'Everybody hates you'

We'll never be friends.

The rest of the week dragged on slowly for all 12 boys, and already they were receiving assignments and work to complete.

'It's ridiculous, I've already got 5 assignments I need to complete by the end of next week' Jongdae moaned on Friday whilst the six friends were all eating their lunch.

'Me too' Minseok replied in frustration. 'We all need to do something tonight to celebrate the survival of the first week back, how about a movie night at Sehun's?'

'I'm so up for that, as long as we can invite Luhan and his friends aswell'. 

The boys all look up in despair at Sehun, knowing full well that his request would never be fulfilled.

Chanyeol frowned and replied 'Sehun I've told you multiple times, if i have to hang out with Baekhyun for ing hours on end I will physically  murder him. Go and take your puppy love elsewhere, you know what they're all like, I honestly don't know what you see in Luhan, it's a shame you're gay because any girl would date you.'

Sehun had enough of his bull and stormed out, being sure to give a signal to Kyungsoo which the latter understood as meaning 'persuade the knobhead'.

'Chanyeol, I seriously think you need to get over yourself, look at you, surely you've had enough of all this fighting?' Kyungsoo sated, pointing at Chanyeol's face and body.

Sure enough, the taller male looked completely battered. A black eye (that was created thanks to Baekhyun whacking him in the face with a book), cuts from his cheeks to his chest, bruises up and down his arms, and red, scabbed knuckles. 

'Whatever, do whatever the you want. I'm not coming.' And with that, Chanyeol stormed off too, leaving the four remaining boys to look at each in confusion.

'Well ' Tao comments and the others agree.


Baekhyun's perspective

'hmmm... that strange, Chanyeol and I haven't had a fight today' Baekhyun says to his friends during lunch. 'I wonder where he's got to, probably scared that I'll him up again'. Laughing, he turns to see Kyungsoo awkwardly heading to their table.

'Umm hi guys sorry to disturb you, I was just wondering if any of you would want to come round Sehun's house later for a movie night?' Upon seeing Baekhyun's darkened expression, Kyungsoo adds 'oh, don't worry, Chanyeol isn't coming.'

Jongin, on the other hand, immediately spoke up and agreed that they would all be coming. He smiled warmly at Kyungsoo, making the latter's face turn red again, and after taking a slight bow he walked off to attend his last lesson. 

Baekhyun silently celebrated the end of the first week of term as he began to walk out of the school. Just as he was approaching the school bus however, he saw it drive off in front of his eyes.

'' he muttered. In defeat, the boy started slowly strolling home as it was only about a 30 minute walk from the school. He placed his earphones in his ears, blasting music out and humming along to the words:

Whispered something in your ear
It was a erted thing to say
But I said it anyway
Made you smile and look away

Nothing's gonna hurt you baby
As long as you're with me, you'll be just fine
Nothing's gonna hurt you baby
Nothing's gonna take you from my side  

Smiling to himself, Baekhyun did not realise that somebody had been following him.


Chanyeol's perspective

They always have to try and make it right, it's never going to end well, chanyeol thinks to himself as he slams his locker shut and walks out of the building. The anger brewing inside him over his friends choosing Baekhyun and his 'squad' over him make him even more frustrated at the boy who was the reason behind his getting angry.

Choosing to just head home and chill for the night, Chanyeol takes the longer route to get to his house as he figures he needs to take some time to get some fresh air. 

As he starts walking down a particular road, the boy notices a shorter male who seems to be bobbing his head and doing small skips down the path. Baekhyun...perfect.

With a slight smirk, Chanyeol decides to sneak up behind the brunette and unleash the anger within him.

As he was just about to do this, he notices Baekhyun stripping off his jumper and tying it around his waist before reaching into his bag and grabbing a water bottle. He lifts his head up so his adam's apple becomes prominant, and takes a large gulp of water, his lips and carrying on walking.

Chanyeol decides to make his move. Pulling out an earphone from Baekhyun's ear and hearing a small gasp, he leans in towards Baekhyun and whispers seductively, 'if only it weren't you, or I would've found that hot.'

He hurriedly pushes the older down a random alleyway and forces him up against the wall, the tight space enclosing them in. 

Baekhyun immediately tries to push the boy off him, and attempts to bite the latters arm in an attempt to free himself. Glaring up at Chanyeol, he knees the boy in private areas. Laughing at the sight of the taller male groaning and falling to the floor, he starts walking off. Unbeknownst to him however, Chanyeol sticks his leg out and Baekhyun suddenly trips and falls on top of his enemy.

