Chapter 1




I don't want to deal with this annoying customer again, but unfortunately he's here again. 

"I SAID!" he yells, freightening the whole line behind him. "I WANTED A MOCHA-CHOCHA-LATTE WITH CARAMELL WHIPPED CREAM AND CASHEW NUTS!"

I hold in the tigtest burst of anger I possibly can. He's holding up the cup, I squeeze my eyes shut...oh no,'s about to happen for the second time today.

Three....The cup goes above my head... Two. he removes the lid.... ONE! COFFEE-WATERFALL OVER MY HEAD!

I scream. Shizz! This crap is hot and making my hair sticky.

The grin on his face is enormous and before I can slap it off, he's falling back with laughter.

I can't do anything about this, because his dad owns this cafe and also owns the apartment building I live in. I have absaloutely no family connections, and have nowhere to go if I mess with this son of a !

Everyone in the cafe tries to defend me, hell- I think somebody just called the cops on him, but he's out the door laughing his off because he can get any trouble.

I take off my hat. I'm not gonna let this kid get away with this again. Does he think he can treat me like that?? Pftt! He's got another thing coming!

I'm sassy and I won't take his bull anymore! 

I pull up my highheeled leg over the counter and swing right over. A gleam in my eyes. Coffee pouring down my head.

I know why this brat hates me, and yeah, he thinks he has a legit reason. 

You see, what happened was his father gave me an apartment for free because he found me on the side of the street. After that, I was grateful to his father so I gave him a gift. I painted this big painting of his dog for him. 

When I went to give the painting, Mr Kim burst into tears. It just happened that his little doggy had died THAT DAY. He was so grateful, that he told me I was the only good he'd seen in a long time and he even said.."Why can't my own children be like you??"

Oh, did I forget to mention. The day I gave the painting, just happened to be the old mans birthday, and well, his own children hadn't thought to give him a birthday present. 

So when they saw how grateful he was to me, and how he was crying about how I gave him a present yet his own children didn't, they got REAL jealous.

So jealous in fact, that they have both hated my guts ever since.

Especially Jongin. LIttle brat. Yeah, I know he's a year older than me but he certainly don't act like it. Arggg....I hate him!

I'm out the door. My teeth gritted. I'm determined to find his sculpted figure and beat it until he resembles a lanky old man!

I see him down the road. He has a coffee in hand. I'm about to rush over to him until a see a surprising glow spread over his features. 

A girl comes out of a shop a moment later, and good-god! She is beautiful!

"Yoona-unnie!" he smiles. 

She wears a cute little scowl, one that I'm instantly envious of. Any other girl with that expression would look hideous.

I swear to god, that is the prettiest girl I have ever seen!

I forget for a moment that I'm meant to be mad at this brat. 

All I can see is this picture-perfect image of two beautiful people meeting eachother at the corner of the street.

The girl whispers something to him and he grins, a bit of a smrik. He grabs her by the neck and pulls her in for a brief moment, embracing her tightly.

She kisses his shoulder, and I realize that I'm watching something I'm not supposed to.

Kim Jongin? Didn't his father say he was meant to be in an arranged marriage in a few months? But this can't possibly be the girl, because I've never seen her before and I'm sure I would've just known.

Jongin and Mystery girl have another quick moment before  sharing a short, dangerous kiss...and then she's gone.

After she leaves, I notice his eyes shade darker. He looks miserable.

Finally though, now that she's gone I can give this a piece of my mind!

I storm over to him and extend my hand, about to slap him. His eyes widen and he grabs my arm quickly.

"Aaah!" I yelp.

He shakes me horribly and yells, "WHat did you just see?!"

My eyes widen.

"WHAT DID YOU SEE?!" he screams.

"I'm actually scared right now! You're scaring the lights out of me! Stop it!"

"How much do you want?!" he snickers, his breathing hoarse.

I'm confused. I tilt my head, wracking my brains until I realize what this all means.

"Wait..." I say, hiding a small mischievious smile that makes him glare wildly..."Is that not your future-arranged-wife?"

He blushes, looking humiliated and then I look down. "SHe's just down the street." I grin haughtily. "Maybe if I catch up with her, I can show her what you did to me," I say hastily.

Jongin grips my wrist so tightly, it hurts.

"How much do you want?!" he repeats coldly, "Don't think I won't black mail if I have to!"

"Black mail me? But I've got no secrets to keep!"

"I'll make you have secrets to keep!" he snickers. "I'll find a way to ruin you if you tell a soul!"

I laugh, "Give me some time," I wink, putting on my most irritatingly annoying aegyo voice. " oppa sad?" I pout and grab at his cheek.

"Is being a millionaires son not fixing it this time??" I mock.

He yells, "HOW MUCH-"

I hold up my hand to silence him, "Money can't solve anything." I grin, "Actually, it only creates more problems...and I'm gonna make you learn that the hard way..."

Shocked and threatened by my confidence, he releases me and I step back.

"I'm not gonna let you win, pretty boy."

I feel him staring at my back as I make my way back to the cafe. I have to wash this shizz off my face! Aish, I'm so excited. 

How am I going to haunt this little boy? Hehe

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