T w o


A/N: Pt 2 because a lot of you guys liked the first part (sorry for any mistakes, I just had volleyball and I'm quite sleepy)

Two girls had walked side by side down a busy alleyway located near the school.

The alley was filled with all sorts of shops and restaurants, making it a popular place for students to have a short break after classes.

It was Friday, meaning that the streets would be flocked with people. Chaewon stuck closely to Olivia's side, afraid she might get lost in the crowd.

Olivia gave the shorter blonde a small smile, and reached for her hand. A warm blush spread across the latter's cheeks, surprised by the sudden action.

Sure, the weather had been a bit cold that afternoon, but damn, Chaewon had never felt warmer till now.

The pair slowed to a halt in front of a small cafè. A few gardenias sat in pots surrounding the petite building, and the familiar smell brought a small smile to Chaewon's face.

She lightly tugged at Olivia's sleeve, motioning for them to go inside.

The two stepped inside, immediately greeted by the warm aroma of cakes and coffee.

They walked over to the empty table situated beside a large window overlooking the busy streets outside.

A platinum blonde haired barista had came over to the table, a small grin on her face and a notebook resting in her hands.

"Jungeun unnie!" Chaewon greeted the girl with glee. Having always been in this cafè, the strawberry blonde had grown closer to the few baristas working here.

Jungeun had smiled back, writing something down on her notebook, "The usual, I'm assuming?"

The younger nodded in response. She always orders the same thing everytime--a plate of croissants and strawberry flavored frappe. (Heck, her week would never be complete without it.)

Jungeun turned to Olivia, who had been quiet the whole time.

"And you?" Jungeun questioned the girl.

"A small cup of capuccino," The ravenette stated, "And a slice of chocolate cake, perhaps."

The dafodil haired barista nodded, writing the orders down on her notebook, then proceeding to walk back to the counter.

Chaewon turned to look at the dark haired student sitting across her.

"So..." Chaewon muttered awkwardly, "Should I call you Olivia or Hyejoo?"

The girl had smiled softly at her, and the blonde felt like melting.

"Olivia is fine," She reassured her, "It'd be more unique if you were the only one to call me that."

Chaewon's cheeks were painted a dark shade of red, and she opened , struggling to make a proper sentence.

"Well, uh," The latter had mumbled--she felt like her heart was gonna skyrocket out her chest, "Thanks for the notebook, by the way. How did you know pink was my favorite color?"

Olivia giggled, "Practically all your stuff were pink, how could anyone not have known?"

"And..." The girl continued, her gaze landing on her lap, "I'm sorry I declined your offers of meeting up--I was just too shy."

Chaewon shook her head at this, "No, it's totally fine, I understand."

The two had just sat there in comfortable silence, staring at each other.

"You're so pretty," Chaewon mumbled, her head resting on her palm.

The latter then quickly sat back up, her eyes growing large as her brain registered what she just said. She clamped a hand over , trying to come up with an excuse.

"I mean, I uh--" The blonde student stuttered, cheeks flushed in embarrassment.

Olivia giggled at the girl's awkwardness, "It's fine. You're adorable yourself too."

And if it was possible, Chaewon's face flushed even redder, causing her to hide her face behind her hands in shame.


"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Yerim had whispered to Hyunjin. The two were currently sitting on a table in the very same cafè Chaewon and Olivia were in, in their childish attempt to spy on the two.

"Well duh," Hyunjin muttered back, "We've practically mastered the art of spying at this point--Chaewon should really thank us later."

The younger had looked over at the other two, grinning to herself, "I feel like cupid."

Hyunjin had done the same, peering over at the unsuspecting duo, "I'm so proud of my child~"

Yerim then sighed, resting her head on the table.

"You know," The girl mumbled, "I wish I could experience that too."

The taller ravenette mimicked her, a pout present on her lips.



Back at the table, Chaewon and Olivia had talked their hearts out, discussing about their favorite things, and ranting about school.

Another lemon headed barista had lumbered over to the pair, two trays of food nestled in her hands.

A big grin was plastered across the barista's face as she set the two trays on the table.

"Chaewon-ssi~!" She had greeted the highschool student, "The usual croissants and strawberry frappe."

"And," She turned to Olivia, "Chocolate cake and--Hyejoo?"

"Hey, Jinsol unnie," Olivia waved awkwardly at the surprised blonde.

"Wha--" Jinsol pointed at the two in utmost confusion, "You two know each other?"

"Oh my god," The bubbly barista gushed, "Are you guys dating?!"

"Unnie, I--" Olivia had tried to reason. Jinsol had interrupted her, however.

"My children are growing up~" The latter squealed, the tray in her hands almost toppling to the floor.

"Unnie," Chaewon said softly, "Calm down, we're not dating."

Once the words had tumbled out the girl's mouth, Jinsol's big, dopey grin was instantly wiped off her face.

"Eh?" The older had frowned, "Doesn't seem like it to me."

Olivia opened , ready to snap another retort when somebody called out from the counter.

"Jinsol!" Jungeun yelled out, a scowl on her expression.

"Oops," The bubbly barista muttered, "Well, anyways, enjoy your little date~"

And with that, the girl skipped away from the table.

Olivia sighed, burying her face in her hands, "Oh my god,"

Chaewon just giggled, poking the ravenette in the cheek, "Hey, how does Jinsol unnie know you anyways?"

"She's my sister's friend," The licorice headed student muttered, "They study in the same uni."

"Oh," The blonde nodded, "The sister you've been talking about?"

"We're stepsisters, actually," Olivia corrected, "She also works in this animal shelter just a few blocks away."

"Really?" Chaewon squealed, astounded, "Can we go there later?"