Not wanting to look like the weaker person, Baekhyun continues to straddle the other and starts landing punches all over his face. Seeing Chanyeol's smug face turn into pain and anger makes Baekhyun satisfied that he can bring this side out of the other, he feels powerful and in control of the younger.

Suddenly Chanyeol decides to force himself up and quickly shoves Baekhyun off him, until they are both standing up at looking each other with increased tension. 

Chanyeol decides to make the first move and slowly paces up to the other male, cracking his knuckles and rolling up his sleeves. Before he is able to land a punch on that frustratingly perfect face, he hears Baekhyun say something.

'I didn't realise you were so obsessed with me Park. Everyone hates you now. You aren't worthy of love, you should've noticed that years ago. Run off to your non-existent friends you pathetic excuse for a human.'

As if he saw red, Chanyeol suddenly leaps forward and his fist collides powerfully with Baekhyun's left cheek, making the latter stumble backwards and lose his balance. 

Time stood still. Chanyeol could see Baekhyun slowly fall to the ground, not having time to move the sharp pipe that was sticking out of the floor. He closed his eyes, knowing the inevitable. 


Jongdae's perspective

*ring* *ring*

Jongdae: Hello?

Chanyeol: , Jongdae hurry and come to the alley near your house, Baekhyun is bleeding. Badly. I didn't think it would be this bad, but he won't stop, oh my god ididntwantittogothisbadlyidontwanthimtodieidontwantotgotoprisonpleasehelp

Jongdae: Calm down , we're coming


Chanyeol's perspective

'Nononono I can't lose you. I didn't mean for this to happen. I'm so sorry' Chanyeol cries as he rests Baekhyun's unconscious body onto his lap. He hears calls of his name coming from the end of the alley and waves his arm to show his friends where he was located.

Sehun, Luhan, Jongin and Zitao run up the path and take a look at the bloody mess on the ground.

Chanyeol had huge bite marks on his arms, and his face was completely swollen from the recent bashing that had occured.

Baekhyun, on the other hand, looked far worse. His left cheek was completely red and sore, but that wasn't what stood out the most. His left arm had acquired a deep, long gash that had been lacerated by the sharp metal bar to the side of the path as he fall to the ground. 

Sehun, Jongin and Zitao hurriedly picked him up and started carrying him back to Sehun's house. Chanyeol was completely motionless. 

Luhan walked up to the taller male and rested his hand on the latter's shoulder.

'It will be fine. It's just a nasty cut, come back and help us sort him out, that's the least you could do.'

Chanyeol slowly nodded his head and rose from the pavement he had been sitting on. Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought about what he had done. He never used to be this violent, yet nowadays his mind would be engulfed in aggression and anger, never subsiding and slowly getting worse.

Arriving at Sehun's house, Chanyeol cannot find the whereabouts of Baekhyun, but he guesses that the 10 bodies are blocking his way through to the injured boy.

He observes Junmyeon walking through the boys with first aid equiptment.

Sehun walks over to Chanyeol and asks him what exactly happened between them

'I'm so sorry. I was just so angry with everybody, and then I saw him and thought he would be an easy target to release my frustration, I was only going to punch him a few times but he started aggravating me. All I did was push him, I didn't even notice the pipe was there, will he be okay?' Chanyeol exclaims quickly.

'He'll be fine, Junmyeon is just going to stitch him up. Now will you ing stop fighting eac other? Or will this continue until one of you actually gets killed?'

Chanyeol lowers his head and apologizes once more, agreeing that he would not attempt to fight Baekhyun again.

After a while, Baekhyun starts to wake up and looks around in confusion as to why he was on a sofa surrounded by 11 worried faces.

'You passed out because you were in shock, are you okay?' Yixing asks with concern painted across his face.

Baekhyun replies and assures everybody that he is alright. 

'Right, this was a ing way to start the evening. Chanyeol stop looking like you've just killed somebody, and you're here now so you might as well stay. Let's watch a film, I'm ing bored of all these long faces' Jongdae remarks with a glare at Chanyeol.

'Baekhyun do you think you can sit up? I'll get you both some ice for your faces.' Kyungsoo says and walks into the kitchen.

Baekhyun slowly sits up and takes a look at the person who had caused this. Chanyeol had been staring at him ever since he had woken up, and it was starting to get on his nerves.

'Who's the one staring now, hoe' Baekhyun says weakly with a small smile on his face.

Although Chanyeol looked as if he were offended by this statement, he was internally relieved to see that Baekhyun didn't seem too affected by their fight.



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Chapter 2: Damn they play rough.
Chanbaek_love_ #3
Sure they will not be friends bc they will be lovers