Repetition Of Control+C, Control+V

Smile With Me

Jimin looks at the mirror. He sees the boring, dark face he sees every morning. He sees the same day, same sun, same moon. Everything is the same thing. Nothing is changing, which Jimin wants. He wants to get better at impossible as it seems, he still vowed to himself.

He feels a wave of boredom chasing down.

He has a few hours of freedom. Jimin finds himself texting in J-Hope's number instead of practicing.

                                    Hoseok                                     Chimin

Hello. This is_

His fingers linger over the keyboard.

Hello. This is Chimin.

Perfect. He's an absolute faker again. 

He tosses his phone away, only for a small ping! to be heard. Jimin picked it up. Of course it was J-Hope.


What're you doing, kid?

Have you been eating well?

I'm quite far from a kid, FYI.

Really? Because you don't look like one. 

Its because I'm short, isn't it?

Nah, I  know someone short as you. 

It's just that you're really cute.

And you act really childish.

I'm not acting childish. I'm mature.


How old are you?


Cool, I'm 27.

Jimin had no idea why he was opening up to this stranger. I shouldn't even have texted him in the first place.

You've been eating well, right?

If you don't, you could just come over to my house.

I have plenty.

No thanks. I just don't eat a lot.

Don't starve yourself, k?

Food is very important for the body.

I know.

Then why did you eat so little?

I already ate a snack before.

Oh. Eat a little more if you're still hungry.


You're leaving?

Yeah. You can say I'm a busy person.

Oh. OK. 



Maybe today can be an exception. Some things can change.. he does seem nice after all...

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