Chapter Two

A World with Wings
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The next day, Tae-hui and Mark arrive at the border connecting Vrossacia and Eophatara. Tae-hui waves goodbye at Mark and jumps into the water. Mark senses something and his eyes widened in shock. He shouts, "Kelpies up ahead!"

Tae-hui swims across the river and tries to get up. She saw a young man standing, handing out a hand. Mark saw this and shouts, "Don't!"

Tae-hui grabs the male's hand and pulls herself up before slipping on a slippery rock. Her eyes widened and falls back into the river. Mark can't go inside the river since he will die if he does so. Tae-hui struggles to get herself up on the shore and someone hold her legs. She tries to escape as she gets deeper into the water. She move her legs and the male kelpie is about to take a huge bite on her. Tae-hui takes out her blade and throws it at the male kelpie's head. The kelpie cries in pain and let go Tae-hui's legs. She quickly swims up to shore and Winwin hold her hands, pulling her up. Tae-hui rolls on the ground and sighs heavily before sighing in relief. Winwin helps her to stand and asked, "You're okay?"

Tae-hui nods and Winwin said, "I'll bring you to get a check-up. You don't look good."

"It-it's okay," Tae-hui replied. She saw Elena arriving and smiles a bit. Elena smiles back and asked, "Do you get it?"

Tae-hui takes out the fae flower and gives it to Elena. Elena takes it and said, "Thank you so much. I know I can count on you."

Elena flies away and Winwin said, "You look sick when you have the fae flower."

Tae-hui shakes her head and replied, "The sickness of the fae flower is only applied to fairies and pixies."

"You're a fairy," Winwin replied. Tae-hui sighs heavily and Winwin said, "No more chit-chatting. "We're going to The Hollow Sea."

Winwin flies and Tae-hui walks. The journey is quite long and the fairies look at Tae-hui before making fun of her again. Tae-hui realises that Winwin is flying faster and tries to catch up to him. She climb onto a flower and jumps from one flower to another, following Winwin who decides to fly higher. She falls into the stigma of a flower and holds onto the style of the flower. She slowly climbs up and manages to get out from there. She continue following Winwin and jumps to the ground. Winwin flies to the ground and now, there are in the land where leimoniads live. Winwin asked, "Do you know what is this called?"

"Cliallisia. Leimoniads live here," Tae-hui replied. Not long, a beautiful leimoniad arrive and stops the

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