
Serendipity (Finding Me In You)
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Dad, I really don’t need a bodyguard...” Yifan sighed for the umpteenth time. He was having this conversation with his dad for the past two weeks but no matter how hard he tried, his dad never bothered to listen to his pleas.

“I know...I know...” his father acknowledged. “But you’re not understanding my situations Fan..”

“And what is your situation?” Yifan questioned, raising his eyebrow. He knew he was acting like a brat right now, but he couldn’t help it. He just didn’t want a bodyguard aka a babysitter for himself. He was 24 for god-sake! He could take care of himself.

“You know them Fan...” his father exhaled loudly, rubbing his temples. “You know the elections are coming up and it’s always a tense moment for all of us. You can never be sure you know...”

“But dad it’s got nothing to do with me!” He protested. “Why would anybody hurt me?”

“Because you’re our only son...” his mother interjected, making him heave in exasperation.

“But dad...”

“Yifan..!” boomed his mother, making the overgrown man flinch in fear.  “Do not argue with your father! You are going to get a bodyguard and it’s final. Do you understand?”

He nodded reluctantly and lowered his head. Even though he was a man of 24, hearing his mother calling him in a commanding tone, always made him cower. It’s not because he was afraid or anything, it’s just that his mother was very scary when she was angry. So, was better to back up rather than see that scary face and get nightmares for a week.

“Good!” his father beamed like a small child. “I’ll inform Sungyeol to send someone right away!”

He nodded again before leaving the room with a small sigh. He walked back to his room and called his pal Chanyeol to have a final night out because, from tomorrow onwards, he doubts whether he’d be even able to go to the toilet alone.


The next morning when Yifan woke up, he found that his head was hurting like hell.  He groaned and rolled over in his bed as his whole body started to ache. He really shouldn't have downed all those bottles of beer but curse Chanyeol for making him drink too much.

With a loud sigh, he got up from the bed and stumbled his way to the toilet to freshen up. He's pretty sure that his mom and dad had probably left by now, which means that only him and Mr. Lee are there in the house. He exhaled out of relief and did his usual morning routine before coming out.

When he stepped out, he suddenly felt chills running down his spine. It felt as if someone was watching him, observing his every move intently. He instantly turned around and spotted a figure that he has seen for the very first time.

The figure was small, petite with narrow shoulders. It looked male and this person was probably a foot smaller than him. He was almost bald and his eyes were really big. His lips were red, plump and closely resembled a heart. He was wearing a suit which somehow was dropping near the shoulders.  Probably because of the lack of shoulders, as he mentioned earlier.

Okay, leaving behind all this staring and completely ignoring the fact that this man was incredibly cute, Yifan made his way towards the smaller guy who was standing near the door, looking at him with a perplexed gaze, exactly copying his own expression.

“Who are you?” Yifan asked, standing in front of the smaller male. He noticed that he was indeed right about the height matter. This guy is truly a foot smaller than him. Makes him look cuter though, he thought as he looked at him.

The smaller man raised his head and looked him up and down before opening his mouth to speak. “Are you Mr. Wu Yifan?”

Yifan nodded completely ignoring his brain which was screaming because oh my god!! His voice is so deep and smooth like honey…oh my freaking god…ughh….

He cleared his thought to stop the screaming and focused on the current situation. “Who are you though?”

“I’m Do Kyungsoo, Mr. Wu.” Kyungsoo bowed as he introduced himself.  “And from today onwards, I’ll be serving as your personal bodyguard.”

Yifan’s eyes widened as the words registered in his head. This Kyungsoo guy was supposed to be his bodyguard? This guy, his bodyguard? HIS BODYGUARD?!! Wait what?! How in the world is this possible? This guy is...shorter than him and he is petite and his baldhead and owlish eyes make him looks adorable and how in the world is this guy going to protect him when he’s the one in need of protection?

“Mr. Wu?” Kyungsoo called, breaking his chain of thoughts. He cleared his throat again as he looked down at the man and took a deep breath to calm his inner thoughts before he decided to speak.

“You are my bodyguard?”

“Yes, sir,” Kyungsoo replied, his face stoic.

“You are supposed to protect me?”

“Yes, I believe so.,” he answered, with his eyebrows raised.

