
Search the Universe

Minseok's memories of growing up are filled with dark clouds and even darker suits.  The clicking of well oiled leather shoes still fills his ears every time he goes to his father's company.  Minseok still is forced to see the brawny men in crisp black suits lining the halls in front of his father's office.  One such man approaches Minseok from behind his shoulder.

"Young Master, the Chairman is waiting" he announces into Minseok's ear.

Minseok forces a mirthless smile as he nods at his father's assistant, Mr. Lee.  He knows that his father's underlings are watching and wondering at how the Chairman's oldest son could be so small and so weak.  He straightens his back, s his jacket, and inhales deeply before pushing on the double wooden doors that lead into his father's office.   

His father is on the phone when Minseok walks in.  Chairman Kim holds up a finger indicating Minseok should wait as he finishes his phone call.  Minseok sighs and barely suppress an eye roll before taking a seat on one of the deep amber leather couches. 

"The eastern corridor has always been a problem for you.  Why don't we evaluate the type of boys you're sending in there" Chairman Kim continues his conversation.


"There's no room for mistakes.  If you don't know this already, perhaps there was no need for this discussion in the first place.  Get this done or we will be meeting for a different reason."

The receiver clicks on the cradle and Minseok hears the creak of his father's chair turning toward him.

"Minseok... how nice of you to drop by."  The Chairman's sarcastic pleasantries don't escape Minseok's ears.


"I hear your recent investments have taken a plunge" the Chairman teases.

Minseok bristles at the comment and his knucles whiten as he fists his hands.

"You got too cocky" Minseok's father continues.  "Just because your exportation business is doing well, doesn't mean you can afford to just invest in dead end schemes that have no --"

"Father" Minseok interrupts, trying to control his voice.  "I think it's safe to say that your intel has been exaggerated."

"Oh?"  There's an amused to the Chairman's eyebrow that makes Minseok scowl.

"The recent investment in TaeMu company is hardly taking a plunge, as you call it" Minseok retorts.

The Chairman chuckles and with a wave of his hand, the three men standing guard leave the room, including his assistant Mr. Lee.

"Don't take it personally.  That's how you learn in the business world.  But that's not why I called you here" his father continues.  "I wanted to talk to you about learning the family business.  It's more than overdue."


"Now, Minseok.  Thirty is right around the corner for you.  The board members have been talking about including you in meetings since you turned twenty.  I've had several offers for your hand in marriage and I can't keep making excuses for you any longer.  If you think that your old excuses can keep delaying the inevitable, you --"

"Father" Minseok says standing abruptly.  "I believe I've already given you my answer on this matter.  Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm late for a prior engagement."

Buttoning his jacket, Minseok briskly walks toward the door.

"Kim Minseok" his father's voice drops his playful undertone as Minseok stops in front of the door.  "Mark my words you will do what I say one way or another."





Minseok pulls into the parking structure, forgoing the valet in front of the concert hall.  There's a large bouquet of acacia blossoms in the back seat neatly adorned with a yellow satin ribbon.  Before exiting his car, Minseok checks the mirror.  He fixes the flyaways on his hair and takes a deep breath. 


As he walks into the hall, Minseok recalls his trip to the florist shortly after leaving his father's office.  He had called ahead for a large bouquet of calla lillies but when he had reached the shop, another flower had caught his eye. 

"Ah, do you prefer the acacias, Sir?" the florist had asked.

"Yes, I think the yellow and white flowers would be better than the lilies.  Is that possible?"

"Yes, Sir."

As the shopkeeper was wrapping up the acacia blossoms, she had smirked while peeking at Minseok.  As Minseok had smiled back awkwardly, the young lady had asked, "The lady receiving these is a lucky woman."

"Excuse me?"

"The acacia blossoms.  They aren't usually available in the shop, but we had them specially imported today."


"The flower meaning of these are 'concealed love'.  Are you planning on confessing today?" the shopkeeper had teased.

Instead of replying, Minseok had smiled bitter-sweetly, paying for the bouquet. 


Minseok settles into his seat towards the front of the audience.  The curtains are still drawn and when he pulls out his phone to silence it, he sees that there's a message.

[You're coming, right Hyung?  I'll make sure to look for you in the audience! ^^]

It brings a smile to Minseok's face and before he turns off his phone, he texts back.

[I'm here.  Break a leg.]


The lights dim and the crowd quiets. 

Growing up, Minseok's world has been filled with dreary days and intimidating men always keeping watch.  But through the darkness, Minseok has had glimmers of brightness. 

The stage lights up and there he is - Minseok's one shining light. 

The orchestra starts the first piece and Jongin makes an entrance with the female lead.  And though Minseok has always believed the world to be a dark and messed up place, as Minseok watches Jongin dance, Minseok thinks that there may actually be something truly beautiful in the world.

Minseok's eyes light up as he observes the stretch of Jongin's lithe arms.  Minseok feels the constant strain in his neck relax as he notices the way moisture glistens on the nape of Jongin's neck.  He feels as if the heavy air surrounding him clears as Minseok watches the well controlled power of Jongin's long legs that shows in his graceful turns.


The first song comes to an end and the dancers still on stage.  The only movement Minseok can see is the heaving of Jongin's chest as he breathes from the exertion of the choreography.  And just before the lights dim in preparation for the next movement, Minseok sees the twinkle in Jongin's eye and he finds Minseok in the audience.  It's at this moment that Minseok's breath catches in his throat for a split second before a true and wide smile breaks out on Minseok's face - the first time he's smiled in weeks. 

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ladymelodyhope #1
Chapter 1: Not really my ship but I still like it