
Well Dressed Heart

The murmuring of staffs flew past as he strode to his father’s office. Confidence is clearly expressed in his steps, with a little bit of arrogance. Unbothered with the staffs, he walked the remaining length and stopped curtly in front of a door. Smoothening his otherwise crease-free suit and adjusting his well-made tie, he made two knocks on the burgundy doors. Hearing a muffled voice from inside, he takes it as his cue to enter the office.

“You wish to see me father?”

“Ah, yes. Junmyeon my son. I have something to discuss with you.”

Taking a seat across the table, Kim Yong Ha took out a file from one of his drawers and pushed it towards his son. Baffled, Junmyeon flips open the folder and skimmed over the words, eyebrows furrowed deeper every second. After a moment or so, he let out a small chuckled.

“Pocheon? Why not Jeju?”

“I figured you’d want a change of views. We go to Jeju every year.”

Staring at his smilling father, he slowly relaxes on the chair as he puts down the folder and spoke with a soft voice.

“Are you forcing me to have a vacation father?”

“Not forcing-“

“The flight is tomorrow morning.” He cuts.

“Well, your mother and I thought its best you take a few days’ rest. Clear your head-“

“There’s nothing wrong with my head.” Junmyeon snaps.

Sighing heavily, Kim Yong Ha pinches his nose bridge and that moment Junmyeon saw the tiredness of his father, making him look much older than what he usually displayed. Taking a deep breath, his father looked into Junmyeon's eyes and it made Junmyeon a tad bit uncomfortable being scrunitized so coldly, much less by his own father.

“You’ve fired your most recent secretary. And this is not even the first time. It’s the third time this past 2 months and you are making a name for yourself. The media is talking.”

“Not my fault they’re incompetent-“

“I have not finished speaking young man.” Junmyeon shuts his mouth immediately. Not daring to provoke his father more than he already is.

“I will find another replacement; by the mean time you will accept this trip as a means to clear your head. I do not want to hear you firing another one of my secretary just because they had your coffee wrong.” His father stared at Junmyeon and he stared back.

Seeing his father won’t relent, Junmyeon heaved a heavy sigh. He took back the file and walks out of the office with a curt bow.






Muttering to himself the whole ride on how its ‘not my fault they can’t do their jobs right’ and some ‘such unfairness’ ‘unjust!’ and a whole lot of complains, he found himself on a balcony, viewing the mountains of Pocheon. The cool, crisp air sooth his hot temper a bit and he tries to enjoy the soft chirping of wild birds nested on the crevices of rocks on said mountain.

He’s a brilliant CEO for god’s sake. It’s his right to fire incompetent staffs. The coffee thing is entirely not his fault. The guy happens to mess up his coffee thrice that week and he just exploded on one particular stressed morning. The lady before him is no less; trying to get into his pants not so subtly. He wouldn’t mind the flirting; it’s a natural occurrence to him, but the constant touching? The way she flaunts her body to make him notices her? It’s annoying. So off she goes. The first one? He hated his face. Droopy and sallow, it’s saddening. Not a very good thing to see every morning.

His father always interferes with his work and questions his integrity. Sure he’s his son, but he did not waste a quarter of his life memorizing and learning business techniques and several languages to be looked down upon. He fully well knows what the uprising nicknames the staffs had pegged him. The Monstrous CEO. How lame.

But, a company’s downfall is the non-unity between workers. He can’t have that. He needs to make a plan to gain their trusts. Junmyeon scoffs. He couldn’t care less about their opinions about him. Let alone their trusts. But Junmyeon has big dreams, and he will not settle until he gets the best, even though he has to fake play the good guy for a while.

Junmyeon makes his way towards a souvenier shop. He will have to buy something for his mother or else she's flaunt her acting degree about how such an ungrateful child he is and that is the last thing he'd want to experience again. He settled with some herbal tea that his mother mentioned she liked during their vacation a few years back.

As he window shopped a few stores, oblivious to his surroundings, a sudden body collision appeared from a corner caught him off guard, causing him to fall flat on his . Somewhat pissed, the man squeaked a curt sorry before he continued walking. 'Stupid man'  Junmyeon brushed himself off the ground and absentmindedly feel for his wallet. Stopping at his tracks, the pocket where he placed his wallet felt empty. Whipping back, he shouted "Stop that thief!" just as the culprit a corner.

Running towards the exact corner, he'd expect dread to settle in him as the perperator would most likely be gone. Instead, he was met with a surprising scene. Said man is now lying unconcious at the ground beside another guy. Taking in the new guy's shaggy shirt, torn jeans and dirty appearances, 'he must be homeless'Junmyeon thought. In his hand, is his wallet. 

Noticing Junmyeon, his face stretched into a big smile, surprising Junmyeon with those pearly teeth and dimpled smile. He gestured the wallet in his hand to the stunned Junmyeon.