Hearing his answer, Yifan couldn’t control his laughter. “You are going to protect me? Please don’t make me laugh…The joke’s gone on for too long…”. He breathed through his mouth as he tried his best to control his laughter.

Kyungsoo sighed seeing the reaction from the taller man. He rubbed his temples, contemplating whether he should really do this before he decided that he didn’t give a and they were already running late, plus this man really needed to learn a lesson.

“I’m sorry Mr. Wu. But I really have to do this..” Kyungsoo warned and before Yifan could ask what was exactly happening, he found himself flying in the air for a second before he came crashing down on the floor with a loud thud.

He howled in pain as his body collided with the floor. He felt like his back had just been broken into several pieces. He glared up at the man who was standing above him with the same blank expression though he could clearly see a hint of a smile on his lips.

“I’m sorry to break this news to you Mr. Wu..” Kyungsoo began as he kneeled down in front of him. “But if we don’t leave within 10 minutes, I’m pretty sure we are going to be late for your college.”

Then he got up from his position and left, completely ignoring a groaning Yifan on the floor.


“You really want me to believe that?” Chanyeol gaped as he heard the words, finding it extremely hard to believe.

“Yes,” Yifan grumbled. “He just came over and flipped me like I was a piece of paper.”

“Woah..” Chanyeol exclaimed in amazement. “I like him already! Where is he? When can I meet him?”

Yifan rolled his eyes at Chanyeol’s excitement. This fool, if he only knew how much his backside was hurting right now, he wouldn’t be so excited. He exhaled loudly to keep his cool and decided to focus on the lecture that was going on, even though most of it was flying through his head. He never really liked studying Law, but then again his parents wouldn’t have it any other way.

Another hour later, Yifan finally had the chance to step out of the hall. He yawned and scratched his head as he waddled his way through the crowded hallway before making his way towards the cafeteria to grab a lunch. He had left earlier this morning without having anything thanks to someone.

Speaking of someone…where is the little devil?

Yifan turned his head to look around for the smaller man but he was nowhere in sight. Where’d he go now?He wondered though he quickly pushed it away as he sighed out of relief. If the little devil was not here, then he was free as a bird. He grinned as he pushed his way through the line and ordered a lunch meal for himself and a pack of sandwich for Chanyeol.

When he was done, he returned back to the table only to find his happiness short-lived. Because Do Kyungsoo aka the little devil was sitting there and talking to Chanyeol about something whose entire face was red like a tomato.

With a groan, he took the seat beside Chanyeol and shoved the packet of sandwich in his direction. Without paying any attention towards the smaller male, he started filling his mouth with the food and thought how he could get rid of this little devil. He wouldn’t be able to fire him for sure, so how can he get rid of him.

And then it clicked.

If he can’t fire him, then he’s going to make him quit.


Yifan sat down on his desk as he started to scribble on the sheet of paper. He needs to think clearly. If he really wants to make the little devil quit, then he really needs to pull a big act. But what would make him quit? Just what would snap his patience in half and make him get up and leave?

He knows two things for sure.

He can’t win against him in any kind of physical fight. He doesn’t like being called small.

Therefore it leaves only one way for him and that is to annoy the out this little devil which will neither involve any kind of physical fight or will it have him being called small.

Hence, Mission getting the little devil removed: started.


Next morning when Yifan woke up, he was a man on a mission. He had searched through all the websites to look up for perfect ideas and had already arranged everything for his first mission of the day which is about to start any minute now.

He rushed through his morning routine and sat down on the bed, waiting for his victim to arrive. He waited with bated breath for the little devil to open the door and step inside. And as soon as he walked inside, the bucket on top of the door, filled with ice cold water poured all over him, immersing him in the cold liquid.

Yifan burst out into laughter as the smaller man gawked at him before taking out a handkerchief and wiping his face with it. He wheezed as the little devil tried to wipe the cold liquid off of him even though it was quite impossible with coat was almost drenched.

“That wasn’t a nice thing to do Mr. Wu..” Kyungsoo chastised the still laughing male as he tried to get rid of the ice cubes.

“Sorry not sorry” Yifan laughed as he got up from his bed and walked past him. “Looks like you won’t be able to follow me today..” Or ever! His mind happily supplied.

