Last Breath

Wait For Me


I knew it was coming . I didn't expect it to take so long but nevertheless, I knew it was coming .


I woke up feeling sharp prickles on my chest . I felt long painful tugs on my lungs . My chest started heaving up and down painfully . My breaths turned into short pants . Every intake of oxygen was difficult and painful . I wanted to scream . To ask for your help . To ask for your assistance . To ask you to help me, hold me close, hug me tight, assure me that everything is going to be fine .


But I can't . I don't want you to witness my death . You don't deserve to suffer with me . I have been a huge burden to you ever since I stepped into your life . I don't want to drag you into another one of my sufferings .


I bit on my lip, trying my very best to keep myself from screaming and waking you up from the little rest you are having . Tears started staining my cheek . My lips started bleeding due to the pressure of my teeth . I tasted tears and blood on my tongue .


Out of nowhere, a bright light came shining through the windowpanes of our bedroom . It was past 3am and the moon is still up, lighting up the night sky . The light however made it look like it was daytime . It was so gorgeous that it left me in awe . For a moment, I forgot about the pain in my chest . Then, an angel walked through the light . He looked exactly like Appa . He beckoned me to come with him, a gentle and warm smile playing on his lips . Without knowing it, I was smiling too . Then he disappeared back into the light . But the light never left . Tears started streaming down my face again . Why didn't you wait for me Appa ? I missed you so much .


The tugging came back again . A loud gasp escaped from my lips startling you, waking you up from your sleep .


''Tae ? Tae . Hey, are you alright ?'' you started hovering over me, cupping my face gently .


The tug which came this time was much more painful . So much different than those which came before it .


''Ah !''another gasp escaped from my lips . Then my breathing came in short and desperate . 


''No Tae ! You can't ! You've came this far ! You can't just leave me alone like this ! C'mon Minnie . I know you can do this . P-p-please . Don't ."  you buried your face into my neck, muffling your sobs .


I felt your hot wet tears constantly streaming down my neck like a river . I took in a deep breath and your scent overwhelmed me . You lifted me off the bed and cradled me in your arms constantly murmuring my name and begging me to stay . I could hear your heart thumping at a fast speed as you rest your forehead on mine .


Then, it hit me . This would be the last time I would feel your strong arms enveloping me tight . This would be the last time I would listen to the sound of your heartbeats . This would be the last time I'd hear your beautiful deep husky voice . This would be the last time I have you this close to me . This would be the last time I hear you saying my name .


The tears came back streaming down my face, clouding my vision . You disappeared from my sight . If it wasn't for your voice constantly telling me to not leave you and the heat from your body warming me up, I would have thought that I have died .


"Pabo, wipe the freaking damn tears ! I can't see you !" my insides shouted .


As if you knew what I was saying, you kissed my tears away . Wiping away the remaining tears away from my eyes as you came back into my view . You kissed every inch of my face telling me to hang on every now and then .


The tugging returned . I fought against the surrounding for air . My breaths becoming short and irregular .


You pulled me up against your body and held my face softly, giving my forehead and each of my cheeks a light peck . You looked into my eyes for the final time while you pushed away strands of hair away from my face . I could see that you are trying to fight back your tears . You held me tighter and whispered in my ear, "I love you, Lee Taemin," . Your teeth grazed my earlobes . A tear slid down from your eyes . I wish I could reach up and kiss them away .


"I-I-I l-love y-y-y-you t-too C-Choi M-Minho,"I said in between every painful gasps . I smiled, knowing that the last thing I said before going was your name .


You smiled at me, nodding . My eyes started fluttering . I felt no more strength in my body . Like all the energy has been drained out of me .


You bent down and kissed me on the lips for the final time . I wish I could muster the strength to kiss you back . As you kissed my unmoving lips, I felt you murmur against them, "I love you too Lee Taemin . Forever ."


I smiled weakly against your lips, tasting your tears . I took my last breath with your lips on mine as you confessed your love to me for the last time .








A/N : HI ^^ Soooooo, how was it ? I wrote it within an hour actually . I just can't sleep that night and I just felt like whipping up an angst fic so there you go :) I actually already wrote MInho's part of the story and if the response is good enough and you guys liked it, I would post it up . So please please please tell me what you think okay ? THANKS ^^

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Byoleta #1
My breath just hitched. I gasped for air, and I suddenly realized that listening to 3 Doors Downs - Here without you isn't really good. :'( Now to think off it, that song fits this story perfectly. I also want to say that you put so much afford and emotions in this story, written like you've experienced yourself, that I think the short chapters a way of craving us for a new chapter. :)
Then, I read the aeygo thing and saw the giff, and smiled. x'D Taemin, you tease. XD
jongnini #2
Byoleta : Thank you for commenting again ^^ I really appreciate it a lot . Your comments never fail to make me smile :) Thank you once again . I can never thank you enough ^^
Byoleta #3
Oh my god.. Excuse me, I have to swallow a great limb in my throat. Because damn, you really got me there with those meaningful words and the teasing, the fun, the laughter, the pain and everything written so well and neatly. It's so good. <3
Byoleta #4
Wow. *gasp* That was beautiful. Omo, so good! <3 I want more, MORE!
It was really good! Well and beatifully written! :)