Exchanging glances between the man and his wallet, slowly Junmyeon reached out and took it from his hand. The stranger smiled more brightly as Junmyeon accidently brushed his hand against him. Immediately after, the strange homeless man took out a rope from a crater and expertly tied the unconcious man's hands.Junmyeon wipes his hand on his handkerchief as he watches his every actions, curiosity got the best of him.

"What are you going to do with him?"

As if confused by Junmyeon's question, "Why, of course I'm handing him to the police." He answered.

Well don't I feel dumb.

"Uh, let me help."

Another shocked expression adored the man's face. Surprised with Junmyeon willingness to help, he collected himself and gave him the biggest smile, making the dimple on his cheeks more prominent.


After several attempts to wake the unconcious man, he finally wakes up and immediately the homeless man hoisted him up, much to Junmyeon's surprise that the man had so much power in those frail hands seeing the pickpocket was quite the buffed one.

After the process of handing the man to the police is done, Junmyeon offered the man some reward in which the man refused.

"My mother said, do good and people will do good to you. Do not expect any reward for doing good."

"But there must be something I could repay you? I dont like to be indebt, it's against my principle." Insisted Junmyeon.

Homeless or beggar, principle is still principle.

After a few minute of pondering, "Maybe, you could treat me to a dinner?" The man smiled. Junmyeon immediately agrees.

"Oh and if you don't mind, can I ask another favour?"

"Yea sure"

"We could start our dinner by giving me your name" the man smiled again.

"Of course. My name is Kim Junmyeon. Your's?"

"Zhang Yixing. But you could call me Yixing" 






After excusing himself to the toilet, Yixing emerged with a clean face and clean hands, and it was evident that he tried to make himself presentable, although it was in vain as he stuck out like a sore thumb next to the fully suited Junmyeon. 

Being a gentleman, Junmyeon asked which restaurant that Yixing would like to go to and he immediately recommended a family restaurant, proclaiming it as "you cannot go through Pocheon without eating at this place"

The place was foreign to Junmyeon as he never walks into such places. The place was small and a bit secluded. It was awkward for him as it was a place for low classed people and he was overdressed with his full high quality suit but as he was repaying a debt, Junmyeon didn't say a word about Yixing's choice of dinner.

They ordered some food and Junmyeon found out that the bulgogi was quite tasty, as was the kimbimbap. If he could dare say, the taste was actually similar to the ones he used to eat in exclusive hotels and the ones his mother made. And the price is absurd. It was so cheap Junmyeon had to ask about the price twice in which Yixing laughed.

"The taste is similar to the ones of high quality right? The price is also affordable.Thats what I like in this restaurant." Junmyeon nod in silence, what would the homeless know about highclass taste he didn't inquire.

During the dinner Junmyeon was in a merry conversation with Yixing, in which Yixing talked about his homeland and his mother's cooking and always finding other topics to talk whilst Junmyeon nod in acknowledgement. By now he already know that the man was from China but after some family issues happen, he was disowned by his own mother. What perks Junmyeon's interest was the man's education before his life turned upside down.

"So you were studying accounting?"

"Yep." He popped the 'p'

"I was having my degree. But that was before I went homeless though. I tried to get a job but most people wants a worker with degree."

"Were you smart enough for it?" Junmyeon asked. 

"Excuse me but I'll have you know I was the best in class out of all of my examinations" Yixing huffed, a bit offended.

"But then those marks could have gotten you in at least a small company."

"I told you, they'd rather have a worker with degree than a worker with foundations." Yixing shakes his head sadly as they exited the restaurant.

Junmyeon walked with the man with silence. The night was unfolding and the sky was painted scarlet and ochre.

Metel screws whirred inside Junmyeon's head and Yixing, sensing that the other man needs some time to himself, politely stayed silent throughout their small walk.

Somehow arriving at the nearby park, Junmyeon abruptly stopped and surprising Yixing with the sudden stop.

"I've made my mind. You will follow me to Seoul as my secretary."

He was replied with silence.

"... what?" 

"I'm offering you a job as my secretary." Junmyeon re-sentenced his intentions.

'I'm going to regret this'

Stunned with the sudden declaration, Yixing stuttered.

"B-but. I'm-" inhaling, Yixing asked with a more steady voice " But why?"

"You needed a job. I have an opening."

Yixing looked lost and dumbfounded with Junmyeon's out-of-the-blue offer. Junmyeon gave the man another minute before he asked again.

"So? Will you take it?" 

"But I don't have anything to prepare. I cannot afford for a suit, a proper attire to work-"

"Fully funded. With advanced pay for the first month. Now will you take my offer?" Junmyeon cuts.

Slowly blinking, the light shone in Yixing's eyes before the smile cracked on his face, and Junmyeon could already predicted his answer.





Junmyeon devised a plan as he makes his way towards the hangar, with a much cleaner Yixing beside him. By the time the plane takes off, he had everything in webs.

Maybe this trip is proved worthy after all. He smiles as he overlooks the huge mountains shrinking to little miniscule dots as he makes his way to Seoul again. Father won't be pleased, but when did he ever since he was CEO.













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