Kyungsoo groaned as he saw the taller male walk out of the room and down the stairs. Well, if the giant wants to play the hard way, then he would definitely comply with him. You brought this upon yourself Wu Yifan, Kyungsoo thought as he marched his way towards the giant’s wardrobe and opened it without any hesitation.

Yifan, on the other hand, grinned as he marched down the stairs and went to his car, speeding off towards his college without wasting any second. He can totally imagine the way the little devil would be fuming by now. He chuckled as he remembered how surprised he looked as the water poured all over him. God, he’s truly a genius, isn’t he? Looks like Do Kyungsoo isn’t going to last long, just like his previous bodyguards.

He kept smiling as he parked his car and got out of it. The world seems a little brighter today isn’t it? Ah...He’s so happy. He pulled his bag closer as he walked towards the library to collect some book. But as soon as he stepped near the building, his smile dropped. He could hardly believe what he was seeing. How in the world is this possible?

How is it possible for the little devil to be here?

He gawked at the smaller man as he approached and stopped in front of him. Kyungsoo’s expression was laced with anger and he was openly glaring at the taller male, making him cower a little. He looked down at the man and noticed that he was wearing a shirt which was strangely familiar to the one he owned.

Wait…that’s not a familiar shirt, that his own shirt! But how did he have it? Don’t tell him…It can’t be… DID DO KYUNGSOO RAID HIS CLOSET?

“How did you get here?!!” Yifan shrieked, pointing at the smaller man. “And why are you wearing my clothes?!”

Kyungsoo huffed as he ran a hand through his bald head. “I must remind you that our city has an excellent transportation system and as for the clothes Mr. Wu, I had no other options left. You drenched my clothes so I decided to borrow yours.”


“Now Mr. Wu, I would love to talk to you more but we are getting extremely late for your classes so, let’s hurry up alright?” Kyungsoo ordered, as he grabbed Yifan’s hand and started dragging him towards his classroom.

Yifan groaned as he let himself get dragged, completely ignoring the strange stares he was getting from the passersby. He may have lost his first mission but seeing the little devil dressed up in his shirt, made his heart thump. He wouldn’t admit it out loud, but Kyungsoo indeed looked cute like this. And did he mention how nice it felt to have his hand wrapped around his own?

Woah..woah..wait! What the heck is he thinking about? This is Do Kyungsoo! The little devil that flipped him in the air on their very first meeting!

Get a grip Wu Yifan! This is Do Kyungsoo for god sake!


Next morning when Yifan woke up, he was a man on a mission again. No, this time he wasn’t going to ruin Kyungsoo’s clothes because seeing him in own his own cloth once was enough. To be honest, he still couldn’t get over how cute the little devil looked and that’s why he wasn’t going to take another chance to make his heart a puddle of goo again.

Hence, he decided to message his pal Chanyeol and asked him to help him.


8:25 am

Bring me some clothes can u????


8:30 am



8:31 am

Cause I need it.

Just bring anything black.

And a snapback too.


8:32 am


I know what ur planning Wu.

Better stop before you get flipped again.


8:32 am

Btch, please!

Save me!

I’ll buy you nike..


8:35 am


Meet me in frnt of the toilet near canteen.

Yifan let out a sigh as he grabbed his backpack and headed downstairs. Kyungsoo had told him earlier that he’d be waiting downstairs cause he had something to discuss with his mother. Therefore he went straight to the car and waited for the little devil to arrive.

When he reached college, he instantly marched towards the canteen with Kyungsoo on tow. He could feel the glances the little devil was throwing towards him, probably wondering if he had any kinds of tricks up his sleeve, but Yifan decided to ignore it in favor of informing Chanyeol that he had arrived.

“Hey, lil.. ah I mean Kyungsoo..I’m going to the toilet..” Yifan said turning abruptly, making the smaller man bump into him.

Kyungsoo stepped back instantly and locked him with a questioning gaze. “So?”

“So..I want you to bring me some coffee alright?” Yifan ordered keeping his cool. If he could act normal, then he was pretty sure that Kyungsoo wouldn’t be able to see through his hoax.

