Day 23: A picture of a k-pop idol who you think is underrated

30 day kpop challenge

This might because I am bias but I honestly think Yesung is underrated. I feel like he doesn't get noticed enough for how talented he is and how sweet and nice he is. Everyone just says he is weird or odd or whatever (not that those things aren't true lol) but I feel like he deverse more respect not respect but more noticableness idk! Not like let's put him in the center of attention no I just think he deverse just as much attention as the rest of them. He may not be the best looking but he is to me :) and he has this beautiful voice I think he deverse more than just a few things of oh yaya yesung! Woohoo! :) But then again maybe he doesn't really care about it but I just feel that he should have more attention instead of oh yeah you sang goodbye push him off to the side type thing. I love all kpop artists (okay not all but most!) and i respect them all so don't think I am hatting on the rest or calling them jerks because I am not meaning that way I promise! :D

he is just so adorable :) I love him! showing his true self such a Yesung moment :) even when he is y i still see that adorable guy :) lol

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Another one LOL XD