All we have is now


It's the pure love that is important~

Just something I worte for like 20min haha oneshot I guess?  
So hello guys:) Not sure if I'm doing this right but my first story here, I would appreciate any feedback so I know what to improve~ Hope you like it and enjoy! ^_^ 


That feeling when you have just finished the 1 hour run on the treadmill, that heart beating fast as the rib cage is like prison for it..You know that?

Because I do.

Sitting on the sand, between his arms, watching the sun slowly settling down. No talking. Just the sound of the waves crashing into one another.

Taehyung broke the silence as he laughed.

- Why?- I asked laughing with him.

- Just because. – short answer and a minute more silence.

- Because I'm enormously captured by your scent. Because I love the softness of your skin and how you snuggle into me, wanting more closeness. Because I would go days with just watching you smile, and nothing more. Because I'm scared if all of this isn't a dream and you will disappear in one flash. But I've learned to live for the moment. – he said pulling me closer. – Because we still don't have tomorrow, all we have is now. You gave me a warm welcome in your small world and I would gladly fill it with hope and happiness. You gave me piece of your mind and I will make sure every one of your dreams could become reality.

He stopped as if to take a breath but I noticed how his eyes started to shine from the tears trying hard not to fall. Then he continued with quiet voice. His breath tickled me.

- I can't explain it. I just love you. Gently. Beautiful. Sincere. Strong. I love as I know. No one can touch my love for you because I keep it deep. Deep as the ocean.

I turned around to face him. Now my eyes full of tears only looked at him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I leaned to kiss him. The moment our lips met I knew it wasn't from these 'ordinary' kisses.


This one was filled with fear of losing me, jealously – even from the sand that was under us now. But most of all it was filled with that love that comes like a mad beast and tears you to the ground. The love after which remain only ruins.

But I like it. As long as he is with me. 


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