Chapter 2

Well Dressed Heart


"You will go to a fitting session this morning." Junmyeon passed Yixing a file as soon as he entered the car. "This is your bank account. Your advanced pay is already banked in. Get yourself a place to stay near my company. Inside is the contract of you becoming my secretary slash personal assistant. All furthur information is included in the file. Sign at every page and return it to me by tomorrow afternoon. Your suit will be done approximately by tomorrow morning so pick it up and you will start working the day after tomorrow."

Junmyeon signaled the driver and they felt the car moved towards a direction.

"... Good morning sir."

Junmyeon blinked and answered Yixing, albeit slower than intended.

"So we are headed towards a tailor?"


Silence filled the space. After a while the car arrived at it's destination. Yixing stepped out but before he closed the door, he stucked his head in and lokked at Junmyeon with a bashful face.

"Uh Junmyeon sir, I don't really.. know a thing about suits." He kept his eyes on the lush seat. Getting the hint, Junmyeon nodded and stepped out of the car and strode pass Yixing towards the store. Yixing smiled and followed suit.

Upon entering the exclusive store, Yixing felt out of place. The place looks so expansive surrounded with expansive suits on display and he stood out with his plain shirt and jeans that Junmyeon bought for him back at Pocheon.

"Junmyeon." A voice spoke. Yixing's eyes found purchase on a smaller man emerging from the back door. He was shorter than Yixing by the slightest but his aura didn't. His sleek hair was styled perfectly and his suit prim. Brown orbs stared back to Yixing while said man is hugging Junmyeon, as if accessing him.

"Is this the man you spoke of yesterday? How good looking."

"Don't go hitting on my secretary now."

"Spoilsport. Im Byun Baekhyun. Welcome to Byun's Tailor." Baekhyun said, directing the last part to Yixing and extended a hand.

"Zhang Yixing. The pleasure is mine." He shooked Baekhyun's hand.

"Good mannered too." He smiled. "Well should we start? I want to start early if you want it to be finished by tomorrow." He walked through a curtain after gesturing Yixing to follow him.

Entering the other sids of the curtain, a small podium was place at the centre next to a table with multiple sketches and a row of dresses on display.

"Take off your clothes please." Baekhyun said, catching Yixing off guard.

"Excuse me?" 

"Strip. Or else I won't be able to get the perfect reading." He explained with a measuring tape in his hands.

Getting the intentions, Yixing hastily strip his clothes and paused at his boxers.

"If you want to show your business to me I'd be honoured. But in another time perhaps." Baekhyun winked cheekily, making Yixing blush.

"No flirting." They heard Junmyeon's voice from outside. The smaller guy chuckled and started taking the measurements.

"How did you managed to get recruited?"

"I saved his money the other day."

"Well that's one way to get a job." Baekhyun chuckled. His eyes turned into moon shaped and Yixing thought it was very cute.

"I was homeless for the past 2 years and Junmyeon offered me a job. I'm very thankful for it."

"You got a very lean body for a homeless." He poked Yixing's stomach. "I hope you will last. I like you compared to his other secretaries. They are such a bore."

"Thank you."

After Yixing dressed and exited the small room, he heard muffled voices from the other two and waited a minute before he proceed to stand beside Junmyeon. It's impolite to disturb a conversation without clear intentions.

".. what ever you say Myeonnie, I'll put the the bill in your tab."

"Thank you." 

The both of them sat in silence in the car. Stopping at a random sidewalk, Junmyeon dropped him off as he needed to go to work.

Now window shopping at random stores, he walked deeper into the place, passed the urban expansive shops towards much humble places with light steps.

Now stopping infront of a tattoo parlour at one of the shadiest place in Seoul, he took in a deep breath before he entered the store. The sound of bells richocheted between the postered walls.


No answer. Yixing repeated louder. A rustle from the back door is heard. As soon as the door is opened, Yixing take in the man's shocked expression which is in contrast to his smiling one. 

"Wha-" he was cut short when Yixing took him in a tight hug.

"Missed you too gege." Yixing smiled wider when the man hugged him back.

