Chapter 3

Lonely Love
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Baekhyun didn't came to school the next day and Nari didn't too. Although you knew he had spent the night over at her house, you just didn't want to accept the truth. It's funny, but you were being a little petty about it. After all, he was supposed to be with you instead.

You didn't even bother to give Baekhyun a call because it was none of your business.

Nari quarrelling with her mom was none of your business although tentatively speaking, she's your friend too. But you really don't know how to face her. Your life is already in such a huge mess and you really didn't have the time to care about her mess too.

She might have figured your lack of attention on her but you really can't do much about it.

Yixing had offered to drive you home but you rejected him kindly. He told you that it won't be much of a trouble but you just wanted to be alone.

You wanted some time to think.

You make your way to the gate and saw a huge group of female students gathering at the side while squealing excitedly. Thinking that they must have saw someone handsome, you shrug and walk off. The school's guard, immediately came over and shoo the students away. You gasped when the crowd disperse, revealing a frustrated Baekhyun who was leaning himself against the wall.

You could see him frowning from all the squealing just now but that was until, he saw you.

A smile lit up on his face and you were no longer upset anymore even though you were crying for hours last night. You walk over to him and he instantly grab the books that you were carrying from you.

"What's wrong? You okay?"

"I was with Nari last night." You knew it. He didn't really have to say it out. "We overslept. Actually no, I didn't even sleep much last night."

You could see the tired look on his face and you quickly held your hands out, telling him to return you your books.

"I'm fine. It's never tiring when it comes to you." He answered and you had to bite your lips to refrain yourself from smiling. See, you wanted to hate him so much for leaving suddenly last night, but you can't. He always has his way to make you forgive him.

"Wanna go get some ice cream?" You look up and saw him pointing at the ice cream cafe opposite the route. You beam and followed him in.

"The same? Or are you feeling something else today?"

You smile, "I'm feeling blueberry cheesecake today. How about you?"

"The usual." He smiled back, making his way to the counter to get the ice cream. You quickly grab his hand before he pull out the black card from his wallet. "I'll pay instead, Baek."

"Have I ever made you pay when you are out with me?" He then move on to answer his own question which you find it really adorable, "No? So, don't bother. Go find a seat and wait for me."

You nodded and listened to him. Baekhyun came shortly with your ice cream and the unhappy thoughts you have from last night was instantly gone. The two of you ate in silence until you decided that you needed to talk to him

"How's Nari?"

Baekhyun sigh, not wanting to show that he was distress with whatever that has happened last night. "She's fine. Her parents found out about us together."

"Oh." You mumbled softly. Nari's parents were very strict when it comes to their daughter. She's actually not allowed to date until she turns 21 and her parents finding out that she's currently dating when she's only 18, must have caused quite a huge chaos. "What happened then?"

"I had to spent hours finding her, comforting her and explaining it to her parents."

"Did they approve?"

Baekhyun hum, "I guess so, they told me that they will only accept me unless I prove to them that I'm sincere about their daughter. They even have the reputation that I'm not the type to think about my future too. So, I'm trying."

"Did you tell them who you are?"

Baekhyun shrug, "Not really. All I did was explaining to them that I was serious about this relationship. Nothing else matter then."

Baekhyun is actually the future heir of his father's company, Byun Corporation. His friends are all future heirs as well and honestly, Nari's parents shouldn't worry too much especially when their daughter's boyfriend is going to be a successful CEO in the future.

"You don't have to worry about it." You comforted, "I'm sure they will understand sooner or later. You are Byun Baekhyun, prove to them that you are serious about dating their daughter and give them a punch in their face when you take over the company by being a successful CEO."

"A punch in their face?" Baekhyun finally laughs, "Are you serious?"

"I am! You can finally use your Hapkido skills! Your mom really made a right choice back then!"

"You are right. She did."

Baekhyun has always been learning Hapkido ever since he was a kid. You remembered watching him practice and going into competitions two years back. Right now, he's a full black belt and has been receiving calls from different training centre to invite him to teach their students.

However, he turn down all their offers, telling them that he's not interested.

You suddenly recalled all the little details of Baekhyun attending his Hapkido lessons when

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I'm working on a new chapter. If everything goes smoothly, i should be able to update another chapter by Sunday~


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Chapter 17: hope you come back to this one day
Chapter 17: Is this the end!?
hi, you probably won't read this but your story is AMAZING!!! i just love it so much i cannot stop rereading it! thank you for writing this :)
Chapter 17: Yes! Finally!!! They are together.
Baekhyun and Hana could talk about their feelings and worries. They are cute

Take care!
1892 streak #5
Chapter 17: this was such a sweet chapter!! thank you so much for updating <3
Chapter 17: as much as i want them to be together, i think its not fair for hana for what she had been through. It would be nice to see baekhyun’s effort on winning hana’s heart. Huhu fighting author nim! Thank you for updating
BubuBaek_Na94 #7
Chapter 17: Finalllylyy!!!! I was waiting for so long!!!!
Chapter 16: OMG yassss finally!!! Please be happy together! And don't hurt again Baek. And Baek's words about his heart will stop beating was sooooo cheesy. LMFAO
Chapter 15: I know it hurts a lot. But I want Baek and Hana. Please stay by her side Baek. Do your best to win her back.
Chapter 17: Thank you for making them finally be together and enjoy their love! They have been through a lot. Life is too short to waste time. When you find the love of your life, you just want to love him/her forever. Baekhyunnie is so cute! He will treat her like a princess as always :3