O n e


Chaewon walked in the classroom, strutting over to her designated seat.

She sat down, hanging her bag on the chair's wooden headrest as she zipped it open to collect her binder.

She spun around to face her desk, but was caught by surprise when she saw a pink notebook, neatly wrapped in a strip of white satin ribbon, sitting on the table. She put her binder aside, and slowly reached out to retreive the notebook.

With dainty fingers, she lightly pulled at the ribbon's ends, and inspected the notebook more closely.

The cover had nothing written on it, just an endless void of rose pink color. Chaewon flipped the notebook open, and there in the first page was a beautifully drawn picture of a blue butterfly perched on a dark red blood plum.

It brought a small smile to the strawberry blonde's face, since the picture was so nicely drawn and she absolutely just loved butterflies.

Her eyes roamed the page, to maybe find some clue to who actually perhaps had given her this pretty notebook.

The girl's gaze landed on the few letters hastily written at the bottom of the drawing.

"S. H.," Chaewon had muttered out loud, eyes squinting at the text, "S. H?"

She looked around the classroom, trying to remember each student's initials.

"Wait," The teen muttered to herself, "Nobody has those initials."

Her gaze then flittered to a certain raven haired student who was sitting quietly at the back of the class.

"Unless, maybe..."





Chaewon sighed. Her professor was currently writing a blubber of numbers on the board, and honestly, the girl could care less.


She rested her head on her palm, and stared back at the pink notebook sitting on her desk.


Her pen danced around her fingers, clicking it every now and then, absorbed in her own thoughts.


An idea suddenly popped in the bored student's head, and she quickly flipped the pink notebook open.


Chaewon glanced at her professor, and once seeing the man completely focused on his numerous equations, she quickly adverted her attention back on the new, empty page.


She quickly scribbled her message, signing her name at the end.


Your drawing is really nice~
I'm not entirely sure if you'd actually see this, but perhaps we could be friends?




P.S. - Thanks for the notebook! I love the color pink ❤


She set her pen back on her desk and smiled, proud of her work.


Please reply back.




"That's it for today," The professor stated, "No homework because I'm so generous. Now shoo, get out of my sight."


The whole class cheered in delight, and immediately started flocking out the classroom.


Chaewon stuffed her things back into her bag and slung it over her shoulder.


She then grabbed the white ribbon sitting on her desk and tied it around the rose colored notebook, setting it back where it had been when she first got it.


"Hey Chaewon!" A voice called out from the doorway. The mentioned girl spun around, her gaze met with her two friends, Hyunjin and Yerim.


"Wait a sec!" She uttered back. She pushed her chair back, and with one last glance at the paper notebook sitting on her desk, made her way out the classroom.


"Chaewonnie~" Yerim cooed once the blonde stepped out the door, "Let's go to the cafè, I'm in the mood for some hot chocolate."


"Sure," Chaewon replied, "I was going to head somewhere to eat anyways."


"Great!" Hyunjin, who had been quiet the whole time, butted in. She linked arms with the two, and together, the trio walked down the hallways headed out the school.




Back at the classroom, a girl with raven waist-length hair decided to stay behind.


She was stuffing her things in her bag when she noticed the bright pink notebook sitting on a certain classmate's desk.


She zipped up her bag and slung it over her shoulder, then proceeding to head over to the desk the notebook was sitting on.


She held the notebook lightly in her hands, untying the ribbon delicately wrapped around it. She immdiately flipped the notebook open, and saw the scribble of words written on the second page.


She read over the inked message, a small smile forming on her face.


Then, reaching for her pocket, she pulled out a pencil and started writing below the short note.




"So you're telling me," Hyunjin started, fingers stirring a warm cup of caramel macchiato, "That someone left you a notebook with some sort of drawing on your desk?"


"Oh my god!" Yerim squealed, setting her cup of hot chocolate back on the table, "It's just like those dramas I watch~"


Hyunjin nudged Chaewon by the shoulder, "Oohhh~ Our Chaewonnie has a secret admirer~"


The latter had huffed in response to the girls' teasing.


"Oh my god, shut up! I'm not even sure who gave it to me." Chaewon sighed, picking at the plate of buttered croissants laid in front of her.


"Hmm," Yerim muttered, "Was there like, any name or whatever?"


The blonde shook her head, "Just the initials S. H."


Hyunjin quirked an eyebrow at this, her expression a bit skeptical.


"It could be a girl," She suggested, shrugging her shoulders, "I mean, it's a gay world, and you're bi anyways."


Yerim nodded at this, "Perhaps, maybe."


"I left a note in the notebook, actually," The two ebony haired girls focused their attention back to the strawberry blonde who spoke up all of a sudden, "Hopefully they read it."


"Chances are," Hyunjin said knowingly, pointing a coffee coated spoon at the girl, "They didn't actually notice."




Chaewon walked into class the next day, immediately slumping over on her chair.


She looked at her desk. The notebook still sat there, in the same spot where she had last put it.


She brought the notebook closer to her, untying the satin ribbon binded around it.


"Did they even write back?" The teen sighed to herself.


