't come to me twice a week to get them stitched up."
The officer didn't say anything and let the doctor do whatever he wanted.

Officer Kim Sunggyu worked at the local station. Since the station was near the local downtown place their were many wannabe gangs. Always trying to put a fight and getting out of control.
Unfortunately Sunggyu had to handle the situation everyone they start a fight, which end up with him being in te hospital.
Sometimes there were small bruises needed to be cleaned and sometimes there were deep cut needed to be stitched.
It was a coincidence that Sunggyu and woohyun who was the doctor in the local hospital had their shift in night.
Woohyun would always be there when Sunggyu was injured. And somehow Sunggyu had become woohyun patient,  everytime there was an injured Sunggyu every one would inform woohyun about it and he had to be the one to take of Sunggyu.
"Why does it always had to be me ." Woohyun wouso always say.

But today he was really annoyed. The day didn't went well for him. And now Sunggyu was there, his own existence made him want to punch the other man.
Sunggyu was cocky and was full of himself.  Always telling that because of him woohyun has his job or else no one would come to woohyun. It drives him mad but he had to do it because he was still in his intern stages, although a senior one bit still an intern.
AND since suggyu was so demanding that no one but woohyun could handle him.
But today was different. Woohyun was so out of his mind that he put the bandage a bit too tight. Sunggyu hissed as he took his hand away from him.
"What the are you doing?"
Woohyun didn't say anything. He continued his work.
"The cut is too deep. You need to come and get the dressing changed tomorrow."
Woohyun said after a he had done the proper dressing of the injury.
"Why? Because you miss me this much that you want me to come tomorrow." Sunggyu's actual self came. He stretched his legs and pulled woohyun so now the doctor was in between his legs.
Woohyun tried to get away but the legs around him were tightly locked. Sunggyu smirked at him.
"Let me go Sunggyu."
"Awww my baby  is playing hard to get as always." Sunggyu ran his hand in the side of woohyun's face. Woohyun flinched at the contact. This was the biggest reason he hated Sunggyu's presence but he had to put up with this because of his boss.
Woohyun tried to get away but failed. So he just looked at Sunggyu with his pitiful eyes and asked
"What do you want?"
"A kiss from my princess."
"Sorry your princess Is not present at the moment.  Your highness. " woohyun couldn't control his sarcasm.
Sunggyu chucked as he pulled woohyun by his tie and kiss the doctor.
"I don't need any princess as my little Prince is right here" Sunggyu smiled.
Woohyun was walking out of the ER still annoyed,  but now with a smile on his face, because his day has been saved by his hero.


I still don't why I wrote this but I did. Umm thank you for reading this. Tell me your thoughts onthis. I want to improve my writing skills so please feel free lead me .

Thank you 

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Chapter 4: Loved this!! Thankyouh
Chapter 4: Aigoo, keekekeke its really cute.
You really got a brilliant idea. And i love it, at least i will never mentally swap the character between gyu and namu. Coz i really prefer a topgyu or manly/cool/full of confident/strong/dominate aura gyu than a weak/crying/dramatic gyu.
Chapter 4: Wow ❤
Chapter 3: Aww.. so much sweet ♥ I love it!
Chapter 4: Wait! Why when gyuwoo time both of them more aggressive?? Lol
But i like this ideaa.. Thank you...
Chapter 3: Oouuu why am i the one who embarrassed here? Lol
Chapter 4: Aww naughty hyun i see. I guess some morning 'activity' is not bad
Chapter 2: Ooohh.. Same plot but kinda different.. Cool...