Day 16: Your favorite k-pop lyric (and a translation)

30 day kpop challenge
I love Andante by Super Junior :) it's the most emotional song i've ever listen to or one of them that is. :)
Starting from the first day that it rained
Till the last soaked day
The darkness of the long tunnel
In my dream, it soaks up slowly

* No matter how much I turn back your memory
Those words, I cannot avoid
At the end of separation,
I turn back, I turn back

** Slowly, slowly, the stacked up emotions
Slowly, slowly, the gathered memories
I will slowly, slowly forget them

In this dream that I've gotten used to
Carefully, carefully, I'll prepare for separation

I can't even change your heart in my dream

When will I be able to forget you
When I open my eyes, it's already Thursdays and again, Tuesday

Now even time is passing quickly
When I want to keep you in a little bit more

No matter how much I turn back the memory of that day
That place, I cannot avoid
In front of your house,
I turn around, I turn around

Slowly, slowly, the approached moment of separation
Slowly, slowly, your further distanced heart
I will slowly, slowly, start to believe it

I try to endure through it
But I can't help it-
It builds up coldly, in front of my eyes
My tears gradually well up, slowly

* repeat

** repeat

Someday, I will slowly, slowly forget them

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Another one LOL XD