She flipped the notebook open, and there, to her surprise, was a neatly written note just underneath hers.


I'm really happy you liked my drawing, I never actually had any confidence in my art skills ❤
Also, I would love to be your friend~ 


-S. H.


P.S. - Call me Olivia :)


"Olivia," Chaewon smiled lightly, "What a nice name."


She then reached for her pen, whizzing up a reply.




It went on like that for weeks. Chaewon would ask Olivia questions and leave the notebook on her desk, then come back the next day to see a reply written on the very same page.


Honestly, it was the only thing that she looked forward to at school. (Putting aside her friends of course.)


So far, Chaewon knows that Olivia absolutely loves drawing, has an older sister, and also has a pet dog.


Heck, the two actually had a lot in common.


Currently, Chaewon is sitting on her desk, scribbling equations in her notebook.


She then put her pencil down, sighing.


She wanted to meet Olivia so bad.


Chaewon would sometimes talk about meeting up, but Olivia always avoided the topic, which honestly bothered the blonde.


Am I too cheerful for her?


Is there something wrong with me?


Am I not good enough?


Questions would always haunt her in the wee hours of the night, causing the girl to just lie awake in thought.


Chaewon covered , stifling a yawn.


Honestly, math is so boring.


Her gaze flittered to the clock, the constant ticking practically luring her into a deep slumber.


3:56... 3:57... 3:58... 3:59...


"...okay, you are now dismissed." The professor announced from the front of the classroom. Chaewon immediately jumped out her chair in glee, then after gathering all her stuff, turned to the door.


"Psst," A blur of black hair stuck out from the doorway. Chaewon let out a small giggle at her friends' dorkiness.


Yerim's head popped out from the frame, a -eating grin on her face.


"You want to meet your secret admirer, right?"




"So this is your plan?" Chaewon had whispered to the two through gritted teeth.


"No, imbecile, our plan." Hyunjin sassed back.


"Shut up, you two!" Yerim scolded the pair, "We're gonna blow our cover."


The trio was currently hiding behind the concrete wall situated beside the door frame, occasionally sticking their heads inside to look at what was happening.


"Yep, great cover we have here." The blonde rolled her eyes, immediately getting shushed by the other two.


Hyunjin peeked back inside the classroom, "Guys, look!"


Yerim and Chaewon followed Hyunjin's lead, peering inside the room.


There they saw a raven haired girl, who had walked over to Chaewon's desk.


Hyunjin remained in her calm facade, Yerim stifled a gasp, and Chaewon's eyes grew comically to the size of saucers.


The girl got the notebook, untying the ribbon wrapped around it. She flipped to a page and got out her pen.


The three spying teens watched from the doorway, eyes following the girl's every move.


The girl quickly scribbled a note, closed the notebook and tied the ribbon around it, then placed it back neatly on the desk.


She headed towards the door, causing the trio's breath to hitch, and they immediately scrambled back behind the beloved safety of the creme concrete wall.


The girl walked out the classroom, oblivious to everything.


The group watched as the mysterious so-called 'secret admirer' walked away, with Yerim and Hyunjin repeatedly nudging Chaewon on the shoulder, urging her to ing do something.


Chaewon gulped, then timidly stepped forward.




The girl stopped walking. She then slowly turned around, hesitating a bit.


Holy .


Chaewon's jaw practically dropped to the floor when she saw the girl.


She was just so beautiful, with her long dark hair and deep brown eyes, the blonde could've just fainted right there.


"Yes?" Oh my god, even her voice is beautiful.


Remembering what she was supposed to do, Chaewon straightened up and cleared .


"Would you, perhaps, come with me for some coffee?" The blonde student had asked shyly, a small smile on her face and a light blush on her cheeks.


"Its Son Hyejoo," The girl had replied, a smile painted on her features, "And I'd love to."

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Update #2: Next oneshot might be about Yerim and Yeojin *the two fluffy maknaes* (heh idek yet)


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Chapter 1: Was this perhaps inspired by woomanna qwq
Chapter 2: Fffff... absolute fluff babies this was so damn cute. Thanks for writing!!
Shiroha77 #3
Chapter 1: Hyewon is such a soft ship I love it UwU ,the story reminds me a bit of Choerry’s story in their webdrama it’s the cutest
yurisus #4
Chapter 2: thanks for the fluff <3 i loved it!!
Chapter 2: omg so cute! the fluff <3 also I want to play cupid too xD
pancakes_are_awesome #6
Chapter 1: Oh my heart! Ahhh! This is too much for my heart! I need more of these two !! So good! I hope you keep writing!
Chapter 2: pls make viseul. ty
Also can u pair up hyunjin and yerim in here hehehbhehe
Chapter 2: Olive really learned from her sister Yves on how to get a girl ;)

Great story! My HyeWon and ChuuVes is love~
Chapter 2: Awww this was absolutely adorable! I couldn't stop smiling until you said there wouldn't be part 3 of this story. Uh i'm feeling deja vu right now, feels like i'm watching infinity war again lol ignore that. Anyway, i'll be waiting for your next story too.