Kyungsoo nodded cutely before making his way towards the canteen. Yifan watched him enter the place and as soon as he disappeared, Yifan dashed inside the toilet and spotted Chanyeol sitting over the counter and going through his phone.

“Give me the clothes now!” Yifan shouted, hastily removing his own clothing.

“Geez man..” Chanyeol grimaced as he handed the garments to the taller man. “You’re acting like you’re on a mission..”

“Of course I am!” Yifan retaliated. “Can’t you see I’m trying to make him quit?”

“And I don’t understand why you need to?” sighed Chanyeol. “Kyungsoo hyung seems like a good guy…and, to be honest, you do need protection.”

“From who?” questioned Yifan, as he pulled on the pants and buttoned them up.

“I don’t know about assassins and stuff” Chanyeol began, a playful smirk already making its way towards his lips. “But you do need protection from yourself.”

Yifan instantly glared at latter making him double over in laughter. “Do you want to die Park?”

“I don’t..” Chanyeol snickered. “But you might soon...Or now...”

“What do you mean?” Yifan asked, standing up straight and looking at the latter with a quizzical expression.

“Turn around.”

Yifan did as he was told and once he did, he regretted it instantly. Because as soon as he turned around, he was faced with a scowling Kyungsoo who was glaring at him. He looked like he was ready to flip Yifan again (and this time truly break his back). Yifan paled as the smaller man stepped towards him, his grip tightening around the coffee cup dangerously. With a shaky breath, Yifan did the next thing that came to his mind. He grabbed his bag, walked past Kyungsoo and started running as fast as his long legs could carry him.

Just save me this time god! I don’t want to be flipped again.

God didn’t listen to his prayer of course, but he wasn’t flipped in the air this time. Though currently, he was stuck in a chokehold and he was trying his best to stay alive. He shouldn’t have run. He should have just stayed there and acted normal, but curse his panicked brain for making him do this kind of actions.

“Kyun-g-s-oo..let g-g-o” Yifan croaked out as he repeatedly tapped the smaller man’s arm.

Kyungsoo must have felt pity for him because he let him go in an instant and instead made him sit down near a park bench. He placed the cup of now cold coffee beside him as he took off his jacket and put it beside him. On the other hand, Yifan panted as he tried to make up for the lost oxygen.

“Why were you running?” Kyungsoo asked after some time when he saw that Yifan had finally managed to catch his breath.

“I was scared,” Yifan replied, scowling a little. Why is this little devil behaving nicely with him all of a sudden? Is he going to hit him? Was he planning something?

“Of what?”


Kyungsoo sighed as he heard the answer. He then turned towards the taller male with the furrowed expression. “Look Mr. Wu…I know I may have come off as a scary person but I’m not…It just you rubbed me wrong that day…and I had to prove you that I could protect you..”

“So..yeah..I’m kinda sorry for flipping you…” Kyungsoo said looking down. “But it was your fault though..”

Yifan scratched his head before exhaling loudly. Of course, it was his fault somehow but still…okay if the little devil wants to make amends to make everything better, then he has to abide by it. Honestly, it was getting a little tiresome and pulling on these pranks was making him a little anxious too.

“Alright...I apologize too..” Yifan answered, giving the latter a small smile. “I’m sorry for judging your abilities.”

“It’s alright..” Kyungsoo shrugged. “But I gotta remind you one thing.”


“Stop pulling those pranks. It’s childish.” Kyungsoo chided, making the taller chuckle. “Plus you should know that I can’t quit, no matter how hard you try to make me.”

“Okay…” Yifan hummed. “But I have few conditions that you need to follow.”

“Like?” Kyungsoo inquired.

“First, you gotta stop calling me Mr. Wu…It sounds as if you’re calling my dad.” Yifan began. “Second, you have to stop wearing that suit.”

“But it’s my uniform!” Kyungsoo protested.

“No, it’s not,” Yifan announced. “Just stop wearing it alright? People are already giving us strange looks.”

“Okay..” grumbled Kyungsoo. “But since we’re talking about conditions, I have a few of myself.”


“First you have to call me hyung because I’m older than you,” Kyungsoo instructed as Yifan nodded his head to agree.

“And second, you gotta stop being an annoying big .” Kyungsoo deadpanned, making the taller laugh out loud.

