Not A Laughing Matter


If there was a day that was perfect, it was today, bright sunshine meant that short sleeves were ok for the officers to wear, skirts were also an option for the female officers if they wanted to keep cool. Even though she was on patrol and she knew it would be a long day where she was forever distracted by the thought of a cold shower and an equally cold drink, Kim Seolhyun was determined to be happy and do her work diligently. An hour passed before she was stopped by a pedestrian worried about a gang of teenagers hanging around inside her restaurant and causing a ruckus. Following the woman, who looked like her own grandmother, over the road to the premises, she saw the group look at her and run out of the building. Making sure they left the area completely, she was surprised by the old lady hugging her in thanks. Smiling and reassuring the woman, she walked away and continued her beat.

*radio activation noise, voice comes in clearly*

"All available officers converge on a possible homicide in the Jung District, 287 Dongho-ro, Grand Ambassador Seoul Hotel, suspect unknown, proceed with extreme caution"

Without thinking, Officer Kim pressed the button on her radio as she made her way to the location.

"This is Officer Kim, i'm on my way to the location now, approximately 10 minutes out, over"

Releasing the button, she was already going at a steady walking pace but she broke into a light jog, her determination to be the first on scene was the reason she was rushing now. A voice came over the radio, telling her that at least 3 other officers were en-route. She reached the building and rushed straight up to reception, introducing herself and asking what had happened in which room. Being led upstairs by management to a room opened by his keycard, the smell almost knocked her backwards. Thanking the man and assuring him she would take it from here, she unclipped both her tazer gun and her flashlight from her belt and cautiously checked the room and adjoining bathroom for any suspects.

Satisfied that the area was clear, she stood over the body and was in the process of starting her investigation when the door opened and she wheeled around, weapon in hand, ready to take down any possible perp. There was a panicked chuckle and she saw her colleague, Officer Jeon stood with his hands up in mock surrender.

"Jeez Kim, calm down, it's only me. The captain sent me to help with the investigation. God it stinks!"

She hated his lack of subtlety and his crass sense of humour but he made her smile when she was supposed to be so serious, it was nice.

"Sorry Jeon, I thought you were the perp, looks like a staged suicide. Male, mid 30's found hanging from the staircase banister by the hotel staff. No signs of forced entry or exit, all windows locked from the inside, only the staff and the victim have a key for the room. All staff members have been questioned and nobody saw anybody besides the victim enter or exit. I think we're looking for someone the victim was familiar with, CCTV footage is on it's way to the station to be analyzed now."

Her voice was a little hoarse by the time she had finished talking but her partner had heard every word and was now cheking the body for wounds or identification. Seolhyun watched as he gently rolled the body to reveal a small pool of blood on the back of the man's shirt. Exchanging a puzzled glance with Seolhyun, Officer Jeon left to report their findings to the medical examiner waiting outside the room. He was back a few minutes later with word that they had apprehended a suspect.

"I'll get going back to the precinct Jeon, are you ok to wrap up here?", She stood up and looked from the body to her colleague, waiting for his awknowledgement but he was so engrossed in his work that she didn't see if he even gestured to her.

Leaving the building a few moments later, Seolhyun walked the short distant to the precinct, finding her desk quickly and logging what she had found at the crime scene. A voice came over the PA system, it was her boss, Captain Lee, he was a stern and efficient man, you could tell from his voice alone.

"Officer Kim to interrogation immediately"

Heading upstairs quickly, she passed several colleagues whom she bowed to in turn. Arriving at the interrogation room, she lightly tapped on the solid metal door, her knuckles smarting a little at the contact. A muffled voice called her inside and she turned the handle slowly, ducking inside the room. Sitting on the only free chair in the room, Seolhyun looked from Captain Lee to the suspect and glanced at the two-way mirror across from her. Captain Lee had started to ask the suspect where she was at the time the victim had been murdered, leaning across the desk as he always did in an attempt to intimidate her. Seolhyun was listening for her cue to talk but was mesmerized as she looked directly inot the woman's eyes, any words coming from Captain Lee were muffled like after you listen to music too loud through earphones.

"So you're adament that you didn't know the victim and you never entered his room at the hotel regardless of the fact that you were seen in his company in the lobby and the chatty receptionist told us your room was exactly opposite his, at your own request?, tell me Miss Shin, how could that be?"

Seolhyun watched intently as the suspect sat casually with arms folded, leaning back in her chair as if she wasn't a suspect in a murder case and she was free to come and go as she pleased. Not a single word passed through her lips as Captain Lee looked at Seolhyun and nudged her back to reality.


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