The dark haired girl smiled warmly, her heart just clouding with appreciation for the cheery strawberry blonde sitting across her, "Of course."



The two girls exited the cafè, hand in hand as they skipped down the street.


"So," Chaewon started, swinging their interlocked hands back and forth, "Tell me more about your sister."


"Well," Olivia muttered, "Her name is Ha Sooyoung, she's in her second year of college."


The blonde nodded at this, staring back at her shoes.


"She has a girlfriend, actually," The ravenette continued, her lips forming a small grin, "Kim Jiwoo--She's pretty nice, I'm sure you'll like her."


Chaewon smiled, then started sprinting down the road, pulling Olivia with her.


"C'mon!" The shorter girl beckoned, "I wanna meet them already!"


The other giggled at the latter's excitement, and together they weaved down the street, their laughter resounding across the alley.


They stopped at a small shop. Chaewon pulled Olivia inside, a big smile on her face.


Once the two were inside, the blonde could literally swear that she was just gonna melt into a Chaewon-shaped puddle on the marble floor.


In a small pen at the right of the room were a group of excited, yipping puppies. Chaewon walked over to the adorable little creatures, her eyes sparkling.


Olivia smiled at the girl--she knew this would be her immediate reaction.


"Oh!" A tall, raven haired girl called out, "Hyejoo-ssi~! What are you doing here?"


"My friend wanted to meet you guys," Olivia explained, pointing to the girl who was buried in a heap of furry puppies.


"I could see she's enjoying herself," Another girl with bright auburn hair quipped, a small giggle escaping her lips as she swung her legs over the small counter.


Noticing the group staring at her, Chaewon immediately stood up, bowing, "I'm sorry, was I not allowed to go there?"


"No, it's prefectly fine," The tall, dark haired girl said, "I'm assuming you're Hyejoo's friend?"


The student nodded at this.


The older girl smiled at her, "I'm Sooyoung, and this over here is Jiwoo."


The girl sitting on top of the counter beamed, "Hey!"


"I'm Chaewon," The blonde introduced herself.


"That's such a cute name~" Jiwoo gushed, jumping off the counter, "I'm gonna call you Chae-chae from now on." The girl went over and squished Chaewon's cheeks.


Sooyoung sighed, "I apologize about her, she's really just like that."


"No, it's okay," The blonde teen reassured her.


"Anyways, unnies, we better get going," Olivia butted in.


"Eh? Where?" Chaewon looked over at the latter, confusion etched on her expression.


"You'll see," The taller teen grinned.


"Aww," Jiwoo pouted, "Come back here, okay?"


Chaewon nodded, and the two third-years left the small shop.




Olivia led Chaewon to the park, where a long, narrow river had resided just beside the few pine trees.


"The river?" Chaewon questioned, quirking an eyebrow.


The other stayed silent, guiding the confused blonde to the small, wooden bridge stretched over the glistening stream of water.


"It's a surprise," The latter told her, swinging her legs over the side of the bridge. Chaewon followed her, looking down at the water.


The two just sat there in utter silence, admiring the crystal waters flowing underneath them.


Olivia then looked up at the sky.
"Look," She pointed at the warm, orange sun that was hiding behind the trees.


The sky was a beautiful mixture of pink and yellow hues, which clearly reflected across the water.


The sky had reminded Chaewon of a bright, colorful painting. She smiled, remembering the events that happened the past few weeks.


"Hey," She turned to Olivia, who was staring peacefully at the sky, "I have a question."


The taller ravenette hummed, urging her to go on.


"What did the drawing in that notebook mean?" She asked, her brows furrowed in confusion.


Olivia turned to her, a serene smile on her face.


The sun's rays bathed the two in warm sunlight. The river glistened, the sky reflecting off its surface.


The moment had honestly seemed so perfect, so ethereal.


Olivia stared back at the setting sun, with Chaewon looking at her expectantly.


"It simply means us, together."



A/N: I'd just like to clear a few things-

First of all, there won't be a pt 3 because I'm quite happy with how this part went and I feel like I'd ruin the plot if I wrote a pt 3

I will, however, be making oneshots about the other characters mentioned in this one, so I hope you check those out once it's up 

Also thank you so much for the support on this fic, I didn't expect it to get much attention in a short amount of time and yOU GUYS ARE SO ADORABLE UWU 

Hope you enjoyed, my lovelies~ ❤❤❤ 


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Update #2: Next oneshot might be about Yerim and Yeojin *the two fluffy maknaes* (heh idek yet)


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Chapter 1: Was this perhaps inspired by woomanna qwq
Chapter 2: Fffff... absolute fluff babies this was so damn cute. Thanks for writing!!
Shiroha77 #3
Chapter 1: Hyewon is such a soft ship I love it UwU ,the story reminds me a bit of Choerry’s story in their webdrama it’s the cutest
yurisus #4
Chapter 2: thanks for the fluff <3 i loved it!!
Chapter 2: omg so cute! the fluff <3 also I want to play cupid too xD
pancakes_are_awesome #6
Chapter 1: Oh my heart! Ahhh! This is too much for my heart! I need more of these two !! So good! I hope you keep writing!
Chapter 2: pls make viseul. ty
Also can u pair up hyunjin and yerim in here hehehbhehe
Chapter 2: Olive really learned from her sister Yves on how to get a girl ;)

Great story! My HyeWon and ChuuVes is love~
Chapter 2: Awww this was absolutely adorable! I couldn't stop smiling until you said there wouldn't be part 3 of this story. Uh i'm feeling deja vu right now, feels like i'm watching infinity war again lol ignore that. Anyway, i'll be waiting for your next story too.