“Okay..So is that all?” Yifan questioned, to which Kyungsoo answered with a nod.



Therefore after 3 days of long trials, Mission getting the little devil removed was finally aborted.


Kyungsoo hummed as he swirled his hips to the beat while turning over the pancakes. He’d been in the kitchen, making pancakes for his cousin Sehun when his favorite song Fly me to the moon by Frank Sinatra came up. He mouthed the lyrics as he placed the pancakes on the plate before turning around and asking – “Maple syrup or chocolate?”

“Strawberry…” Sehun shouted as he started singing along with the song.

“In other words, please be true~”

“In other words, in other words~”

“In other words, in other words~”

“In other words I love you~”

They both sang the ending line in unison before finally sitting down on the table and letting out a happy sigh. Sehun smiled at him cheekily as he grabbed the plate and started to dig in. He moaned as soon as he took the bite and showed thumbs up to portray that he was indeed enjoying the food.

“Sinatra never gets old..” Kyungsoo sighed happily as he poured some coffee for the younger man.

“I know right..” Sehun hummed. “By the way..You look happy…It’s been long since I’ve seen you like this hyung…”

“Do I?” Kyungsoo wondered aloud, although a small smile steadily crept up his lips.

“Yeah..” the younger agreed while chewing his food. “You look like you’re in love or something..”

“Now you’re going far Sehunnie..” Kyungsoo warned narrowing his eyes although his smile gave him away.

Well, Kyungsoo admits that he feels happier these days. Though he doesn’t agree with Sehun on the matter about love, but he agrees that he feels good.  I mean it’s good to feel good right? He thinks as he serves himself a plate and sits in front of Sehun who’s almost done with his food.

He smiles to himself as he chews the food. Who’s he lying to anyway? He knows why he is happy nowadays. He agrees that he is not in love, but…But he may have developed a tinny – tiny crush on the giant named Wu Yifan.

He knows that it’s unprofessional but don’t blame him. Blame that giant who’s the reason behind this entire nuisance. To be honest, Kyungsoo just wanted to do his job diligently and protect that giant oaf, but somehow along the way he had managed to fall into this pit of sunshine.

Okay, maybe he knows when it actually started.

It all started those 3 months ago when he tried to make peace with the giant and Yifan had agreed to it. It was mostly normal after that, I mean if someone considered not getting drenched by ice cold water, not having your shoes stuck with glue, not having your coffee mixed with spit is normal, then Kyungsoo was indeed living the good life.

Alright, that’s not considered normal but hey it was kind of exciting. Kyungsoo agrees that even after their so-called ‘peace’ treaty, Yifan had tried several tricks. Like one time he had glued Kyungsoo’s coat in the wall and he had to scrape it out for the cloth to be intact, though he had taken his revenge by flipping the giant. But that’s not the point here.

The point here is that Kyungsoo in some way had managed to fall in love with their banter.

He knows that he shouldn’t be harboring any kind of feelings like this for the taller man but he just couldn’t help it. Yifan is tall and handsome and when he shows his gummy smile, Kyungsoo feels like his day has brightened up a little. It’s illogical, it’s stupid, but sometimes you truly can’t decide who you might fall in love with.

And for now, Kyungsoo might be in a little bit of love with Wu Yifan.


Yifan sighed for the umpteenth time as he scribbled over the paper. He had been going over this question set for an hour, but no matter how hard he t

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Chapter 1: I really love reading your stories it was so wonderful, this is my first reading krissoo and so touching. Actually I want to vote, but because I'm new in this AFF so I cant upvote yet.
Seumita #2
Chapter 1: If Say you won't let go pulled tears then this story brought a smile.
ChesterXPc #3
Chapter 1: This is good! :D
Chapter 1: Its so diff to find a good krisoo fic but one was really good. I loved it♡♡♡
diyozzi #5
Chapter 1: My Krisoo babies~
gemgyu407 #6
Chapter 1: So goodㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 1: Sequel pls author-nim omggggg
Chapter 1: Yay I completed reading it.. Its beautiful and yeah I enjoyed reading it !!!!
The description is so cute. I can't stop myself to read this :)
I found my long lost Krisoo ship through your story~~♥