When they pulled back, the man furrowed his eyebrows.

"What the hell? How-- explain. Now."

Grinning, Yixing recollected how he ended in Seoul, and now employed as a secretary.

"No way, Junmyeon? The montrous CEO?"

"Why he's called that? He's nothing but nice to me."

"Man, you need to be filled in."

That evening Yixing undergone a history session and recalling some nostalgic memories with his longest friend.






"Junmyeon. What kind of reason are you giving me next?"

"I already told you. I found myself a secretary. I don't need your's."

Frustration is clearly seen in his face as he heaved a heavy breath. After a minute or two, he looked back at Junmyeon. Knowing how hardheaded he is, he could only bend him so much before he would have to agree to his decision.

"Okay then. Let's say I trust your decision. Who is they new secretary and where does he work before?"

"He's homeless. I just recruited him."

'Here comes the best part.' Junmyeon gleefully thought as his father's eyes turned into two rounded golf balls. Junmyeon thought he saw a nerve popping at his father's head.

Closing his eyes and rubbing his temple, Junmyeon's father heaved another heavy sigh.

"I hope you know what you are doing son." Finally giving in.

As Junmyeon exited the office with a curt nod,  he can't help but agree with his father's words.






Yixing arrived in his normal clothes at the Byun's Tailor. It was 8.30 in the morning and he deemed it was an approriate time to come in a little later than the normal opening time for stores. 

"Hello?" He was met with silence. When he repeated another time, he heard a loud bang at the back door along with a groan and some hushed tones.

"Baekhyun-sshi? Are you okay back there?"

"I'm fine! Just give me a minute." Baekhyun's voiced over the door.

A little while later, Baekhyun came out impeccable with his neat appearance. Today he opted a black shirt with purplish shimmer vest with intricated details. What surprised Yixing was that another guy taller than Yixing also came out of the door after Baekhyun with prim appearance, except for his dissaray hair, much similar to Baekhyun's. Judging by their red and slightly swollen lips Yixing thought he might have come in a very bad time.

"I'm.. sorry? Should I come another time?"

"No!" Baekhyun cleared his throat and repeated in a slower and relaxed tone. Feeling a bit awkward, Baekhyun immediately asked Yixing to follow him to the fitting room, leaving the tall guy behind.

While Yixing wore the suit in a secluded area, insisted by Baekhyun, he dressed up in silence. Baekhyun helped him into his suit.

"There. You look proper." 

Yixing muttered a thank you. The room filled with awkward silence.

After fiddling with his tie, tangle and untangled it, Baekhyun stepped up and took the tie from his hands and tied it up expertly.

"You.." Baekhyun cleared his throat "please forget about what happen just now." 

"What happen? Nothing happen." Yixing said with a deadpanned face.

Sighing, "Thank you." He patted his tie and slipped in a tie clip. Yixing's eyes caught something on the smaller's neck and Baekhyun didn't miss the look of amusement in his eyes.

"You might want to cover that up." Yixing gestured at his neck.

Baekhyun cupped his neck and whipped to the nearest mirror for a look. He blushed hard when he saw a red mark unconcealed by his collar.

"You. Did not. See this." He vehemently said before he stormed out from the room. Yixing grinned when he heard the unmistakingly sound of a whack followed by a whine. Giving the two couple outside some privacy, he waited a few minutes before he stepped out from the dressing room. Baekhyun is sporting a stylish blue bandanna around his neck and standing at the cashier while the other taller man is perched at one of the couch slightly pouting.

Yixing could see the other man crept up and tried to grab Baekhyun's hand but he swatted it away without much of a glance.

"The suit has been tabbed in Junmyeon's account. If there's anything wrong with the suit, please send it back to me."

The pouting man muttered something uncoherent that Baekhyun apparently heard, and said man is pratically shooting glares.

Yixing said his thanks and exited the tailor shop after throwing an aplogetic smile at the couple.





 Okay so this is not really eventful but there's an addition in character! Who do you think it is? *winkwink* 

Pardon me for the english, if theres any errors please tell me and i'll be happy to correct it :)



And yeah chanbaek is official


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